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Residence Permit in a rush


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Hi, guys, I'm going to start the studies in BLCU in September, since the 5th. I've got the X visa and, according to the rules, I have to get the residence permit during my 30 days of stay in PRC. I entered the PRC two days ago - i.e. the 5th of August, in order to travel a bit before the studies, returning to Beijing on 31st of August. My question is: whether it will be Ok if I'll apply for the residence permit on 31st - 1st only (i.e. on my 25th - 26th days of stay in PRC). I mean, all those medical checking, etc. will for sure take time - OR whether it's OK, 'cause the government wants me to APPLY for the permit during 30 days and not GET it?

tnx a lot))))

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Yes, you should be fine. You are only required to have applied for the Residence Permit within that initial 30-day window. I think I applied for in about 20 days in, last year, and had no issue, even though I didn't receive my passport and visa back from processing until well into my second month.

There are a few things you should ensure to have done, prior to submitting your Residence Permit application, though:

a] That you have registered at the university. Often, as a part of the registration process, universities will handle the visa-permit bureaucracy (for a fee), which is the simplest option.

b] That your medical results/records are in order. It would be very bad if there were any issues, or missing results, which only become evident 25-30 days in.

c] you have moved into your dormitory or your place of residence off-campus.

I'm no expert, so its possible that you may get by even without having completed A/B/C, and there may be a D which I'm unaware of. There may also be rare occurrences where universities can register you early, or extend a visa for a few days, but I've yet to hear of the latter. However, from the looks of it, your fine. An email to the BLCU International Student Office is probably a good idea, just to verify, though.

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@ mOOOgle

thanks a lot for your answer, though -it seems to me that I'm not so fine. A & C in your answer will be completed on 31st of August only, while I have no idea regarding the B. I did all checks before flying, but I've heard that it's not actual in PRC and I'll have to do all the medical examinations anew. Is it right? If so, wow, I'm in a kind of strange situation.

Probably the best way is to go to BLCU and ask them or just write a letter...

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If your registration and move in is on the 31st, you may or may not be fine. Its right down to the wire. So, if your university registration procedure includes visa processing, you're golden, if not you may have to contact the university about checking in a day or two early. BNU had this visa processing included when I arrived last year, and given BLCU's focus on foreigners studying there, I would expect their process to be just as seamless.

Foreign medical results aren't necessarily a problem, assuming they're complete, properly stamped and/or notarized (not always the needed, but any translation will need to be notarized if the original isn't either English or Chinese). Mine was rubber-stamped after a doctor quickly glanced over my results. Others weren't so lucky. Its hard to say whether you will have a problem, as it seems to depend more on the person looking at them, and which direction the wind is blowing, than on the results themselves. Just make sure they haven't expired (results are valid for six months)... Its really just up to chance.

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I arrived last year with an X-visa.

It doesn't matter much what BLCU says about the state of your health/medical exam paperwork from elsewhere because m000gle is right -- depends on your luck somewhat. I had heard some people would have to get every test re-done. However, when I brought all my records into the health exam place, they were fine. (I only had to re-take one test, but it was completed in 5 minutes.) I paid the 20 kuai fee for them to be delivered back to my university because I was told it would take 4 days to process the appropriate paperwork. Because of the whole visa process consuming several weeks, my university was pretty adamant about me getting the health thing done ASAP. Even with my medical papers accepted immediately, it still took the health exam place about one week to send everything back to the uni. After that, I waited another few weeks to get everything else sorted out. During this time (almost 2 weeks) I was without a passport and panicking because my visa expired. After calling my university for a solid week after it expired, I informed the office that I was coming in to pick it up no matter what. Magically, they had it the next afternoon. They had backdated it by 10 days or so such that I didn't have to pay any fines (or maybe this is always how it works? hard to say!). Bottom line is that you want to check with BLCU and get the medical stuff done right away. Sometimes these medical places require appointments so make sure you get this sorted soon!

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As long as you have:

-Your passport (with visa obviously)

-A Chinese Medical examination (usually same of next day collection... depending on how lazy they are)

-Your JW form from your university (you already have)

-Your Accommodation Registration form (done at your local police station or by your domitory) and;

-enough money for the visa

...you shouldn't have any problems.

You can apply the day before or even ON the day your current visa expires. Obviously the sooner the better, but as long as it hasn't yet lapsed, the processing time is not counted, just the submit date.

I've been through this process several times now up in Harbin. No matter how many times I do it, it never get's any less annoying or frustrating.

Good luck.

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Thanks to all of you, guys. I talked today with the BLCU and they recommended me to do my medical checks ASAP. I planned to travel a bit, but it seems now that it's better to delay my traveling outside Beijing and proceed the medical checks first (If I do them on one day - hopefully - why shouldn't I be able to leave Beijing afterwards and pick the results up after the return?). A bit sad - but on the other hand I still can enjoy Beijing and suburbs...

...If I only find a new place to live in after my booked nights in Sleepy Inn will come to an end this weekend :(((((((...

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