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Please help with some difficult (for me) constructions.


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I would be grateful if someone could provide explanations or translations for the following. In the longer sentences, the parts I am interested in are in bold.

1) 那天晚上,狂风大作,我和妻去看话剧,来得早了点儿,便坐在前排看工作人员布景。我知道这出戏讲述了梅教授一家某天晚上的生活场面,无非是对话,没有多少波澜和矛盾冲突。

狂风大作 I understand the meaning, but don't get the structure.

来得早了点儿 Again, I understand the meaning, but don't understand the positioning of 了. Why is it not at the end of the phrase?

2) 灯光从窗子打进来

Does this mean 'The light shone in through the window'?

3) 犯不着

4) 她哪干得了这种粗活

5) 她功课忙都忙把来,哪还有时间忙别的。这不,又留在学校补课了。

What does 忙都忙把来 mean? What is the general construction?

What does 这不 mean?

6) "你好,大头鬼,我是梅小燕.....没事儿,没事儿就不好打电话了?罗婷婷要我转告你,请你收回你所说的话.....怎么?你是真忘了还是假忘了,就是那句.....十三点,反正,话我已经转告,该怎么着,你掂量着办吧。对,爱情尚未成功,同志仍需努力.....拜拜,讨厌!"

The important parts are in bold, but a complete translation would be welcome.

7) 怎么又是我的错?

8) 你不是说,都是弄虚作假吗?

9) 收住笑

Does this mean 'to contain one's laughter'?

10) 我没有一一不许转移目标

11) A: 你怎么只吃半碗饭?

B: 我吃不下。

A: 吃不下也得吃!回回碰上你喜欢的,吃得比谁都欢!

12) 这可是你自己说的!人非圣贤,孰能无过?连英明领袖毛主席他老人家都会犯错误,何况你呢。

13) A: 无论如何你必需把这碗面吃下去,这是命令。咱们老家有句俗话:一个碗底儿一匹马。

B: 我不吃。

A: 就当是吃药

14) 才不呢

15) 得到一致认可

16) 要说有也只有一件

Thanks for any help.

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1) 狂风大作 I understand the meaning, but don't get the structure.

compare to 兴风作浪, 作 is a verb, here is passive verb

and it changed to an adjective: in the status of violently made [by wind-god]

violent wind is in the status of violently made by wind-god

来得早了点儿 Again, I understand the meaning, but don't understand the positioning of 了. Why is it not at the end of the phrase?

来得早点儿: Come here earlier;

来得早了点儿: Have reached here too early.

2) 灯光从窗子打进来

Does this mean 'The light shone in through the window'?

yes, but it imples the light was man-made, implied by '打'

3) 犯不着 : no need; if u do that, the cost would be higher than the gain.

4) 她哪干得了这种粗活 ; she couldn't do these kind of heavy work(it's

a work for a strong bull.).

5) 她功课忙都忙把来,哪还有时间忙别的。这不,又留在学校补课了。

What does 忙都忙把来 mean? What is the general construction?

should be 忙都忙不过来. too much work for one to finish

What does 这不 mean? rhetorical phrase in weak mood, Doesn't the

current status prove my [words/forcast]?

6) ".....没事儿,没事儿就不好打电话了?

...nothing important?, if nothing important, then you weren't willing to

talk with me in the phone patiently?

..该怎么着,你掂量着办吧。..." ... how to deal with it, you should think

it over to make your decision..."

The important parts are in bold, but a complete translation would be welcome.

7) 怎么又是我的错? why it's my fault again?!

你不是说,都是弄虚作假吗? haven't you said that [they?] were all lies?

9) 收住笑

Does this mean 'to contain one's laughter'?


10) 我没有一一不许转移目标

I didn't[haven't]---don't change the topic, don't disperse my attention.


A: 吃不下也得吃!回回碰上你喜欢的,吃得比谁都欢!

Finish them even if you couldn't! everytime when you met those you like,

you eat more than the other people. [don't pretend you can only eat little.]

12) 人非圣贤,孰能无过?

Being not a saint, no one could never make a mistake.


A: 就当是吃药。 treat it as have medicine.

14) 才不呢 definitely no[not, haven't, hasn't]

15) 得到一致认可 gain consensus

16) 要说有也只有一件 if had to admit[/if there is], there's only one[/once]

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1) 狂风大作 means fury gale/ blustering. Understanding is enough, you can take it as an idiom.

来得早了点儿 come in a little early. it is very oral. And the 了 must follow 早. If 了 follow 点儿, the sentence looks odd.

2) 灯光从窗子打进来 Does this mean 'The light shone in through the window'?


3) 犯不着 You need not to do / it is not necessary to do

4) 她哪干得了这种粗活 she can not afford the tough work like this.

5) 她功课忙都忙把来,哪还有时间忙别的。这不,又留在学校补课了。

I think there is a little fault in “忙都忙把来”. It must be “ 忙都忙不过来”

Her classes are too many to finish. So she has no time to do anything else. Look! She is on overtime at school now.

so here “这不” has not the actual meaning.


The whole sentence is too long….

没事儿就不好打电话了?=没事儿就不方便(/能)打电话了吗?why can not call you just for a prattle/chat? (He!he! maybe the translation is not right, I don’t know how to express it properly)

该怎么着,你掂量着办吧 how to do in return is up to you.

7) 怎么又是我的错? Why is it my fault again? (ask doubtfully, “Why is it my fault again? Are you kidding me?”)

你不是说,都是弄虚作假吗? You have said all are falsification, haven’t you?

9) 收住笑 Does this mean 'to contain one's laughter'?


10) 我没有一一不许转移目标 one say, “ 我没有” (I didn’t…). Another interrupted him by 不许转移目标! ( Don’t shift the topic!)

11) A: 你怎么只吃半碗饭?

B: 我吃不下。

A: 吃不下也得吃!回回碰上你喜欢的,吃得比谁都欢!

Finish it although you don’t want to eat a little! Each time, you ate much when the food is your favourite.

12) 人非圣贤,孰能无过

as human being is not god, we all may make mistakes.


A: 就当是吃药。 You must eat the bowl of noodle in any situation; even it looks like a bowl of Chinese medicine.

14) 才不呢 “I don’t” or “never”(Said tenderly by girls )

15) 得到一致认可 be agreed/accepted/admitted by all

16) 要说有也只有一件 if there must be something, it is only one thing at most. (Hehe! I am not sure you can understand me.)

Hope they work for you.

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