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First Episode 55: 惡作劇之吻 (It started with a kiss)


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A part of the Grand First Episode Project -- See this thread for more info.

It started with a kiss. In a Taiwanese high school.

Language difficulty level: Intermediate

Wikipedia - Summary

Emule rmvb1 rmvb2 avi - youku - youtube - Dailymotion (English subs)

This is another show about Taiwanese high-school romance, based on a successful Japanese manga. In short, a girl falls in love with Mr. Perfect, but he doesn't like her, and she becomes the butt of all jokes before a natural disaster forces her and her father to move into Mr. Perfect's house.

On a positive note, this is not too complex. It stars Ariel Lin, Jiro Wang and Joe Cheng, which is quite a star-studded cast. It is much better IMHO than the previous Taiwanese love shows, and it has more genuinely funny moments and fewer "OMG this is so daft" funny moments. There are english subtitles available and it's easy to get. Ariel looks much cuter here than in the latest 射雕.

That said, it's still a Taiwanese schoolgirl show, so I won't be watching it. Somebody please name a good Taiwanese show that isn't about schoolgirls dreaming about boys.

Here is the detailed vocab list, traditional followed by simplified. Once again, this has everything in it, so the vocab list is suitable even for total beginners. The level is basically lower intermediate, but there are a few trickier parts (the math class, for example).

緊張 紧张 jǐn zhāng * nervous / keyed up / intense

期待 期待 qī dài * to look forward to / to await / expectation

脑海 nǎohǎi * mind

幻想 幻想 huàn xiǎng * delusion / fantasy

各種 各种 gè zhǒng * every kind of / all kinds of / various kinds

答案 答案 dá àn * answer / solution

結果 结果 jié guǒ * outcome / result / conclusion

飛機 飞机 fei ji * airplane

天空 天空 tiān kōng * sky

遙 遥 yáo * distant / remote / far

上昇 上升 shàng shēng * to rise / to go up / to ascend

氣流 气流 qì liú * stream of air / airflow / slipstream

造成 造成 zào chéng * to bring about / to create / to cause

亂流 乱流 luàn liú * (auto) dirty air (???)

現象 现象 xiàn xiàng * appearance / phenomenon

人生 人生 rén shēng * life

難道 难道 nán dào * don't tell me ... / could it be that...?

奇怪 奇怪 qí guài * strange / odd

同學 同学 tóng xué * (fellow) classmate

腦袋 脑袋 nǎo dài * head / skull / brains

脑袋瓜 = see above

損 损 sǔn * to hurt / to damage

口德 kǒudé * restraint in speech

情書 情书 qíng shū * love letter

金牌 金牌 jin1 pai2 * gold medal

帥 帅 shuài * handsome / graceful / smart

拉開 拉开 lā kāi * to pull open / to pull apart / to space out

焉 焉 yān * where / how

車禍 车祸 chē huò * traffic accident / car crash

到處 到处 dào chù * in all places / everywhere

豬頭 猪头 zhū tóu * pig head

廣場 广场 guǎng chǎng * a public square (e.g. Tiananmen Square) / plaza

好不容易 好不容易 hǎo bù róng yì * very difficult / after all the trouble

下定决心 xiàdìnɡ juéxīn * to make up one's mind / to be determined

伸 伸 shēn * to stretch / to extend (e.g. an arm)

書包 书包 shū bāo * schoolbag / satchel

摸 摸 mō * to feel with the hand / to touch / to stroke摸 摸 mó * imitate / copy

羞辱 羞辱 xiū rǔ * to baffle / to humiliate / shame

流轉 流转 liúzhuǎn * wander about / circulate

笑話 笑话 xiào huà * joke / jest

慘 惨 cǎn * miserable / wretched / cruel

封 封 fēng * measure word for letters

永遠 永远 yǒng yuǎn * forever / eternal

亂說 乱说 luàn shuō * to make irresponsible remarks

拒絕 拒绝 jù jué * to refuse / to decline / to reject

書呆子 书呆子 shū dāi zi * pedant / bookish fool

註冊 注册 zhù cè * to register

顏色 颜色 yán sè * color

瞧 瞧 qiáo * look at

鬧 闹 nào * to cause a commotion / to make noise / noisy / cacophonous /

長得 长得 zhǎng de * looks

隨便 随便 suí biàn * as one wishes / as one pleases / willful

當 当 dāng * to be / to act as

死心 死心 sǐ xīn * to give up / to admit failure / to drop the matter

超級 超级 chāo jí * transcending / high grade / super-

天才 天才 tiān cái * talent / gift / genius

依 依 yī * according to / depend on / near to

能力 能力 néng lì * capability / capable / able

任務 任务 rèn wu * mission / assignment / task

訓練 训练 xùn liàn * to train / to drill / training

極為 极为 jí wéi * extremely / exceedingly

興奮 兴奋 xīng fèn * excited / excitement

風光 风光 fēng guāng * a natural scenic view

風氣 风气 fēng qì * general mood / atmosphere / common practice

鼎盛 鼎盛 dǐng shèng * flourishing / at its peak / a golden age

讀書 读书 dú shū * study / read

優良 优良 yōu liáng * fine / good

學府 学府 xué fǔ * educational establishment

厲害 厉害 lì hai * difficult to deal with / difficult to endure / ferocious

講稿 讲稿 jiǎnggǎo * the draft or text of a speech

順 顺 shùn * to obey / to follow / to arrange

自信 自信 zì xìn * confidence / self-confidence

預感 预感 yù gǎn * premonition

心願 心愿 xīn yuàn * cherished desire / dream / craving

開始 开始 kāi shǐ * to begin / beginning / to start

講解 讲解 jiǎng jiě * to explain

公式 公式 gōng shì * formula

實驗 实验 shí yàn * to experiment / experiments

相關 相关 xiāng guān * interrelated / correlation / dependence

參數 参数 cān shù * a parameter

禮拜 礼拜 lǐ bài * week / religious service / worship

理論 理论 lǐ lùn * theory

塔板數 塔板数 tǎ bǎn shù * [Chemistry] stage number / number of plate

重要 重要 zhòng yào * important / significant / major

窈窕 窈窕 yǎo tiǎo * sweet and fair (maiden) / graceful / secluded (bower)

淑女 淑女 shū nǚ * wise and virtuous woman (possibly sarcastic or sneering) / lady

君子 君子 jūn zi * nobleman / person of noble character

愛心 爱心 ài xīn * compassion

箭 箭 jiàn * arrow

穿 穿 chuān * to bore through / pierce / perforate

等於 等于 děng yú * to equal / to be tantamount to

體積 体积 tǐ jī * volume / bulk

瞭解 了解 liǎo jiě * to understand / to realize / to find out

醜 丑 chǒu * shameful / ugly / disgraceful

玄 玄 xuán * black / mysterious

男子氣概 男子气概 nánzǐqìgài * manhood / manliness

歐洲 欧洲 Oū zhōu * Europe / European

別墅 别墅 bié shù * villa

蕾絲 蕾丝 lěisī * lace

窗帘 窗帘 chuāng lián * window curtains

入贅 入赘 rùzhuì * marry into and live with one's bride's family

羅嗦 罗嗦 luō suo * long-winded / wordy / troublesome

跩 跩 zhuǎi * waddle / swagger

看不起 看不起 kàn bu qǐ * to look down upon / to despise

至少 至少 zhì shǎo * at least / (to say the) least

人性 人性 rén xìng * human nature / humanity / human

好歹 好歹 hǎo dǎi * good and bad / most unfortunate occurence / in any case

同情心 tóngqíngxīn * sympathy; fellow feeling

理由 理由 lǐ yóu * reason / grounds / justification

有血有肉 yǒuxuèyǒuròu * lifelike; true to life; vivid

討厭 讨厌 tǎo yàn * disgusting / troublesome / nuisance

腦筋 脑筋 nǎo jīn * brains / mind / head

世界 世界 shì jiè * world

慌神 慌神 huāngshén * be scared out of one's wits; panic

摔 摔 shuāi * to throw (in wrestling) / to fall

丢三落四 diūsānlàsì * scatterbrained

忘东忘西 same as above

箱 箱 xiāng * box / trunk / chest

撿 捡 jiǎn * to pick up / to collect / to gather

忘記 忘记 wàng jì * to forget

計劃 计划 jì huà * plan / project / program

辛苦 辛苦 xīn kǔ * hard / exhausting / with much toil

順便 顺便 shùn biàn * conveniently / in passing / without much extra effort

擤 擤 xǐng * blow nose

鼻涕 鼻涕 bí tì * nasal mucus / snivel

水泥 水泥 shuǐ ní * cement

漆 漆 qī * paint / lacquer

味道 味道 wèi dào * flavor

釘 钉 dīng * nail

牢 牢 láo * firm / fast

貧血 贫血 pín xuè * anemia

招贅 招赘 zhāozhuì * take a man into the family as a son-in-law

頭昏 头昏 tóu hūn * dizzy / giddy / one's head spins

孤單 孤单 gū dān * lone / loneliness

老頭 老头 lǎo tóu * old fellow (disrespectful)

老公 老公 lǎo gōng * (informal) husband

無情 无情 wú qíng * pitiless / ruthless / merciless

恭喜 恭喜 gōng xǐ * congratulations / greetings

一模一樣 一模一样 yī mó yī yàng * exactly the same (成语 saw) / carbon copy

公認 公认 gōng rèn * publicly known (to be) / accepted (as)

抱歉 抱歉 bào qiàn * sorry / We apologize! / to feel apologetic

伯父 伯父 bó fù * father's elder brother / term of respect for older man

諂媚 谄媚 chǎn mèi * to flatter

法國 法国 Fǎ guó * France / French

危險 危险 wēi xiǎn * danger / dangerous

地震 地震 dì zhèn * earthquake

驚慌 惊慌 jīng huāng * panic

跪下 跪下 guì xia * to kneel down

牆壁 墙壁 qiáng bì * wall

簡直 简直 jiǎn zhí * simply / at all

糟糕 糟糕 zāo gāo * too bad / how terrible / what bad luck

逃难 táonàn * flee from disaster

鬧鬼 闹鬼 nào guǐ * haunted

嚴重 严重 yán zhòng * grave / serious / severe

烤肉 烤肉 kǎo ròu * barbecue (lit. roast meat)

終於 终于 zhōng yú * at last / in the end / finally

輩子 辈子 bèi zi * all one's life / lifetime

難過 难过 nán guò * feel sorry / be grieved

高中 高中 gāo zhōng * high school

畢業 毕业 bì yè * graduation / to graduate / to finish school

場合 场合 chǎng hé * situation / occasion

立刻 立刻 lì kè * forthwith / immediate / prompt

轉移 转移 zhuǎn yí * to shift / to divert (investment, attention etc) / to migrate

注意 注意 zhù yì * to take note of / to pay attention to


意義 意义 yì yì * meaning / significance

勇氣 勇气 yǒng qì * courage / valor

愛心 爱心 ài xīn * compassion

開朗 开朗 kāi lǎng * spacious and well-lit / open and clear / to open out (onto a wider vista)

蟑螂 zhāngláng * cockroach

校長 校长 xiào zhǎng * (college, university) president / headmaster

迷戀 迷恋 mí liàn * to be infatuated with / to indulge in

浪費 浪费 làng fèi * to waste / to squander

命運 命运 mìng yùn * fate / destiny

改變 改变 gǎi biàn * to change / to alter / to transform

瞬 瞬 shùn * to wink

電鈴 电铃 diàn líng * electric bell

搬 搬 bān * to move / to shift / to remove

習慣 习惯 xí guàn * habit / custom / usual practice

聊 聊 liáo * to chat / to have a chat / to kill time

居然 居然 jū rán * unexpectedly / to one's surprise / go so far as to

色狼 色狼 sè láng * lecher / sex maniac / rapist

打攪 打搅 dǎ jiǎo * to disturb / to trouble

行李 行李 xíng li * luggage

麻煩 麻烦 má fan * trouble / troublesome

繩子 绳子 shéng zi * cord / string / rope

準備 准备 zhǔn bèi * preparation / prepare

蛋糕 蛋糕 dàn gāo * cake

伯母 伯母 bó mǔ * wife of father's elder brother / aunt / (polite form of address for a woman who is about the age of one's mother)

滿 满 mǎn * full / filled / packed

逛街 逛街 guàng jiē * to take a walk / to window-shop / to stroll down the street

嫂子 嫂子 sǎo zi * (informal) older brother's wife; sister-in-law

嫌棄 嫌弃 xián qì * to avoid sb (out of dislike) / to one's back on sb / to ignore


Edited by renzhe
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Thank you. I see that you even have links and that there's a bit of discussion there.

If you don't mind, we can move the thread in here and make it a part of the project, perhaps more people will have a look at it that way (including me).

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  • 1 year later...

I tried to watch that one. I even got through 4 episodes then gave it up all together. And I do like Taiwanese romance dramas...

Like said before, on the positive side, it's easy to understand.

On the negative side...

I have yet to see a more boring story : the girl is stupid (really), the guy is a genius, he helps her study and she manages to get into the top 100 students of her school, then they fell in love, though the guy won't admit it... And it drags on and on forever...

I guess it also didn't help that I can't stand Ariel Lin...

It maybe fine but I don't think anyone above 13 can actually enjoy this show.

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