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First Episode 39 - 子夜, Midnight


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A part of the Grand First Episode Project -- See this thread for more info.

Emule - tudou

Been meaning to write a little something up about this one for several days. I happened to download it for no particular reason I can remember, and while I wouldn't say it's fantastic, it's kept me watching to the tenth episode, which for me is true commitment.

It's an adaptation of a novel by 矛盾, which I've never read. The first episode (tudou) has Shanghai's ranking military officer assassinated at the port, with his daughter 林佩瑶 and a returning businessman 吴荪甫 captured and held by the relevant revolutionaries. 林佩瑶 doesn't know her dad's dead though, whereas 吴荪甫 managed to lose a briefcase full of money in the confusion - but fear not, it's picked up by aspiring banker 赵伯韬 accidentally, and will reappear at a later date. Unlike 林佩瑶's dad, who is replaced by the corrupt 童强 - which is a headache for 赵伯韬, as he's relying on ties with the military to rebuild his family's business.

I wouldn't say this is flawless - some of the characters are definitely overplayed. But they tend to be relatively minor. 吴荪甫 and 林佩瑶 are consistently likable and the plot clips along without getting too tangled or daft. Worth an episode or two to see what you reckon.



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I thought the novel 子夜 was a great story. And given a lot of it is about parasitic subprime debt traders, it is also quite topical. Although of course in 子夜 the issuer of the subprime debt is the Kuomintang rather than ninja homebuyers.

It's an adaptation of a novel by 矛盾

Interesting story there. 矛盾 was indeed the author's chosen penname, but his friend 叶圣陶 (currently featured on the forums thanks to TCcookie's translation of his 古代英雄的石像) thought that the political climate of the time was too dangerous to use a penname that meant "contradiction", so he changed the name to 茅盾, which is how it has usually been given. Nice to see Roddy going back to the original name.

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Yep . . . I much prefer to use the original name . . . nothing to do with not noticing and excessive faith in Sougou pinyin . . . (sh)

I'm not sure how closely it follows the novel of the same novel - the credits say 根据茅盾小说《子夜》及三部手稿改编。 Got up to about episode 17 so far - we've got a silk factory up and running, revolutionaries robbing a bank, and an actress running around not falling in love with who she's meant to. I'm enjoying it, reckon I might even finish it.

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I found this OK.

I agree that 吴荪甫 and 林佩瑶 are both likable, but much of it was spent on 赵伯韬's troubles and that didn't really keep me interested.

Maybe I've watched too many 1930s Shanghai shows recently, but I don't think I'll finish this. I can see how it could be interesting, though.

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Actually I think this is that rarest of things - a story set in non-1930s Shanghai, it's actually set in the 20s. I've also been amusing myself the last few episodes by doing a free trade reinterpretation of history and seeing 吴荪甫 as the evil protectionist determined to keep rival products off the market, while 赵伯韬 fights for open markets and the right for the people to choose their own products.

You get more of 吴荪甫 and 林佩瑶 than the rest of them in later episodes. 吴荪甫 gets more complex - he's still the good guy, but he's got a nasty streak in him.

Anyway, I'm up to episode 20 and it's still watchable. It's the kind of thing I'll have playing in a window in the corner of my screen while I'm doing other stuff - doesn't get my full attention, but doesn't irritate me to the point of turning it off either.

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If anyone's thinking about watching this, they might like to know that at the end of episode 20 a new act starts, with the story jumping forward a few years and everyone bar 佩瑶 sprouting mustaches. So far it seems as if 赵波涛 is going to get his financial revenge, and 吴荪甫 (who long ago stopped being consistently likable) has gone back home to set up what sounds suspiciously like an industrial park.

I'd probably have ditched this by now if it wasn't for the shockingly slow download speeds I'm getting on 天龙八部。 But it isn't too bad.

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Finished this now. Up to episode 20 it's ok - not great, but watchable. After episode 20 the two male lead and his sidekick look like kids dressed up in dad's work clothes and it's hard to take seriously. From that point on it was a bit of a struggle, and if I hadn't already had it on my hard drive I doubt I'd have bothered. Not particularly recommended, but if you like the first episode then you'll probably like the next nineteen. After that you're on your own.

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