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What are some rules of thumb for good writing?


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In English I know of a couple quick and dirty pieces of advise to improve one's writing, for example:

1) Limit the use of simple verbs (e.g. to be, to have)

2) Try to write in active voice (#1 sort of forces you to do that)

3) Vary word choice especially when linking phrases (e.g. moreover, furthermore, etc.)

4) Vary sentence length according to emphasis (ex: use short sentences to emphasize a point, and long sentences to expound on a topic)

What tips are there for good Chinese writing? Here are my guesses:

A)Vary use of connecting words (譬如:然而,不过,而且,…)

B)Remove unnecessary 的's (譬如:小狗的牙齿的颜色不白 -> 小狗牙齿的颜色不白)

C)Try to describe things with a combination of four characters (e.g. by putting two similar 2-character adjectives next to each other)

Are these guesses accurate? What kinds of things should I be paying attention to in order to improve my writing?

(I can provide writing samples if it is helpful, please let me know)

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Okay, let's make this more interesting, below is a writing sample of mine. Feel free to rend it asunder with your criticisms:


(My preemptive apologies if the material is a little controversial, but perhaps that will make this exercise more fun?)

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I am not sure if a lot of people think the Qing Dynasty was the most worthless dynasty. I think it was not weak before 1800, and the country expanded. And the last sentence is not funny in my opinion. (Plus if you need to include PRC and ROC like that, the names should be equal.)

I think a piece of good writing should take into account what and who it is for. For instance, the way to write an academic paper is not the same as that for a novel. The tone, the words used and the style can be very different. But this is not unique to Chinese writing. What you have not listed is the use of references/chengyus, which is usually appreciated when appropriately applied. They make a huge difference.

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Maybe we can start with a "model" piece of writing and discuss what we can learn from it. See this article below from 刘瑜, a popular essayist who often writes about politics from a personal and accessible perspective. Her last book 《民主的细节》 was a best seller. This one is about China and the West, and the so-called "China Model".

I agree with skylee that some standards of good writing (like clarity, vivid language, humor), will be applicable to any language. But we can try to concentrate on what might be special to Chinese, at least from a learner's perspective.






  两年前刚当选时,奥巴马是美国人民——不,世界人民——的奥特曼 (Ultraman)。大家都期待着他能从“怪兽”布什手中拯救美国。然而,近70%的支持率,两年之后,滑到了43%。当年他对着如痴如醉的民众高呼:Yes, we can。今天,美国失业率居高不下、反恐战争久拖不决,民众无精打采地看着他说:No, you can't。












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And the last sentence is not funny in my opinion.
It was not meant to be. So was there something about the way the Chinese was written that made it seem facetious? I'm curious to know on an intellectual basis.

(Or, perhaps you were referring to the parenthetical last sentence in English?)

Plus if you need to include PRC and ROC like that, the names should be equal.
That all rests on whether you consider 中華民國 to be equivalent to 臺灣. Officially, that is the stance 國民黨 takes, but the Taiwan centennial this year is not recognized by those who feel that present day Taiwan is not equivalent to the 1911 ROC.
I think a piece of good writing should take into account what and who it is for.
Very good point.
What you have not listed is the use of references/chengyus, which is usually appreciated when appropriately applied. They make a huge difference.
That is a fantastic piece of advice! Could you give examples of what you mean by references though? Are you talking about literary and poetic allusions or more like 諺語?
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刘瑜's writing seems heavily influenced by English. The language is close to the spoken. There are many transition words like "但同时" ("but at the same time"), "当然" ("of course"), "所以" ("therefore"), "不幸的是" ("unfortunately"), that are quite the norm in English. Such transitional words were less common in older pre-1949-style Chinese writing. The older style of Chinese writing takes classical Chinese rather than spoken Chinese as the model. The language is more compact. The transition from phrase to phrase more implicit than explicit. There is also more of a emphasis on the rhythm and rhyme of the language.

I see 董桥, a famous Hong Kong writer, as following that tradition. He's a regular columnist for Fruit Daily, skylee's favorite paper. Below is a short essay of his, which you can compare with 刘瑜's above.




  春节前两天,收到伦郭书商寄来V.S.Pritchett的新文集A Man of Lettrs,灯下翻读,满心喜悦。我近年爱读Pritchett的文字,短篇小说固然醇美,散文小品更都有学有识有情,这次读他的书中自序,尤其倾倒。他慨叹英美文学传统中的"文人"过去深受敬重,而今世风变了,文人真笔真墨慢慢凋零,只剩最后寥寥几个在应景而已。他们大半没有风靡读者,不教书,也算不得是学人,只管给一些幸免关门的报刊写文章疗饥。这些人既不作兴辅陈高论,反而一心维护文化的静观价值。到了映象科技教条统领天下之际,难免又分外关怀文字的命运,相信朵斯托耶夫斯基"人生不沾艺术等如虚度"之说。传统文人下笔不能自休,每每在月刊季刊上一写洋洋几十页;今日文人福薄,所思所感只合化为几栏文字,多了人家嫌长:二次大战初期,英国纸张限量配给,有期刊请Pritchett撰文介绍通俗书,短短一千八百五十字,结果还是删去五十字。机缘如此,文人操觚便不得不借助引喻,讲求简洁;数十年训练下来,文章越练越短,终成风格!



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刘瑜's writing seems heavily influenced by English. The language is close to the spoken. There are many transition words like "但同时" ("but at the same time"), "当然" ("of course"), "所以" ("therefore"), "不幸的是" ("unfortunately"), that are quite the norm in English.
As a native English speaker, this sort of writing appeals to me more. Actually, the impetus for this post was that a Chinese colleague of mine criticized my writing for being heavily Anglicized. She originally attributed it to her misconception that I would normally be thinking in English. However, when I explained that I usually think in Chinese if I'm working in Chinese, she just figured my whole psyche has been corrupted by the more deeply ingrained English thought patterns in my linguistic cortex.

This led us into a conversation about how my Chinese has been heavily influenced by Taiwanese Mandarin. I made the argument that Taiwanese Mandarin uses a lot of English words colloquially, so it may have received a larger portion of English-influence. Anyway, I noted that most of our Taiwanese colleagues never mentioned anything about my Chinese being Anglicized, just that my word usage was incorrect in certain places.

The older style of Chinese writing takes classical Chinese rather than spoken Chinese as the model. The language is more compact. The transition from phrase to phrase more implicit than explicit. There is also more of a emphasis on the rhythm and rhyme of the language.
That kind of writing style is almost mystical to me, but also quite magical in its beauty. I have seen it before in novels and short-stories, but a lot of it is lost on me. Most likely because I have never formally studied 文言文, just picked up bits and pieces of it here and there through osmosis.
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One thing I read ages ago, and that may qualify as a rule of thumb: in English, the most important part of a written sentence tends to appear at the end. Grammarians call this "backloading a sentence." (compare "backloading a sentence, grammarians call this.") Now in written Chinese, because of topic-comment constructions, you often have the exact opposite. This is a major word order difference.

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"backloading a sentence"
That is a good way to put it, I had never really thought about that before.

Another thing this reminds me of is "parallel sentence structure". I typically use it in English to draw contrast between two points, but I've found it hard to figure out when or why to use it in Chinese. Typically, in Chinese you would use a semicolon to separate two sentences that have parallel sentence structure (leaving you with the ridiculously long sentences that seem so common in Chinese). However, I don't always see the semicolon used in this way in the work of legit Chinese writers.

This brings me to another point. Chinese writing tends to use significantly longer sentence lengths than modern English writing. Sometimes Chinese sentences remind me of Jane Eyre style English writing, where the sentence doesn't end until the thought ends. Often, where I would put a period in English, there will be a comma in Chinese.

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Here's an impressive example of Chinese parallel sentence structuring using a semicolon (for those who are interested). It comes from the first chapter of 《我與父輩》by 閻連科:

That's all one sentence mind you.

The relevant parallel structure part is:


I hope the colors help delineate the structure better.

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I think the use of 排句 in #10 is excessive. Besides the ones quoted, there are also the 去...去...去... and 所有的...所有的... sets. Such wrting style is not uncommon. For example it appears in the 社論 of Fruit Daily quite frequently. Some people might think it is a sophisticated good writing style. Personallly I usually find them clumsy and pretentious, well in particular in a 社論 (try read it out loud). I prefer concise writing. The 董橋 example is good. Also take a look at 亦舒's writing. I prefer style like hers.

PS - again I think it depends on what the writing is for. For poems and song lyrics, such heavy use of 排比 could be preferred or even required to help express strong emotions. But not for newspaper articles or even novels, I think.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For a quick addition to Carlo's earlier comment, another way of looking at "backloading" is the difference between new information and old information. According to some writers, new information is more comprehensible when it comes at the end of a sentence. For more information, I've found Style: Towards Clarity and Grace by Joseph M. Williams to be a good resource. English aside, are there any lists out there besides the examples discussed here of nonfiction writers with good style? I've enjoyed 王力雄, but I'm not sure if he's the best source to mimic.

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萧功秦's writing is pretty impressive. He's a historian at Nanjing University. Historians tends to be better writer than other academics, probably because storytelling is a inherent part of their job.



If you want a non-academic example, I stumbled upon the blog of 陈贤江 once and found his writing to be rather impressive, too. Maybe it's his expressiveness. Chen is the editor of 搜狐音乐.

Here are a couple articles of his that I liked. One is about Shanghai, the other about the breakup of the band Carsick Car.





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