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QQSRX #1 Photoshopping

Guest realmayo

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Episode #1
Date    2013 年11月4日
Title    周恩来尼克斯握手照片中翻译被PS掉 - Translator photoshopped out of the photo of Zhou Enlai and Nixon shaking hands

Link to transcript http://phtv.ifeng.com/program/qqsrx/detail_2013_11/05/30967261_0.shtml
Link to full video http://v.ifeng.com/history/shishijianzheng/201311/0199207c-c115-47b9-b0b5-1e83cc2cf3ea.shtml


Host:    窦文涛
Guests: 许子东 and 竹幼婷


- a ridiculously photoshopped photo of some officials and an old lady made to look tiny
- girls photoshop themselves too much online
- it's pointless having nice legs because in magazines everyone's legs are photoshopped
- the photo of Zhou Enlai meeting Nixon off the plane was photoshopped, the translator cut
- Taiwan's leaders can't get away with photoshopping

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Rough and ready translation to first few mins, feel free to correct it if you'd like!


窦文涛:    《锵锵三人行》。幼婷关心大陆的官场吗?
DWT:    Youting, you're interested in mainland politics right?
竹幼婷:    当然关心。
ZYT:    Of course
窦文涛:    大陆的长官,你也是需要接近的。
DWT:    Top officials in the mainland, you need to be close to them
竹幼婷:    就是在影响我的工作,我的工作上总是要曝出大陆官场里面的形形色色的样子。
ZYT:    It affects my job, my job means I always have to shed light on everything that's going on in mainland official circles.
窦文涛:    我想问问你,你觉得我们现在内地的官员跟台湾的官员。
DWT:    I want to ask you, what do you think about our mainland officials, and Taiwan's?
竹幼婷:    我好紧张。
ZYT:    I'm really nervous
窦文涛:    你紧张就对了。
DWT:    You're right to be nervous
竹幼婷:    他在挖坑。
ZYT:    He's stirring now *1*
窦文涛:    今天的节目就通知有关人士看了,所以说两岸的官员有什么不同?我帮你解套,这个事,自家的事还是我跟这说,你知道安徽有个叫宁国县。
DWT:    All the important people have been told to watch today's show. So what's the difference between officials on either side of the Strait? […. Chatter …]  I'll help you work it out *2*. You know Anhui has a county called Ningguo
许子东:    本来不知道,最近刚知道。
XZD:    I hadn't, until recently.
竹幼婷:    最近刚知道,有人类的地方。
ZYT:    Heard about it recently, ***
窦文涛:    我觉得今天真是拔出萝卜带出泥,中国,你看有个作家刘震云老说,他说中国人的特点是什么?本来聊第一件事,聊着聊着就变成了第二件事。
DWT:    I reckon today it really is pull up the radish take out of the soil *3*. The writer Liu Zhenyun always said, you know what the characteristic of Chinese people is? Start talking about the first thing, after talking and talking the conversation has turned so something new ***
竹幼婷:    这不就锵锵三人行。
ZYT:    Isn't that QQSRX.
窦文涛:    没错,你真了解我们的精髓,我们就是跑题跑不停,本来说的是那有人要给病人募捐,结果当地的民政局有一些态度,反而闹起一个风波,结果最后这事不重要的,网友们一去关注发现他那个民政局的官网上有一张照片,这个照片我们可以给大家看看,这个照片反应这个地方当地的官员去看望老人,老人在哪呢?老人在右下角,我觉得这个老人被处理的像个木乃伊,你觉不觉得。这像是领导人到了小人国去看一个老人,明显是PS的。
DWT:    Right, you really understand us, we get off topic and can't stop. So what I was talking about was people who want to give money to those who are ill, but at that county the municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs had a certain attitude, which actually created a storm, what it was itself wasn't actually that important but when netizens took a look they found a photo of officials from this Bureau, we can show everyone the photo. In the photo the local officials went to visit an old lady, where is she? She's in the bottom right hand corner. I think the lady has been made to look like a mummy, don't you think? It's like the officials went to see an old lady in Lilliput, it's clearly been photoshopped.
竹幼婷:    他们也承认了后来。
ZYT:    They admitted it afterwards.
窦文涛:    对。然后你再看下边,这是真实的,这是那位老人。
DWT:    Yes, now look at the next one, this is real, this is that old lady.
竹幼婷:    为什么不放这一张?
ZYT:    Why didn't they use this photo instead?
许子东:    这张是不能流传的,这张才流传广。
XZD:    This photo couldn't be circulated, only this one could be.
窦文涛:    因为那张里面只有一个领导,其实他们有些时候PS,我就觉得因为。
DWT:    Because there's only one of the leaders in that photo, I think that's why they photoshopped it later.
竹幼婷:    其实我们要说有进步,以前我们讲很多PS是无中生有,明明没去看,你就把他P上去说,领导有去看,现在是真的有去了,只是没有照好,然后我们就P一下,这样子其实照理说这个事实有存在,我们应该要给予奖励。
ZYT:    Actually we should say this counts as progress, in the past we've talked about lots of Photoshopped images that were completely made up, obviously no one actually went to the places they were supposed to be, you'd just photoshop someone on to look like the leader went. This time they really went, the only thing was that they didn't get a good photo of it, so let's do a bit of Photoshopping. In fact, because this event actually took place, we ought to encourage them for this
许子东:    我看了工作人员他的一个解释,他说主要是因为领导的眼光是往下,他说如果这个老太太正常的大小放在那里,那个图画拼上去,他也想过那样拼,就不要把他缩小,放到一样大,那就很滑稽了,就是大家眼睛都不在看他,就在看下面。
XZD:    I saw someone from the department explain that the main reason was that the leaders were all looking downwards. If the old lady was normal size in the photo, if it was put together like that, he thought doing it like that, if he didn't make her small but the same size, it would look weird because everyone would be looking at the ground instead of her.
竹幼婷:    重点是为什么要P。
ZYT:    But the real question is why did they have to photoshop it?
许子东:    他P就是说,刚才他讲得对,就是几位领导都要再,但是关心的对象也要再。
XZD:    He did it because these leaders wanted to be in the photo, but they wanted her in it too
竹幼婷:    所以不能怪P的人,要怪摄影师,为什么没拍好。
ZYT:    So you can't blame the guy who was photoshopped, you should blame the photographer, why didn't he take a decent photo
窦文涛:    对。粗糙,你知道实际上不能冤枉中国的基层领导,他们都去了,我看过好多,比如说视察高速公路,那三领导就悬悬在公路上头,他是去了,但是那个摄影记者,中国各行各业水平都低,他们就拍了个上半身,另外就拍了个马路,最后领导一看见很生气,我怎么没有,他只能这么P一下。
DWT:    Yes, no skills *4*, you know really you can't be unfair to China's grassroots officials, they all go to these things, I've seen loads, for example inspecting an expressway, those three leaders above the road, they actually went, but the press photographer ... standards are low in all professions in China, they only photographed the top half of their bodies, and also a road, later the leaders saw this and were really angry, 'how come I'm not...' ... so he had to do a bit of photoshopping.
许子东:    对于很多从事摄影工作的人一辈子,未见得有这么一幅这么传天下,这个无疑当中,将来摄影史上都可以留名。
XZD:    Lots of people who have been photographers for all their lives, [there'll probably never be anything on this scale, they can leave their mark on photography history ???]
竹幼婷:    所以现在是找了那个P的人,就骂了他,可是就有人问说,到底这个摄影师是谁,怎么没有拍到该有的照片,还有一个心情,就是为什么要所有领导都有,在一张照片,他为什么不可以分五张照片出来给大家看说,我有五位领导都到了。
ZYT:    So now we're all looking for this photoshopped  guy and condemning him, but some people want to know who this photographer really is, how come he didn't take the photo he should have, also [there's the feeling that surely he could have come up with five photographs to show everyone that all five leaders were there.?]
许子东:    照片“领导大群众小”激怒内地网民
XZD:    This "leaders are big, the masses are small" photo has enraged mainland netizens.
许子东:    但是更重要的是,为什么现在P了这张照片会这么流传,就网上点击率会这么高,会变成一个新闻以至于我们来谈,因为这张照片,他显示了一个象征关系,就是官非常大,民非常小。
XZD:    but the most important thing is why this photoshopped photo has spread this way, it's got so many hits online, it's become a big enough story for us to be talking about it: it has shown a symbolic relationship, which is that officials are really big, citizens are really small.
窦文涛:    这个比例太小了,导演我们可以在放一下这张照片。
DWT:    [????]
许子东:    按以前阶级斗争觉悟高的话,这个非常非常政治有问题,你把官放得那么大,歪曲我们现在雨水相融的官民关系。
XZD:    If you put it in the old terms of class struggle it's an extremely political issue, if you make the officials so big you’re distorting the current relationship between officials and people that is like rain and water. *5*
窦文涛:    不是,许老师,我认为你过分解读。
DWT:    No, I think you're overanalysing
竹幼婷:    这个老人他坐着。
ZYT:    This old lady is sitting down.
窦文涛:    我觉得主要是一个美感的问题,也不叫美感,就常识的问题,这个拿给全世界人民看,有点太小了,那个小老婆,那是个老太太吧,老太太为什么要放在画面的这个位置,咱不用上纲上线。
DWT:    I think it's mainly a question of aesthetics, well not really aesthetics, but common sense. Giving this to the whole world to have a look at…………………

*1*    他在挖坑: literally I think this means he's potholing, I'm assuming it means he's stirring, he's causing trouble, looking to cause trouble. Towards the end when he brings up the 'compare your Taiwanese leaders with ours' she says:  你这个洞还是没埋起来是吗?
*2*    我帮你解套 - unsure what解套 means
*3*    我觉得今天真是拔出萝卜带出泥 - got a feeling this might be a common idiom but I can't remember or find it.
*4*    粗糙 must be a better way to translate this in this context

*5*   rain and water, really?


竹幼婷:    我觉得现在做P图的这些官员,这个位置的人,全部应该找小女孩,你看现在小女孩多会P图,微博上面全部都小女生P图,P的就是我们一个脸变得很小,眼睛变得很大,你分不出到底这个小女孩真的眼睛大,还是真的眼睛小
ZYT:    I think the officials who are photoshopping, people in this position, they should all look for girls, you see these days girls all know how to photoshop, Weibo is full of photoshopped pictures of girls, photoshopped to turn our faces small, make our eyes big, there's no way to tell if a girl's eyes are really big or small.
窦文涛:    我现在觉得很愤怒,就说什么叫有图,有真相,你现在,咱们就是今天这个社会没有真相,这个女人非常讨厌,首先弄得,你何必呢?你让我见到你也是个失望,你蒙人,通过微信发的那个,你知道他们都这样照相,照那个脸。
DWT:    I get really angry, you've got whatever's called a picture *6*, and then the truth, you know the world today there is no truth, these girls are really too much, first of all, why do it? It means I'll be disappointed when I see you, you're deceiving me with what you've sent out on Wechat, you know with those kind of photos, their faces in that way.
竹幼婷:    这样脸才会变三角形,45度。
ZYT:    That kind of  face is like a triangle, 45 degrees
窦文涛:    那个小女孩要把这个脸照成这样的,明明是个饼脸,你这样骗人很不道德,我认为这样。
DWT:    If a girl wants to take a photo of her face that looks like that, clearly her face is really round like a cake. It's immoral to deceive people like that I reckon.
竹幼婷:    你们甘愿被骗。
ZYT:    You guys are happy to be deceived.
许子东:    你干什么去看。

*6*,    Not sure what's going on here with 有

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Some vocab, definitions from Wenlin:


长官 zhǎngguān n. 〈trad.〉 senior/commanding officer/official
官场 guānchǎng n. officialdom; official circles
形形色色 xíngxíngsèsè r.f. of every shade and description
挖坑 wākēng n. potholing
精髓 jīngsuǐ n. marrow; pith; quintessence; essence
跑题 pǎotí v.o. be off subject
募捐 mùjuān n./v. (solicit) contributions; (collect) donations
乃伊 mùnǎiyī n. 〈loan〉 mummy
小人国 xiǎorénguó p.w. ①a country of dwarfs ②Lilliput
PS/P = Photoshop...
无中生有 wúzhōngshēngyǒu f.e. purely fictitious; fabricated
照理 zhàolǐ adv. normally
奖励 jiǎnglì v./n. encourage and reward; award
粗糙 cūcāo s.v. coarse; rough; crude
冤枉 yuānwang attr. wasted; unproductive   ◆v. wrong; treat unjustly
视察 shìchá v. ①inspect
悬悬 xuánxuán r.f. 〈wr.〉 ①feel anxious ②be remote
未见得 wèijiàndé v.p. not necessarily; probably not
留名 liúmíng v.o. leave a good reputation
激怒 jīnù v. enrage; infuriate; exasperate
解读 jiědú v. decipher
美感 měigǎn n. aesthetic feeling/perception
弯腰 wānyāo v.o. stoop
卑躬屈膝 bēigōngqūxī f.e. bow and scrape
孙悟空 Sūn Wùkōng n. name of a monkey with supernatural powers in Journey to the West
女王???  is this a euphemism for prostitute?窦文涛: 公公跟女王有约见面什么开房
以身作则 yǐshēnzuòzé f.e. set an example
封面 fēngmiàn n. ①title page of a thread-bound book ②front and back cover of a book ③front cover
驴唇不对马嘴 lǘchún bù duì mǎzuǐ id. incongruous; irrelevant
绷得住???  窦文涛:所以你看,周恩来那个时候绷得住
亲美 qīn Měi attr. pro-U.S.
潜台词 qiántáicí n. 〈drama〉 unspoken words left to the understanding of the audience/reader
NG??? 而且不能NG。
前倾 qiánqīng v. ①lean/incline/bend forward
不符 bùfú v.p. be inconsistent (with)
矜持 jīnchí s.v. restrained; reserved
耿耿于怀 gěnggěngyúhuái f.e. take sth. to heart
失势 shīshì v.o. lose power/support
震撼力 zhènhànlì n. power to rouse
妇孺 fùrú n. women and children
生殖器 shēngzhíqì n. 〈phys.〉 reproductive organ
大闹天宫 dànào tiāngōng v.o. create a tremendous uproar (in the heavenly palace)
可以休矣 kěyǐxiūyǐ f.e. enough of it; time to stop
展柜 zhǎnguì n. cabinet
卢比 lúbǐ n. 〈loan〉 rupee
宿愿  (宿/夙/素愿)  sùyuàn n. long-cherished wish
承包商 chéngbāoshāng n. contractor
伪善 wěishàn s.v. hypocritical
包装 bāozhuāng v. ①pack ②dress up ◆n. package; packing; packaging
投奔 tóubèn v. seek refuge
SNG ???  你看台湾有七家新闻台,所以他是太多的摄影机,还有SNG连线。
竞选 jìngxuǎn v./n. campaign (for office)
大颚 ??? 有政治的大颚喜欢比这个样子
凶案 xiōng'àn n. murder/homicide case

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*6 - 无图无真相 - is a common internet phrase, meaning something like thing like 'pics or it didn't happen', e.g. maybe someone posts an interesting/incredible/unbelievable story and commenters might say 'pics or it didn't happen'.


The corollary for that is 有图有真相 which is then 'have pics for proof'.  So he's riffing off that to say that there's no truth/reality in society these days.

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Youtube video:



Also, a caveat - the transcripts aren't necessarily 100%. For example 所以说两岸的官员有什么不同 is actually 说一说. God help the intern who has to type these up, but if something ever doesn't make sense in the transcript, it's worth checking...

For example -有人类的地方 - is that 人类? 人为?


*1 - I'm not sure about the ABC definition here - maybe it also means potholing, but a quick Google Image search confirms that 'digging a hole' might be better. I wonder if 'digging for dirt' might be a better translation. 

*2 解套 - to free someone from a harness / trap - given the way he's teasing whatshername, "I'll let you off the hook" would do. 

*3 http://baike.baidu.com/view/4116224.htm - sort of one thing leading to another. He's referring to that fact that the photograph was found when people visited the site in response to some other outrage (or whatever it was, I'm typing as I listen)

*4 - sloppy? Not sure it's that much better...

*5 - as close as rain and water? ie, essentially the same, if in different places / states?


Also, when he says "这个比例太小了", he's saying, perhaps not entirely clearly, that it was totally out of proportion, and he asks for the photograph to go up again. 


Massive respect again, this is some very heavy listening and to cover even a few minutes in this kind of detail is tiring. 


As someone who'd love to help out on any questions you have - if you can highlight problematic bits and put any notes inline or very close, that'd save constant scrolling back and forth. And maybe a time reference for the video. 

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the transcripts aren't necessarily 100%


Definitely. Probably a few times I've translated from the text instead of from the video itself, which isn't the best idea. 


I was going through one of their chats about Wang Jiawei and they're talking about his really memorable lines of dialogue, and for the first reference the transcript is 金句 and for the rest it's 京剧 and to my mind both make enough sense. Plus the guy speaking is from HK and although he seems to say "jing" he could well be overcompensating for his lack of nginess.


But even where they've transcribed faithfully word for word it can just read like nonsense on the page because obviously it doesn't allow for pauses, switches of emphasis etc.


Next one I do I'll find a better way to make the queries easier to find etc.


It's cool getting answers. The episodes I'll be be putting up here are obviously episodes that I've worked on and will be relistening to plenty of times in the future, so clearing up some of the niggling confusions is really useful for me. 

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  • 2 weeks later...



NG??? 而且不能NG。


Could it be a blooper? According to the wikipedia, NG stands for "a ngood cut" in East Asian variants of English (here). 




SNG ???  你看台湾有七家新闻台,所以他是太多的摄影机,还有SNG连线。


It could be Satellite News Gathering (wikipedia article here).



@OP: Great post, thanks for your help!  

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  • 1 month later...

This show is great! the language they use, and the range of topics. The translation and vocab is much appreciated, thank you.

I really rate taking a piece of authentic audio, studying the transcript, translating like you've done, basically treating it like a reading exercise until you have a good idea of what's going on, and then getting the mp3 and listening to it a dozen times.


You could maybe translate this as "I think you're reading too much into it"?

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Massive respect again, this is some very heavy listening and to cover even a few minutes in this kind of detail is tiring. 


Same sentiment from myself to you, realmayo. This is absolutely awesome. I don't know how you do this heavy listening work. Work like this would set my hearing aids on fire. 

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hehe, it's much easier than I thought it would be. Two or three months ago I began trying to spend 30-60 mins almost every day listening to QQSRX episodes, with a skim though the transcripts to pick up any vocab that was key to understanding the gist of each one. After a few weeks of that it was so much easier to sit and watch a new episode and understand lots of it -- really, massively easier. And that was often just listening while walking to work, that kind of thing, nothing high-powered. But once my brain got used to the format of the show, the host and some of the guests themselves, and just got used to listening to Chinese every day again, it got so much easier, like half the fog just faded away.


Doing an episode in detail like this adds some intensive repeated listening, as well as reading, translation and vocabulary to the mix: like an all-in-one package! The fiddly, time-consuming stuff, I figure that's helping reinforce the vocab and so on. 


I really rate taking a piece of authentic audio, studying the transcript, translating like you've done, basically treating it like a reading exercise 


That's how I started out with these, but I've found too often that I'll get stuck on a sentence for ages, only to fire up the audio and realise that the transcript is misleading, perhaps there are two people talking over each other at the same time, that kind of thing.


You could maybe translate this as "I think you're reading too much into it"? 


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