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Kuang Kuang's Diary (哐哐日记)


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I haven't contributed much to this forum before in the way of material, so I thought I'd share this little gem of a series if it's not already here. Has anyone watched it or heard of it before? Kuang Kuang's Diary is an animated internet series about Kuang Kuang, a cute little primary student who keeps getting the short end of the stick in and out of class. I don't know a huge amount about the creators, but I discovered this back in January when someone happened to upload it onto a P2P site. The series is popular among Chinese netizens and is a satire of primary school life and Chinese society in general. The series has it's own website, BBS and mini recorded soundtrack (which can be found on the BBS).

Website: Kuanger.com

Kuang Kuang is your average primary student in a happy class of playful characters, mildly psychotic teachers and mischevious goings-on. Like any child he hopes for the best memories and secretly admires his deskmate Xiao Hong, but naturally things don't always go to plan. This great series is an imaginative and often hilarious satire on Chinese primary school life, young misunderstandings and as you can see from the show's online popularity, there's plenty that Chinese viewers relate to.

Each episode is in Chinese with only Chinese subtitles. The Chinese level is relatively low - learners with a good foundation in basic Chinese or learning at an elementary level probably won't have any trouble following each episode, and might just need to look up one or two words. Some episodes contain colloqial Chinese, and are good to pick up a few words. The speech is of course comical and cute, but can still be good for honing your listening-at-speed skill. It's a pretty light-hearted series but is not made with children in mind, so people of most ages will probably enjoy it, especially us learners.

Some episodes contain mild comic violence, and a few colloqial words in some episodes cross into stuff you would never say in class. Also know that the show has 3 or 4 special-length episodes (named "The Line/三八线", "One Dime/一毛钱" and "Blackboard Drawing/黑板报") which contain stronger comic violence and language, though it's all cartoon silliness and tomato sauce. These episodes actually say at the beginning that those under 18 shouldn't watch, but I think it's just meant to be humorous, as it's nothing someone over 13 would really find unsuitable. However if the mods feel a line is crossed, feel free to delete anything here, remove links, etc.

Anyway, enough of my rambling. Here are links to the episodes (English titles have been written for convenience). All links are on Tudou, however you can still watch them by going to Kuanger.com, or downloading them from the Kuanger BBS. If anyone needs help finding them, let me know.

1 - The Start of Term: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/teLfXUm43f8/

2 - Handing Over the Homework: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/IgOxwwnyRMw/

3 - Bad Stomach: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/OqDKUlhMQ08/

4 - Teacher Hao: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/i5NbgBFCwrs/ (the Chinese title 好老师 is a pun)

5A - Who Can Pee Highest?: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/2GcdicdxxoM/

5B - (Special Episode) Blackboard Writing: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/9UR4u7LANHs/ (stronger cartoon violence)

6 - Sports Class: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/jDdgtf2oyEo/

7A - Chewing Gum (part 1): http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/OsOvhf2etqM/

7B - Chewing Gum (part 2): http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/cn2ShbCTwyE/

8 - Catching the Thief: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/3zmZlm7EDCA/

9 - Bumper Cars: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/-1ruoAaCm6U/

Bonus Episode 1 - One Dime: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Vdn523MC_Fc/ (strong language and stronger cartoon violence here.)

Bonus Episode 2 - The Line: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/FjXnB4KXiv8/ (a bit of language plus some violence. Not as strong as the above episode.)

See what you think of this series. It can get a little over-the-top at times, but I personally found it clever and very funny. "The Line" is my favourite episode. Oh, and if this has all been here before, then I do apologise for reposting it.


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Now I've watched a few more episodes, I'm confused by the year the story is setting on. From the Nintendo the children were playing, I think it's late 80s. The old Jeep looks familiar. I think I saw them in early 80s. The old camera...I don't know how to call them. They're in big rectangle shape with 2 circles on the front. You hang it on your chest, and look down into it when taking pictures. They look really cool and I want to collect one. I don't think I ever saw them in parks or streets. They must be from 70s or even earlier.

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