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Thoughts on forum usage


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No offense, but I think 那看懂了[之后]再回应吧 is better. 像这样的知识碎片也许对一些对中文不是很了解的朋友有帮助

这个论坛给我的感觉相当的严肃,我猜这与这个论坛长时间的历史有关,我看到有人在8年前就注册了,也许这个论坛的历史比那还要长? 也可能与这个论坛的主题有关,语言学和历史学怎么都不能和活泼联系在一起。这里是否不欢迎不很谨慎的poster?我看到各个版块全部与学习相关,没有可以闲聊的版块,是需求比较少的缘故吧。我想我有点明白为什么OneEye说很多Chinese native speaker来了之后又离开,并不是所有人都喜欢严肃的氛围,相当一部分的中国人上网的心态是很娱乐的。我知道友好、轻松的氛围很容易带来一个问题,那就是很容易降低信息的质量,以及涌入大量没有礼貌的家伙,扰乱正常的秩序,就像我现在在做的这样,也许那是这个论坛里大多数人不愿意看到的?我可以理解。

我想有些事情是一个取舍与平衡的问题,取决于大多数用户的意愿。这里是否有很多年轻人?给我的感觉这里的人年龄都比较大,是这样吗?这里是否欢迎新鲜的像我这样的毛头小伙子呢?就像我使用英文发帖子一样,这里的人是否愿意使用中文发帖交流?我看到有Chinese corner,但是并不很活跃,如果有人愿意使用中文发帖子,我很愿意帮助他们纠正中文里面的错误,就像他们帮助我的那样,我们的口号是:人人为我,我为人人!哈哈!

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(Consider a split.)

It is true that the subject matter does affect how formal/serious a discussion is, and every discussion board has its own flavor. However, one can only say that some members would prefer that other posters do certain things such as, read carefully, think critically, stay on topic, etc. As I have said before, to you, about ability levels, there is also a diversity in posting behavior. This is an international discussion board after all, and so there is a mix of different cultures. There are rules, though, such as not swearing. It's what the admins want.

I personally don't mind if you just comment, but what happened above just looked like you didn't understand the intent of the OP, so someone pointed it out. I'm not sure about the age demographics of the members, but I would assume that most active posters are college aged or just beginning their professional careers.

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@Hofmann, Ok, I got it. Sorry for off-topic.

I saw @OneEye complain that the price of the book. So I suggested that maybe he can borrow books first. But it depends on everyone's taste. I know some people like dead-tree books more than e-books, and they may more like to buy books than borrowing. I just don't like the kind of "if you don't understand, then do not post". Do you know 黄西? One of his joke is: if you don't speak English, go home. 我想包容是人类最美好的品性之一。Is that really that bad? Hey, look at me, I'm off topic again, really sorry. I won't reply this thread.

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You're just proving our point that you shouldn't post unless you understand what's being said. I wasn't complaining about the price of the book. In fact, I felt like it was a very good deal ("It's a steal" = 非常划算). Such a textbook, were it published in the US, would easily be many times that price.

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You're just proving our point that you shouldn't post unless you understand what's being said.

If I didn't post, I will never know the word steal also has the meaning of "a bargain". I thought it means they steal money from your pocket. LOL. And you may know 闭门造车. That's why we need to work with others to achieve the best result. When people from different country and cultue meet each other on the forum like this, there must be a lot of conflict, like events happened last century in China which killed a lot of Chinese and foreigners. And in those conflict and noisness, Chinese learned a lot from those pain, and human being moved a big step forward. Maybe people like me may learn and accept the "rules" of the forum and people like you prefered, or they may leave here. But at least, we can learn a lot of things from the process. I like learning things from mistakes. Though the standard of right depends. Maybe smart people will learn quietly from reading a lot of threads first which Chinese call it 潜水. But I'm not a smart guy, I think. :-(

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不要多想了,我不是想泼冷水的,只是看了帖子就觉得有一点离题了而已,看不出帖子跟LZ有什么关系,于是不知道有没有把帖子看到底。他不是说书太贵,他说的正是相反的,就是这一套书很便宜,很值得买。其实我们这个论坛氛围没有那么严肃,可以无所事事地闲聊。Stick around longer, and you'll quickly get into it. :)

What do you mean by "green arrows"?

After you have been here for a while, you are allowed to give positive or negative points to posts that you think are helpful/unhelpful. That's what the score in the bottom right corner is. Press the green arrow for 顶 and red arrow for 踩.

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@daofeishi, oh, no no. That's not about you. It's what skylee said makes me a little 不爽. 我是一个很小气的家伙! Sorry for my bad behaviours.


不要多想了,我不是想泼冷水的...I remember that you said you are a dilettante. 我能说脏话吗?不能那我没什么可说的了 Do you know this? If don't, you can google it, it made a lot of my days.

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Then you would be guessing incorrectly. It's nothing to do with the age of the forums, these guidelines have been in place from more or less the beginning and are actually what many members like about the place. So yes, we're a moderated forums, yes we're more strict than some other places on the Internet, and yes, you're expected to put a bit more thought in to your responses than you might on some other forums. That generally tends to improve the quality of the discussion.

There are already plenty of other places on the Internet where you can 闲聊, if that is what you are after.

That being said, things aren't actually that strict here, and the guidelines are just that, guidelines rather than strict rules. Just generally try to put some thought and effort into your posts and stay more or less on the main topic of discussion. If you want to go off on a tangent, there's nothing to stop you starting a new thread and referring back to the original one if need be. There's also a fair amount of leeway given, though more so for members who have been around for a while and less so for newer members.

It's what skylee said makes me a little 不爽

She does however make a good point.

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