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Just watched this on 土豆網, re: a college student substituting characters with similar readings and even pinyin for characters on a test. Of course, the usual suspect is brought out again: computers. But does anyone else think perhaps bringing out 饕餮 was a bit harsh? This is the first I see of either of them (that I can remember), and while 饕 doesn't seem too bad, 餮 looks like it'd take some work. I doubt it's all that common, either. Well, I'm sure someone will be able to prove me wrong, but that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. At least I'd have a good reason to learn it. :D

And that guy's saying 五笔 is a problem? I don't get that one... Maybe I misunderstood.

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Haha I just watched that too. I'm not sure if you've seen the comments on this video or not, but a lot of people (Chinese people) were saying that 饕餮 was just too hard and uncommon, and that the reporter should have used different words.

And about the 五笔, I think he was just using it as an example to say that students nowadays type too much and don't handwrite enough (who I agree with completely, because I also suffer from 提笔忘字)

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I hadn't read the comments. It's nice to see that I wasn't the only one who thought that wasn't exactly fair. I did, however, spend some time with it today. The 殄 is obviously the problem. That in itself I would assume is not very common, so it's a bit tough keeping it all together.

I thought the whole thing with 五笔 was that you had to know the components of the character to input it. It seems that would at least help with the components of a given character. But I agree, xiaocai, writing is important in reinforcing the mechanics of writing the characters.

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Thanks to the OP, just wanted to share this essay[?] that i wrote for class after seeing this video. I often lurk the forums but never post anything. I am amazed by everyone's ability here, so I though this would be a good place to post it. I am only a third year and my Chinese is not good by any means. So, if i misunderstood something in the video please let me know. Also I received some corrections and advice from a native speaker, but i feel like she was being too easy on me. Would like to hear the opinions of others. Please and thanks in advance! :)


上个周末在一个论坛上,我看到一个很有意思的视频。这个视频的内容是一个大学生不可以写中文字。这个大学生在考试上写了一些英文和拼音。他的中文字还常 常写错。这让他的教授和同学们都措手不及。搜查他的网络日志以后,他们发现这么一篇日志,“考试的内容不难,难的是我突然发现自己竟然有那么多字不会 写!” 那一个电视台的记者去问人们知道不知道怎么写“饕餮盛宴”,没有人知道怎么写这个字。因为很多人告诉记者不会写,所以我开始考虑美国和中国的识字率。

中 国和美国的识字率是差不多一样的。美国大人的识字率是将近百分之九十九。中国大人的识字率是将近百分之九十五。在中文如果你知道二千个字,你可以舒服地住 在中国,看中文的书,看中文的电视什么的。在英文如果你知道二千个词, 你也可以舒服地住在美国,看英文的书什么的。好像是一样的,可是不是真的。要是你学到二千个中文字,你可以看得懂很多词。因为英文词不像中文词一样有联系性。要是你只知道二千个英文词是不够 的。要是在中文可以用二千个字明白五千个词,为什么中文有那么难啊?



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