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aiya, aiya......and aiya


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I'm in over my head, I signed up for wrong class and I can barely translate this........ :help:cry: I'll highlight what I'm really lost on, and I'll post what I think the passage says, feel free to correct my idiocy.


1987 年7月27日﹐這一天的最高氣溫是三十五攝氏度。從中午12點到13點﹐<<北京日報>>的一名記者和幾名工作人員分別站在市內最大的一家百貨商店的四個大門口﹐統計貴客流量。門外氣溫非常高而門內的熱氣也厲害得使人受不了。統計結果﹐在這一個小時內有8240人帶著熱浪進來﹐9680帶著汗氣出去。



1988年春季交易會期間﹐一批日商住在廣州賓館。一天黃昏的時候一位日商站在窗戶前看街﹐象有新發現似的﹐指著窗外驚呼著說﹕“Hayaku, mite kudasai﹗”(日語﹕快來看﹗)立刻﹐四五名日商往窗前走去﹐眼睛都向海珠橋方面看過去。這時南來北往的自行車﹐如蝗蟲船來來去去﹐在海珠橋的兩邊合起來﹐變成一條密密的人流﹐車流﹐象水源走不完的百萬大軍。



In Beijing

July 7, 1987, the highest temperature of this day was 30 degrees Celsius. From 12 noon to 1, Beijing’s Daily Newspaper’s famous reporter and several staff each stood inside the city at the largest department store’s four doors, adding up the customers rate of flow. Outside the temperature was extremely high and inside the steam was so devastating it caused the people to be unable to bear it. The result of adding up, within this hour 8,240 people carried in a heat wave, and 9,680 carried out a sweaty atmosphere.

July 30th, Beijing’s television station reports Beijing’s train station’s customers rate of flow is very high, the daily rate of flow reached 330,000 people, however the train station was designed for 50 to 60,000 customers daily. All of the room where the tickets are checked turned into a temporary waiting room, but the on the public square of the station’s hall was still ?????????

In Guangzhou

During the Spring business meeting of 1988, a group of Japanese merchants stayed in a Guangzhou guesthouse. One day when it was dusk, a Japanese merchant stood in front of the window and looked to the street, he seemed to discover something new, pointing out the window crying out in amazement: “Hayaku, mite kudasai!” (Japanese: quickly come look!) Immediately, four or five merchants came towards the window, all of their eyes looked towards the largest bridge in Canton. This time, ?????????? bicycles, like locusts coming and going, on the two sides of the Guangzhou bridge ?????????????????????????????????

These Japanese merchants commented: “Simply an amazing sight!”

Specialists consider China’s population to continue to grow at this type of speed, ???????????, then it was able to reach 1.2 billion.

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人山人海-- people mountain people sea :mrgreen: = a lot of people/crowdy

南來北往 -- coming from the south, heading to the north = passing by non-stop, back and forth

兩邊合起來 -- combining the two sides = combining the traffic on both sides of HaiZhu Bridge.

密密的人流﹐車流﹐象水源走不完的百萬大軍。-- the dense flow of people and vehicles -- like a million strong army like the everlasting source of a river. (did you miss a word or two in this sentence? the last part does not sound right)

專家認為 = specialists predict/estimate/think that

照這種速度增長下去 -- if it keeps increasing at this speed.....it will reach 1.2 billion.

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I'm in over my head, I signed up for wrong class and I can barely translate this

Brilliant. I’m looking forward to your future post ‘Help, I accidentally signed up for Chinese for Advanced Nuclear Physicists’

Seriously though, if that’s all you had problems with out of an article from a class you shouldn’t even be in, I wouldn’t worry too much.

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thanks Quest, yes, I did miss some words, and this is why I shouldn't be in the class, I'm an IDIOT! I mistook 水 for 永, the sentence still doesn't make sense to me, but hell, it made even less sense before as you can imagine. And I used the wrong character for 遠 :evil:


Brilliant. I’m looking forward to your future post ‘Help, I accidentally signed up for Chinese for Advanced Nuclear Physicists’


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ok last summary of the freakin year....... i can get out of your hair till next year now :D

on this topic...





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