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First Episode 96: 红蝎子


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A part of the Grand First Episode Project -- See this thread for more info.

I couldn't find a way to split a post into two, so I'm quoting heifeng's older recommendation here. It's good to have a thread per show, and it gives shows more visibility.

红蝎子:I started watching this one b/c I have a weakness for crime dramas, and it reminds me (a little bit) of a scrubbed and repackaged 红问号...by also following the downward spiral of the leading ladies (and the men that help them get there...)

summary: 云南边境有一个被国务院、中央军委授予“缉毒先锋站”的云南公安边防总队江桥边防检查站,由于与境外的世界三大毒源之一的金三角相毗邻,使它成为了境外毒品流向我国内地的过境通道。而近年来,女毒贩日趋增多,但是这里镇守着一批边防缉毒勇士,铸就了一道贩毒分子无法逾越的钢铁长城,也成为了一个个贩毒分子的鬼门关。那些妄图利用乔装后的特殊身份来牟取暴利的贩毒女也难以逃过边防官兵的“火眼金睛”。

Other Notes: Sounds exciting right?!Well, it's not bad, but may not be everyone's cup of tea..also it's not that new, somehow it is from 2007 but fell under my radar. Anyway, every 2-3 episodes tells about a different smuggling case. Of course (much like what must have happened in 重案六组3~if you've ever compared how the series changed from 1, 2 & 3)'the powers that be' must have mandated: "and be sure that criminals have a soliloquy at some point after being imprisoned reflecting on how they regret their poor choices and wish they have never become a drug mule and resorted to a life of crime...or perhaps a monologue to their prison mates about how they ruined their family by being greedy"...So expect a PSA in each story after the criminal is swiftly brought to justice..and (another shocker) amazingly clear 普通话 (for the location that is....)

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