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First Episode 86: 螳螂 (The Mantis Killer)


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I watched most of the episodes of this as they played on TV earlier this year. Enjoyed it, though there were lots of parts I did not understand clearly. Would like to watch it again now with the kind assistance of your synopsis and word list. Thanks.

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I'm glad that somebody found this useful...

I have updated the wordlist and added pinyin and some translations (mainly focusing on words not easily found in dictionaries). I will do the rest later and I might also add some additional words from later episodes, which I have jotted down for myself. I will also consider raising the language level to upper intermediate as it turns out, that this is not as easy as it seemed at first, the historical references are numerous and present quite a challenge - I do have some background in modern Chinese history, but this show often sends me to 百度百科 to check up certain names etc.

Anyways, I am about 12 episodes in and the show has lost some of its drive. It's not so over the top anymore (though certain characters are still capable of seemingly supernatural feats) and there is less action than in the first few episodes, but it's still interesting enough to keep watching. And most importantly, the main heroines are still as hot as before :twisted: Especially 代薇 (though I have a weak spot for 旗袍, I think 陈丽红 looked much sexier in the military uniform, which she is not wearing so often later in the series).

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五号特工组 comes to mind...

I just noticed on Weibo, that 五号特工组2 is in the works! Same old characters and actors and hopefully the same amount of the "over-the-top-James-Bond-meets-Rambo" action goodness... and some 美女 ninjas on top of that :mrgreen:


Apparently, the shooting isn't finished yet, so we probably can't expect this to hit the TV any sooner than 2012, but at least it's something to look forward to...

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This is "Catwoman" meets "Ichi the killer". A spy backdrop, a patriotic theme, and a healthy dose of ninja WTF.

So far, it's not quite as over the top as 五号特工组 or 雾都魅影, but if "boots made for walking" are any indication, it is in the right ballpark :D I'll watch a few more, I think.

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