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The TV show "The Office" - in Mandarin!


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Hi Everybody,

For a final project we were asked to film a skit in chinese, so my group chose to do a Chinese version of "The Office."

Below is the script, and I was hoping somebody may be willing to read through it and point out anything grammatical/word choice that is incorrect... we are 2nd year students (intermediate college course), so the chance that there's a few mistakes is pretty high.

Any help that you can give is hugely appreciated!:D

P.s. The plot might seem strange in script form, much of it relies on wordless cutscenes and body language.

The Office

Pam: 你好Lisha! 好就不說!

Pam (in response to Lisha over the phone): 馬馬虎虎。 我在工作。 學校怎麼樣? 。。。 噢, 你跟天明鬧彆扭了。別生氣了,Jim 也常常這樣。 今天我們沒想出。。。

(Jim overhears Pam)

Jim (to the camera): 她到底為什麼生氣了。每天她生氣或者傷心的, 結果我們不停吵架。我只要工作。

Michael (alone in his office, speaking to the camera): 在工作上我最好了。 真的。難怪每人愛我。

(Jim walks in)

Jim: 我要你的幫助。 這篇。。。

Michael: Jim! 你好嗎?

Jim: 我很好, 可是這篇。。。(Michael cuts Jim off)

Michael: 真的馬?看起來 Pam 心情不好。我們說得把。

Jim: 算了,没沒問題。

(Jim leaves Michael’s office)

Michael:他肯定有問題。他要我幫他。 (Calls Emily)

Emily (to Michael over the phone): 喂。什麼?是非常大的問題馬?我現在去。

Emily: (speaking to the camera) 每天 Michael 给我打電話。他平常有 (Sarcastic tone) “非常大的問題” 一會兒没有咖啡,一會兒又不找他的咖啡杯。他很丢三拉四的。(Camera cuts to Michael)

Michael (to Pam): 我們二點有會議。

(Pam nods; camera cuts to Jim, who finds a post-it note from Pam on his desk telling him about the meeting)

(In the meeting room) Michael:我們現在開始。

Emily: Michael 請我來幫你們。我們知道你們吵架。

Pam: 對。Jim 根本不在乎我。 他不喜歡我的 post-its.

Emily: 真的嗎? 你不喜歡她的 post-its 嗎?

Pam: 對! Jim不喜歡我的 post-its, 另外不喜歡我的米飯!他吃 不下三碗飯!

(Jim starts to object, but is interrupted by Emily)

Emily: Jim, 吃的下吃不下三碗飯?

Michael: 我吃下三碗飯。

Pam: 吃我的米飯把,要不然我跟你吹了。

(Pam leaves)

Jim: 無論我什麼做,都她生氣。

(Jim leaves, Emily gathers belongings)


Emily (now in her office):Michael 很笨的,害得我真的不喜歡我的工作。

Michael (alone in his office) : 我跟很多問題打交道。我覺得今天很好了。我人很聰明。

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Here is what we were aiming for in English:

Pam: Hi Lisa! Long time no talk (or good to talk to you, something to that effect).

Pam: Ah, you and Tian Ming are fighting? Don't get angry, Jim is often like that too. Today we are not getting along.

Jim: Why in the world is she angry? Every day she is either angry or sad. As a result, we are continuously arguing. I just want to work.

Michael: As far as work is concerned, I'm the best. Really. No wonder everybody loves me.

Jim (walks into Michael's office): I need your help. This... (referring to a piece of paper in his hand)...

Michael: Jim! How are you?

Jim: Im good, but this (again referring to the piece of paper in his hand)...

Michael: Really? It looks like Pam is in a bad mood, let's talk about it.

Jim: Forget it, I'll figure it out (or I don't have a problem. This is in reference to the piece of paper in his hand that he was asking Michael about)

Michael (alone now): He definitely has a problem. He needs me to help him. (calls Emily)

Emily: Hello? What? You have an extremely big problem? I'll go there now.

Emily (to the camera): Every day Michael gives me a call. So often he has an "extremely big" problem. One moment he's out of coffee... the next moment he can't find his coffee cup. He is very scatterbrained.

Michael (talking to Pam): We have a meeting at 2 today.

(Jim sees a post-it for the meeting that Pam left him)

Michael (as soon as Jim walks into the meeting): Very good, we can start now.

Emily: Michael asked me to come help you guys. We know that you are fighting.

Pam: Yes! Jim doesn't care about me at all. He doesn't like my post-its.

Emily: Really?! You don't like her post-its?

(Before Jim can respond) Pam: Right! Jim doesn't like my post-its, he also doesn't like my rice.

(Jim starts to object, but Pam interrupts him)

Pam: He can't eat three bowls of rice.

Emily: Jim, you can't eat three bowls of rice?

Michael: I can eat three bowls of rice.

Pam: You better my rice, otherwise I will break up with you.

(Pam leaves)

Jim: No matter what I do, she's always angry.

(Jim leaves)

(Emily gathers belongings)

Michael: That went very well!

Emily (speaking to the camera): Michael is very stupid. Because of him I really don't like my job.

Michael (alone now in his office): I deal with many problems. I think today went very well. I'm such a smart guy.

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Here is my attempt. 不当之处,望各位不吝指正。

Pam: 嗨,利萨,好久没跟你聊天了。

Pam: 啊,你和天明在吵架?别生气,吉姆也常那样,我们今天也闹别扭。

Jim: 到底什么事惹她生气了?她天天不是生气就耷拉着个脸,结果我们两个总是吵个没完。我想安安静静地工作!

Michael: 说到工作,我可是第一,难怪都喜欢我。

Jim (走到迈克的办公室): 请你帮个忙。这个…… (指着手里的一张纸说道)

Michael: 吉姆,有事吗?

Jim: 哦,没有,只是这个……(又指着手里的那张纸说道)

Michael: 哦?帕姆看上去心情不大好。跟我说说,怎么回事。

Jim: 算了,我还是自己想办法。

Michael (吉姆走了,迈克一人在办公室): 他肯定遇到了什么问题, 要我帮忙。(叫艾米丽)

Emily: 唉,什么事?你遇上了天大的问题?我这就来。

Emily (对着镜头道): 迈克每天都给我打个电话,总是有个“天大的”问题。他上一刻出去喝咖啡,下一刻就找不到咖啡杯了。总是丢三落四。

Michael (对帕姆说道): 我们两点钟有个会。


Michael (吉姆刚到开会的地方): 太好了,我们开始吧。

Emily: 迈克叫我来当和事老的。我们知道你们俩个在吵架。

Pam: 嗯,吉姆根本就不关心我,他不喜欢我的(便条, I cannot think of a better translation)

Emily: 是不是有这回事?你不喜欢?

(没等吉姆开口) Pam: 嗯,他不喜欢我的便条,也不喜欢我烧的饭。


Pam: 他吃饭一餐三碗都不到。

Emily: 是么,吉姆,你一餐吃三碗饭都不到?

Michael: 我能吃三碗。

Pam:(你要多吃我烧的饭, I guess this is the intended meaning, but I am not so sure.),不然我就跟你分手。


Jim: 不管我做什么,他总是不高兴。



Michael: 会开得不错。

Emily (对镜头说道): 迈克大傻冒,都是他,我真的烦死这工作了。

Michael (一人在办公室): 我处理好多问题,今天的事办的不错,看我多聪明。


"You better my rice" sounds kind of weird, because it is not consisitent with "He can't eat three bowls of rice." so I guess the intended meaning is "you must eat more rice"

This is the only line I find kind of perplexing. All the rest seem pretty good to me.

Edited by kenny2006woo
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oops! I think I made it more confusing by posting the English translation... in my original post there is the Mandarin script in Traditional that we came up with, and I was more hoping to have any glaring grammatical/ word choice errors pointed out.

Thank you very much for doing a full translation haha, that's a huge effort... unfortunately we have several key patterns and words scattered throughout that we were required to use =.

I'll still compare it to ours though to see if you said anything similarly that we may have gotten wrong, thank you!

If anybody else would be willing to do a grammar check it would be incredibly helpful :D

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