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How suicidal is it to move around on a longboard around Beijing (PKU campus)?


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Hey there,

I figured that, if I get a cheap bike - like most apparently do - it might still get stolen and I will have issues repairing it. So, a solution might be to just move around with a longboard?

Probably it's not such a smart idea on the busy streets... but how is it the university area, where Beida is? (I will studying there for one year).

Thank you!

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It's busy everywhere in Beijing, and the roads around Beida are particularly busy. I do see people on skateboards and in line skates and always think they must have a death wish, but that's because I can't skate. One of your biggest problems might be holes in the pavements, roads, wires and other debri lying around, and open man holes. Even on a bike it's risky :shock:

If you get a good lock for your bike it should be fine. Also they are so cheap to buy here that you can replace it easily.

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As Cat mentions, if you buy a cheap bike and actually lock it. Unlikely anyone will steal it. Bike theft is apparently fairly common but it's not like it's a free for all. I don't know anyone who has had their bike stolen. Most people I know bought a 300rmb bike. Good enough for a year or two.

Also, not sure what kind of bike repairs you're thinking of? What are you planning to do on this bike? Mine is about 10th hand and the only problem is that the chain broke once. There are many, many bike repair shops/stands/man on corner all over the place too. No worries.

Happy shopping!

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Not sure if I analyzed your route correctly, but are you really going ~10km each way every day?

Get yourself an electric scooter, used going for 1000-1800RMB.

For that long of a trek you want people to get out of your way. I ride my bike from Renmin University to Beida's West gate for work now, and no one gets out of my way. I'm on a scooter? >bikers>pedestrians all get out of my way. However, the route you have is pretty flat, but don't try going south of Beida into Zhongguancun on a longboard with the traffic.

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I ride my board every single day here, unless its raining. I live in Dongzhimen but work in Wangjing. I also ride partically everywhere and everywhere. Its pretty intense eveysingle time I get on that thing. There may not be any hills around but having to avoid people, getting hit by cars and buses. I think in my eyes makes it an equal or better rush. As for transportation. Its great. I can get anywhere fast and fit in through the smallest gaps in crowds. But there is always the risk of getting hurt. Ive thought about a helmet. Maybe ill get one soon. I just enjoy the time.

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