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Post a sample of your pronunciation here!


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Hi there!

My Chinese class is currently doing a project in which we are to record a dialogue and post the results here for feedback.

Any criticism/advice is greatly appreciated!

Zhāng Róng: Bái jiàoshòu, gōngzī de shì wǒ bù-qīngchu. Qǐng nín kàn yíxià....

Bái jiàoshòu: N. Xìn-shang shuō nǐ yìnián zhèng sìwàn bāqiānkuài qián. Yíge yuè zhèng sìqiānkuài qián. Bùbì fùshuì.

Zhāng Róng: Hǎo. Xièxie nín bāng wǒ máng.

Qǐngwèn, nín gōngzī duōshao?

Bái jiàoshòu: Ē...a....., bù-duō.


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huaxia, what tantech said is like a dialogue that sounds like "A:你看起來(not sure as it sounds like zhang ze)很累,歇歇吧。B:一會兒吃飯的時候你叫我一聲啊。B:好,好。“ His/her pronunciation is not good. 吃 sounds like ji/zhi.

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I just recorded my own sample for a class assignment, the sample on this post has many words that I haven't learn yet, so maybe i'll try it next time. well here is my sample, hope I can get some feedback on pronunciation.






Thoughts on a Still Night - Li bai 李白.mp3

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Does anyone else have trouble with the pronunciation of kuàng​quán​shuǐ​? I've posted my pronunciation. For some reason it just doesn't sound right.


you really don't have to worry. It sounds absolutely fine. :D But your 水 sounds ever-so-slightly like it's on the second tone. Maybe you could go a bit deeper so it sounds more like the third. Sorry, I'm just being really pedantic.


it sounds really good overall but if I was to be really picky...

sìwàn bāqiānkuài qián
the ba1 sounds a little like a ba4.

Xièxie nín bāng wǒ máng.
wo3 mang2sounds a bit like wo2 mang3. Just try to swap the tones around.

Qǐng nín kàn yíxià....
Nothing wrong with that...that was perfect! :D


Very impressive but I think you just need a little more work on the pronunciation of 思 and 乡. They kind of sound like "shi" and "shang" when they should be "si" and "xiang". Try not rolling your tongue as much.

Your second 明 in 举头望明月 sounded a bit different to your first one (the one you did in 床前明月光) which was perfect. :)

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Zhang Rong: 白教授,工资的事我不清楚。请您看一下。。。

白教授: N... 信上说你一年挣四万八千塊錢,一個月挣四千塊錢。 不必 賦税。

Zhang Rong: 好。 谢谢您帮我忙。请问,您工姿多少?

白教授: E... a..., 不多。

If anyone have time, I would like to hear some feedback on my sample =)

Thanks for your time.

Personal Finances Drill.mp3

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Hello everyone, just like some of the other posts above mine, I too am in the same Chinese class and picked the same dialog, though I only did half of it. Thanks for any suggestions.

Zhāng Róng: Bái jiàoshòu, gōngzī de shì wǒ bù-qīngchu. Qǐng nín kàn yíxià....

Bái jiàoshòu: N. Xìn-shang shuō nǐ yìnián zhèng sìwàn bāqiānkuài qián. Yíge yuè zhèng sìqiānkuài qián. Bùbì fùshuì.


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Hi I'm also in the Chinese class like many others who have posted up their pronunciation. I would really greatly appreciate every bit of feedback!!

*I don't have a microphone so the sound isn't great, and I also know that I accidentally mispronounced shuō.

Here is the dialogue I said:

Zhāng Róng: Bái jiàoshòu, gōngzī de shì wǒ bù-qīngchu. Qǐng nín kàn yíxià....

Bái jiàoshòu: N. Xìn-shang shuō nǐ yìnián zhèng sìwàn bāqiānkuài qián. Yíge yuè zhèng sìqiānkuài qián. Bùbì fùshuì.

Zhāng Róng: Hǎo. Xièxie nín bāng wǒ máng.

Qǐngwèn, nín gōngzī duōshao?

Bái jiàoshòu: Ē...a....., bù-duō.

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Shi Shilei-史詩蕾

Dajia hao!

I am participating in a class assignment. This is the most recent dialogue we had to perform in class. Please correct my tones!! I know they need a lot of work.

Xiexie nimen!


Zhāng Róng: Bái jiàoshòu, gōngzī de shì wǒ bù-qīngchu. Qǐng nín kàn yíxià....

Bái jiàoshòu: N. Xìn-shang shuō nǐ yìnián zhèng sìwàn bāqiānkuài qián. Yíge yuè zhèng sìqiānkuài qián. Bùbì fùshuì.

Zhāng Róng: Hǎo. Xièxie nín bāng wǒ máng.

Qǐngwèn, nín gōngzī duōshao?

Bái jiàoshòu: Ē...a....., bù-duō.

Ashley Streb - Shi Shilei 1.wav

Ashley Streb - Shi Shilei 2.wav

Ashley Streb - Shi Shilei 3.wav

Ashley Streb - Shi Shilei 4.wav

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This comes from our class's personal finances dialogue. The file was too large to fit the whole conversation, so I only said the first part.

Zhāng Róng: Bái jiàoshòu, gōngzī de shì wǒ bù-qīngchu. Qǐng nín kàn yíxià....

Bái jiàoshòu: N. Xìn-shang shuō nǐ yìnián zhèng sìwàn bāqiānkuài qián.

I appreciate any criticisms and advice for speaking more clearly.


Personal finances dialogue.wav

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I'm a Chinese Year I student from the same University as the previous students. It would be very helpful if someone looked over my pronunciation, thank you very much.

The dialog I have performed:

Zhāng Róng: Bái jiàoshòu, gōngzī de shì wǒ bù-qīngchu. Qǐng nín kàn yíxià....

Bái jiàoshòu: N. Xìn-shang shuō nǐ yìnián zhèng sìwàn bāqiānkuài qián. Yíge yuè zhèng sìqiānkuài qián. Bùbì fùshuì.

Zhāng Róng: Hǎo. Xièxie nín bāng wǒ máng.

Qǐngwèn, nín gōngzī duōshao?

Bái jiàoshòu: Ē...a....., bù-duō.

Ma Anshi 3-9 Dialogue.mp3

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