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Classical Chinese Text about a Pirate


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Hey! I am already sorry, if this is not the best forum for my question, but honestly I am getting a nervous breakdown if I won't translate these sentences. Before I start: I am German, and my English is not the best, but I will understand your answers!

So, this text I am translating (it is for a homework) is about a Ming Pirate called Wu Ping. The text is an excerpt of the Local Gazateer of Nan'ao, an island at the eastern coast of Guandong, and the copy from 1783 is really bad. I cannot read some characters and - that is the worst part - the text has no punctuation! The beginning is quite okay, it starts like " Wu Ping 吴平is a man from Zhaoan, he is little and clever. Once he was a slave, than he flew [...] ! So I will paste the part I do not understand now. And some Information I already have.

"平"集百餘艘踞"深澳"筑寨自守或言東界人欲導劫其營 "平" 怒欲分黨掠之方發舟适大遇大将 "戚继光" 探兵都司 "傅应嘉" 与战获二舟既又降其黨涂禮 "继光"令为導使 "应嘉" 从之由 "宰猪澳" 間道搗其穴 平 急乃以小艇渡陳塘殺兵夫奪其旗號衣甲遁出汤溪官兵迫者困卧道傍以为兵也平逐乗渔舟徑奔


"平" means Wu Ping

"深澳" a bay at Nan'ao Island

"戚继光" and "继光" Name of a Ming general

"傅应嘉" and "应嘉" Name of Ming general

"宰猪澳" a ba at Nan'ao island

there might be other place names in the text, like 東界人 - either it means something like " People of the eastern boundaries " of "people of Dongjie".

the first sentence i would translate: Ping collected more than hundred ships, occupied Shenao, built a camp and guarded it by himself... Am i right ?

I realy would appreciate your help! I will go to bed now ( it is two o'clock in the morning) and hope there will be many, many answers tomorrow!



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that is the worst part - the text has no punctuation!

Is it part of your homework to break the text into sentence?

I guess that the text below is the event you’re talking about.



征 抚

吴 平





Is it clear enough for you to understand your original text, or do you still need help?

the first sentence i would translate: Ping collected more than hundred ships, occupied Shenao, built a camp and guarded it by himself... Am i right ?


there might be other place names in the text, like 東界人 - either it means something like " People of the eastern boundaries " of "people of Dongjie".

There was such a proverb, that “欲知京中事,须问东里人(即:东界人)If you want to know things happen in the capital, you should ask people from Dongli.” Dongli (aka 上东村) is a village in Raoping county, Guangdong Province. Quite a lot of local people got to be an official from this village. But according to the contexts, 东界人 here means officials from the central government.



Edited by studentyoung
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Thank you guys for your help! I am truly grateful! Of course, I googled the topic before, but for me, as my reading skills in chinese aren't very good, I sometimes miss things that might help. By the way, are you chinese or are you foreigners with perfect chinese skills?

Is it part of your homework to break the text into sentence?

no, actually my homework was to write an essy about the island of Nan'ao during the Ming period, by searching original sources, translating them and interpret them. I have to translate word by word more or less and my prof will read it, so I cannot really skip parts of text I do not understand. And as I said before, the copy was a microfiche version of a 1783 print. I already assumed it misses some words. But I am always a little insecure when I translate something, especially if there is no punctuation, cause I don't know where I have to beginn, and where a sentence stops.

So the text and the link you have send me was a big help. It is much easier to translate a text if you have a clue whats written in it.

There was such a proverb, that “欲知京中事,须问东里人(即:东界人)If you want to know things happen in the capital, you should ask people from Dongli.” Dongli (aka 上东村) is a village in Raoping county, Guangdong Province.

Yeah, I read about Dongli before and I thougt about this as well!

I don't want to be rude, but I have another question, concerning one sentence of the Chouhai tubian 筹海图编 (1562) by Zheng Ruozeng. The following part I wanted to translate:

广福人以四方客货预藏于民家, 倭至售之, 倭人但有银置货, 不似西洋人载货而来换货而去也, 故中国欲知倭寇消息, 但令人往南澳, 饰为商人, 与之交易, 即廉得其来与不来, 与来数之多寡, 而一年之内, 事情无不知矣.

I guess it starts like: The People of Guangzhou and Fujian take the goods of the foreigners and store/hide them in the houses of the private people (sorry, my german translation sounds somehow better), when they sell the [the goods] to the Wo (Japanese), the Wo only have silver to pay, its different with the merchants from the west, the have loaded goods, come, exchange goods and go again. Because china wanted to know about the Wokou (japanese pirates), they made someone go to Nan'ao, pretend himself being a merchant and trade with them....

BUT THEN.... Someone ist honest??? someone comes and goes , the amount of the people which comes??? within one year, every matter is known....? I don't know how tu put it right!

wow, this is a long one...

So again, thank you! If you ever need help with German:D, just send me a message and I try my best, otherwise I do know a little about chinese archaeology...:wink:


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广福人以四方客货预藏于民家, 倭至售之, 倭人但有银置货, 不似西洋人载货而来换货而去也, 故中国欲知倭寇消息, 但令人往南澳, 饰为商人, 与之交易, 即廉得其来与不来, 与来数之多寡, 而一年之内, 事情无不知矣.

I guess it starts like: The People of Guangzhou and Fujian take the goods of the foreigners and store/hide them in the houses of the private people (sorry, my german translation sounds somehow better), when they sell the [the goods] to the Wo (Japanese), the Wo only have silver to pay, its different with the merchants from the west, the have loaded goods, come, exchange goods and go again. Because china wanted to know about the Wokou (japanese pirates), they made someone go to Nan'ao, pretend himself being a merchant and trade with them....

BUT THEN.... Someone ist honest??? someone comes and goes , the amount of the people which comes??? within one year, every matter is known....? I don't know how tu put it right!


广福人:People from Guangdong and Fujian

四方客货: goods (made or got) from everywhere

预藏于民家: stored in common people’s houses

People from Guangdong and Fujian stored goods from everywhere in commom people's house.


So, if Chinese government wanted to know Wokou (Japanese Pirates)’s situation


廉 here doesn’t mean “honest”, but a verb, which means “inquire or investigate ”

and then can investigate whether they (Japanese pirates) come or not, and how many will come.

If you ever need help with German:D just send me a message and I try my best,

Thank you so much in advance! :)

otherwise I do know a little about chinese archaeology...:wink:

Like Johan Gunnar Andersson, I guess? Hehe. :wink:


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