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QQSRX #3 Oaths 锵锵三人行


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Episode #3.
Date:   2013 125
Title:   中国人说话无信誉 赌咒发誓如放屁  No one believes what Chinese people say, people swear oaths as easily as farting


Link to transcript http://phtv.ifeng.com/program/qqsrx/detail_2013_12/06/31861417_0.shtml
Link to full video http://v.ifeng.com/news/society/201312/01369ef2-d21a-4cc0-8ba9-09174cd41f98.shtml

Via youtube       http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zcP_YsHGcQ

(but for me the recorded sound quality is a lot worse on youtube, a lot better on the Phoenix page)



Host: 窦文涛
Guests: 许子东and 梁文道



Any advice, corrections, improvements etc extremely welcome

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1a           他能翻出是非来 = they’ve uncovered some big scandals  ?

1b           弄到医院说他撞的 does here mean take, drag, make (come)?

2              算是住上了。Can’t work out what this means, either ‘does it count as staying in hospital’ or ‘how long did she spend in hospital’?

3a           逼的没办 = he didn’t have any choice?

3b           越想越觉得冤的慌. Unsure of grammar: how do and work together with here?

3c            发毒誓 - 发誓 is to swear an oath, seems that adding the means you’re swearing on someone’s life?

3d           说我要是骗人我死全家 – from context I’m assuming 我死全家means I wish that my whole family dies, i.e. if I’m lying then let my whole family die?

4              全家是连下面 I translated as By ‘her whole family’ you mean including younger generations?  ?

8              别说把我算进去就出来讲了Completely puzzled here!

14           Sounds like he says 说错了。Transcript says 说错了。

22           以前的人也会看人,看他发誓的品格 = in the past people would judge someone on the quality of their oaths?



I’ve seen 社會資源 translated as social resources, but am not sure if this means things like social security, the ways the state can support its citizens, or if it’s more abstract?


嗑瓜子嗑出个臭虫来 – this sentence comes later, is it a specific expression? From what I can gather it means someone’s having a tough time.


穷山恶水出刁民 looks like another expression: bad guys emerge from (or are produced by)  ‘barren mountains and dangerous rivers’

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1              罗生门  Rashomen, Japanese film: Wikipedia says The film is known for a plot device which involves various characters providing alternative, self-serving and contradictory versions of the same incident.

1              目击者 mùjīzhě n. eyewitness

1              年过七旬 in his/her/your 70s

3              敲诈勒索 qiāozhàlèsuǒ f.e. extort; blackmail; extort and racketeer

5              粉碎性骨折 comminuted fracture (~ multiple fracture)

8              连累 liánlěi v. implicate; involve; get sb. into trouble

8              目击证人 eyewitness

10           奋斗终生 fèndòuzhōngshēng f.e. dedicate one's life to the struggle of (sth)

15           弹子  dànzi n. ①slingshot pellet ②marbles ③billiards

16           玻璃球 bōliqiú n. glass beads/balls = marble, surely?

19           http://www.chinasmack.com/2008/stories/zhou-insists-south-china-tiger-photos-real.html

22           品格 pǐngé n. ①one's character and morals ②quality and style (of literary/artistic works)

22           每隔 měigé adv. every other


the rest:


一窝蜂 yī wō fēng n. ①a swarm of bees ②a crowd #attr. Swarming

败坏 bàihuài v. ruin; corrupt; undermine

教化 jiàohuà v./n. enlighten people by education #n. culture

老有所养 lǎoyǒusuǒyǎng f.e. provision for the elderly

养老 yǎnglǎo v.o. ①provide for the aged   ②live out one's life in retirement

敲诈 qiāozhà v. extort; blackmail

穷山恶水 qióngshān'èshuǐ f.e. ①barren mountains and dangerous rivers ②poor, barren land

刁民 diāomín n. unruly people

横在 héng zài v.p. lie across

常态  chángtài n. normality; normal behavior/conditions   #attr. normal

军事化 jūnshìhuà v./n. militarize; place on a war footing

敌我矛盾 dí-wǒ máodùn n. contradictions between the enemy and us

稍许 shāoxǔ adv. slightly; rather

授权  shòuquán v.o. empower; authorize; license

打官司 dǎ guānsi v.o. ①sue ②squabble

颤巍巍 chànwēiwēi s.v. tottering; faltering

绝尘 juéchén v.o. move very fast

官司 guānsi n. coll. lawsuit

马拉松 mǎlāsōng n. loan marathon

测谎器 cèhuǎngqì n. polygraph; lie detector

衰老 shuāilǎo s.v. old; senile

萎缩 wěisuō v. ①wither; shrivel ②shrink; sag ③med. atrophy

童言无忌 tóngyánwújì f.e. take no offense at a child's babble

  kōu v. ①dig/pick out ②carve; cut ③delve into; study meticulously ④lift one's garment #s.v. stingy; miserly

脑溢血 nǎoyìxuè n. med. cerebral hemorrhage

愣说 lèngshuō v. coll. insist; say flatly

介入  jièrù v. intervene; interpose; get involved

设身处地 shèshēnchǔdì f.e. put oneself in sb. else's position

老眼昏花 lǎoyǎnhūnhuā f.e. blurred vision of an old person

模拟 mónǐ v. imitate; simulate #n. simulation

听觉 tīngjué n. phys. sense of hearing; auditory sense

纤毛  xiānmáo n. bio. cilium

失聪 shīcōng v.o. lose one's hearing

昏昏沉沉 hūnhūnchénchén r.f. drowsy; not fully conscious

由来已久 yóuláiyǐjiǔ f.e. be of long standing

温饱 wēnbǎo attr./n. be warmly dressed and well-fed

淫欲 yínyù n. lust

种族侵袭 = racial attacks(?)

误点 wùdiǎn v.o. be late; be behind schedule

霸占 bàzhàn v. forcibly occupy; seize

趁虚而入 chènxū'érrù v.p. avail oneself of the opportunity to go in

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8              别说把我算进去就出来讲了Completely puzzled here!


The old woman swore on the lives of her whole family.  The daughter-in-law did not want to be cursed, so she said "don't consider me a part of this (scam)", and stepped forward and told the truth.  The 我 here refers to the daughter-in-law.

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Ok let me try, here is my take :


1a           他能翻出是非来 = they’ve uncovered some big scandals  ?


I think he means that some old people are loosing their ability to discern right and wrong (是非), or are taking one for the other (颠倒是非)


1b           到医院说他撞的 does  here mean take, drag, make (come)?


I think  here simply means something like the old lady made such a scene that she managed to get the children to the hospital with her. I don't think 弄 specifically means "grab" here, the grabbing is just part of the whole circus.


2              算是住上了。Can’t work out what this means, either ‘does it count as staying in hospital’ or ‘how long did she spend in hospital’?


It's probably something like ; "so she was admitted to the hospital"? Meaning her injuries were serious enough for her to stay there for a while;


3a           逼的没办 = he didn’t have any choice?


I think it's something like what you said, with the idea that the old lady put so much pressure on the guy that he didn't know what to do at the end.


3b           越想越觉得冤的慌. Unsure of grammar: how do  and  work together with  here?


Here it probably means something like "After thinking about it for a while, he felt so hard done that he went crazy about it". It's not the right "de" in the transcript but that's probably a typing error, should be 得


3c            发毒誓 - 发誓 is to swear an oath, seems that adding the  means you’re swearing on someone’s life?


Something like that yes.


3d           说我要是骗人我死全家 – from context I’m assuming 我死全家means I wish that my whole family dies, i.e. if I’m lying then let my whole family die?


yep, agree


4              全家是连下面 I translated as By ‘her whole family’ you mean including younger generations?  ?




8              别说把我算进去就出来讲了Completely puzzled here!


Like Skylee said, something like "don't include me in your schemes and then talk about it to everyone"


14           Sounds like he says 说错了。Transcript says 说错了。


I hear 要 too, I think it's roughly the same meaning so just a typing mistake


22           以前的人也会看人,看他发誓的品格 = in the past people would judge someone on the quality of their oaths?


I think it means judge them on the way they decide to use oaths. Like if someone is going everywhere swearing on his whole family for any little thing, it puts his character into question.

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Ok, my contribution:


他能翻出是非来 - I think it's along the lines of, the media have pages and pages of coverage [because old people] can also give rise to scandal / controversy
结果老太太攥住了一个小朋友的 手不放,弄到医院说他撞的 - so she basically dragged the kid to the hospital - not the bit immediately before where she's not letting go. 
算是住上了 - so she got admitted (to hospital)
最后逼的没办法 - so he was hassled, forced, to pay
冤得慌 - 得慌 is used as an intensifier with off the top of my head, 累,饿, 憋, I guess to mean to the extent that you're flustered, can't sit still, have to do something


Didn't have anything to add to the others - good stuff as always, and great to see simplet also weighing in. 

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