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What's the meaning of this sentence?


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I came across the following dialogue in a textbook

-- 在铁道那儿有一个大官被人杀死了. 不知道杀人的已经找到了没有?

-- 没有. 根本不知道是什么人杀的. 事前布值 的空前的周密.

I'm baffled by the last sentence: 事前布值的空前的周密. I have a vague idea that it says the murderer was careful ( because of the word 周密) but have no idea how other words play a role in this sentence. Also, the sentence looks incorrect grammatically. Could someone explain in details what is going on here? If there are typos, what would you change to make it correct?

BTW, this is from Intermediate Chinese Reader Part II by John DeFransis, page 1245.

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have no idea how other words play a role in this sentence. Also, the sentence looks incorrect grammatically. Could someone explain in details what is going on here? If there are typos, what would you change to make it correct?
Do you mean to say the typos are not introduced by yourself? (As I can't imagine John DeFransis would use this as teaching material)

The part that you were not sure of should be:


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Yes there are two 的 in the sentence in the book. I'm almost finished the Intermediate Chinese Reader and notice typos are very rare indeed. I'm using a book printed in 1967 so perhaps it could already be fixed in later printings.

I'm studying by myself so my grammar is very shaky. Thanks for the help.

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The 的 typo is acceptable. The 置 is more serious if I see it in a textbook.

By the way, the phrase 得空前地周密 is grammatically what they called a "complement of degree/ manner", and 空前地 works as an adverb.

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I'm still not sure if I get the translation correctly. Here is what I understand:

事前 = in advance

布值 = arrange

空前 = unprecedented

周密 = careful

So the sentence is: It was planned in advance with unprecedented thoroughness. Do I get it right?

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The corret form of this sentence should be 事前布置得空前的周密.布值 should be 布置.It may be a typo.As for de,there are three forms of 的,地,得 in chinese charaters.The general usage of them are as follows:

的 usually comes after a adjective to modify the followed noun.For example, 漂亮的花(beautiful flower).

地 is usually placed before a verb.For example,慢慢地走(walk slowly).

得 is usually placed after a verb to complement someting.For example, 他们玩得很高兴(They play happily).

For more information about their usage,click this link http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/27432098.html for details.

In fact, this sentence leaves out the subject 整个过程 and a character 被 which is used to passiveness,as is not allowed in English.So the complete form of this sentence is 事前整个过程被布置得空前的周密 which is easy for you to understand.

事前 which is used as the adverbial modifier means “prior to this event”.

布置(arrange) is verb.

空前的(unprecedented) is the adjective to modify 周密(carefulness).

The tanslation of this sentence is:

The entire process is arranged very carefully prior to this murder.

Reference.Hope to help you.

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The corret form of this sentence should be 事前布置得空前的周密.布值 should be 布置.It may be a typo.As for de,there are three forms of 的,地,得 in chinese charaters.The general usage of them are as follows:

的 usually comes after a adjective to modify the followed noun.For example, 漂亮的花(beautiful flower).

地 is usually placed before a verb.For example,慢慢地走(walk slowly).

得 is usually placed after a verb to complement someting.For example, 他们玩得很高兴(They play happily).

For more information about their usage,click this link http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/27432098.html for details.

In fact, this sentence leaves out the subject 整个过程 and a character 被 which is used to passiveness,as is not allowed in English.So the complete form of this sentence is 事前整个过程被布置得空前的周密 which is easy for you to understand.

事前 which is used as the adverbial modifier means “prior to this event”.

布置(arrange) is verb.

空前的(unprecedented) is the adjective to modify 周密(carefulness).

The tanslation of this sentence is:

The entire process is arranged very carefully prior to this murder.

Reference.Hope to help you.


What you've said sounds good, but you're wrong in your analysis. (But being both good and wrong at the same time is rather a dangerous thing, especially when you're trying to lead others. :D)

Think about the Chinese sentence again: 布置得空前的周密: the word "周密" here can't possibly be a noun, just as 好 in the following can never be one: 布置得很.

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Yes,HashiriKata,you are right.I/m really sorry for that. 空前的 should be 空前地 which is an averb modifying the adjective of 周密 working as a complement.(verb[adjective]+得+complement).It is really careless.Really sorry for that.I will be careful next time.

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