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A Bite of China 舌尖上的中国


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  • 2 months later...

China Central TV has now released a seven DVD set with official narration and subtitles in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

It comes with a copy of the book (Chinese only) and costs ¥146 from Xinhua bookstores.


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  • 1 year later...

Heard that there's a new season ("series" to the Brits) to this program.


Bit of a controversy. How it focuses more on individual people and how they focus on minorities (show harmony), etc.

I thought they focused on individuals in the first series as well. That Korean girl who went back to her family home to make Korean style paocai (kimchi), that guy with the roof garden, etc.

Minorities such as the Korean girl, that tofu guy...or was it mushroom. So long ago. Two years?!?!?! My how time flies!

Anyway, there's also a parody of British cooking, done in the style of "A Bite of China", titled "A Taste of Britain" that's gone viral in China. How Brits really love spuds. I mean really love the stuff.   ;-)

I haven't seen the video myself. Should make for enjoyable light entertainment.


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I've watched several episodes of the new formula. Seems like they got the word from senior management to add more "human interest fluff."


I should add, for people watching in China, that it shows mainly on CCTV Channel 9 中央九台 -- This is the Documentary Channel 纪录片。

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Are 锅盔 featured somewhere in the second episode? There is a place that sells them nearby and the paper bags they come in say something about 舌尖上的中国 on them - a novel idea because they're selling like hot cakes!

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Are 锅盔 featured somewhere in the second episode?


I don't know. I think there is a book that comes with the boxed set of CD's from the first season. Not sure if it's indexed.

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  • 10 months later...

Posting the spoof video of this show for your "entertainment", which from Wiki:  中国大陆互联网原创短片公司“可追传媒”参照《舌尖上的中国》的风格拍摄了一条恶搞短片《舌尖上的中国真TM2》,由李红陶一人分饰三个角色“小刘”、“赵大鹏”、“王富贵”,讽刺黑心食品





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