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Shanghai Normal university vs ECNU


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Hey guys

I am planning to study Chinese language in Shanghai for a year . I have been searching on the internet about the universities and their language courses. I have narrowed my selection in to two particular uni , Shanghai normal university and ECNU.

Preferably , I want to study closer to the city centre where all things happening. Does any of you guys have experiences with these two university.

From what I can see on Shanghai normal university website, they have pretty good extra curricula activities , tours and accomodation options?

Or would you guys suggest me any other good university with good curriculum?

Thanks in advance fellow Chinese study friends.

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You seem a little confused.

Do you want an educational establishment that allows you myriad opportunities for playing. Or one with a good (educational) curriculum?

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hey Lizhou

Thanks for replying. I am definetely looking for an educational establishment with good curriculum. However I also want my uni to be close to the city centre area, so I can take a walk around whenever I got bored & be close to the events and stuff. I also wouldnt mind cathcing the train if it my commute to city area wont be more than 20 min.

So basically I dont want to study in the middle of nowhere, with that in mind I also want to get good education ? am I asking too much ? :)


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good university with good curriculum

Or perhaps you should say what you think a good curriculum is. As liuzhou hints to, the only items you've mentioned have been on the partying side (city centre, extra curricula activities).

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Or would you guys suggest me any other good university with good curriculum?

I would also look into Shanghai Jiao Tong University as well. The Xuhui Campus (I am not sure if that's where they have their Chinese language classes) is closer to the city center and has a better reputation than the other two you are considering. Another suggestion is Tongji University which is probably the closest if you consider city center as People's Square. Tongji along with Jiao Tong and Fudan are probably the 3 most reputable Universities in Shanghai.

When I visited Shanghai Normal University, it took me at least 45 minutes (door-to-door) from People's Square taking the subway (line1) and then the bus. Although I've never been to ECNU, from the map, it looks just as far. However, I am not sure that this should be a major factor for you unless you plan to socialize away from the campus most nights of the week. If that's a requirement, then I'd suggest a private program like That's Mandarin located in the Jing An district. It'll probably cost the most but offer you the most flexibility.

My suggestion is to take a trip to Shanghai and actually visit these schools first.

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If money isn't a consideration, Jiaotong University is the best in terms of location. There is a metro station for lines 1 and 9 very close to the main entrance, via which People's Square can be reached in about 15 minutes. Xujiahui itself is also quite a bustling area.

As for Shanghai Normal University, the location isn't quite as convenient, as it is slightly further from a metro station, and taking the metro to People's Square (from Shanghai South Railway Station) takes about 20 minutes. Also, there is not as much going on in the immediate vicinity of the university grounds. On the other hand, many local undergraduates study in the same campus, so there in theory at least, would be ample opportunity to mix with local students. This is not the case with Jiaotong, where most undergraduates study in another campus far from the city centre.

I can't say much for the other universities.

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Also, several universities have two campuses, one in the city center and one in the suburbs of Songjiang or Minhang. So make sure to ask which campus when you talk to Admissions.

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Thanks for the all replies guys.

I am also curious about SISU (shanghai international studies university), does any of you attended that uni for their language course? Plus can you guys also compare SISU with ECNU in terms of education , location and accommodation(only if you know anything about it) ?

p.s. I think I expressed myself wrong. I dont really care about nightlife and clubbing, if I were , I wouldn't come to China in the first place :)

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