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Long Distance Running (races & training) in Beijing


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Nin Hao!

This is my first forum post. I have just received my BLCU acceptance letter today! :D I am wanting to know:

- has anyone joined any running groups in Beijing (near BLCU) and what are they like? I'm not really into Harrier groups that drink loads of alcohol at the end of their runs, but enjoy running to food places (cafes, restaurants) for meals after a long run!

- Are there any good runs (10km up to 25km in distance, out & back or loops) near BLCU?

- What races will be on between 15 Sept - 7 Dec 2005? I think there will be a Terry Fox Fun Run in Sept & the Beijing Marathon is in Oct? Anyone doing these races, can you send me links to the websites? What do you think of the courses if you've run them before?

I do both road and mountain (up & downhill) running. My longest distance race is the Half Marathon (2:07:12).

Otherwise, I currently train about 50km a week. I usually train at 6min km pace (so, I'm a "plodder"). If you think you'd like to run with me when I turn up in Beijing send me a PM.


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Hey, I'm not sure quite what to say about training in Beijing. In fact, I once posted a similar question. As for the marathon, two people died in the Beijing marathon last year. Some say it was because they just decided to run without being in shape. Others say it was because the volunteers had left the water stations by the second half of the marathon and the "death marchers" had nothing to drink. Because of that, I think it will be better staffed next year, hopefully.

I, too, am looking for a race in the late fall. I think I'll either do the Beijing Marathon, the Shanghai Marathon or the Standard Chartered Marathon down in Singapore.

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  • 1 month later...


When will you be in Beijing? I'm going to be there this summer and would like a running partner. I train for triathlons and marathons/shorter running races, and will be in training there this summer for two events when I return home.

I couldn't pm you, the forum denied me!


[edit: New members dont' have access to pm's at first. Admin]

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Hi Amanda,

I am training here (figure skating) and run and rollerblade a lot. I run or rollerblade every day (about an hour) and it only took about a week to get used to the air pollution (and the stares!). I don't do as much as you (but am faster! heehee :wink: ) but would be interested in keeping in touch for a weekly run - I usually get out of the city at least one day a week for a long run, I have rollerbladed to Fragrant Hills (and back unfortunately, since I actually forgot to pack my shoes - we had a picnic in between though, so it wasn't too bad!!). I am not near BLCU anymore, but there are some decent running areas around there, amid all the concrete and bad paths! As far as I know there are no "designated" areas, so unless you have a km marker (I have one - like a watch, measures heart rate etc, but it's broken). You can buy them here cheaply.

I've done the Terry Fox run (organised through Club Canada - I am a "friend" member since am not Canadian, more info here: www.clubcanada.net) here in China and it was fun, but kinda pathetic in distance, they said it was 7kms, but there was no way it was!! It was through Chaoyang Park.

I've done one marathon (and will never do one again) and three half marathons, but none in Beijing. I live near the Temple of Heaven and mostly run there. Though I have been slack lately.

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I would love to get out on the weekend, outside of Beijing, for a longer run. I'll need to pick my mileage up beginning in August, in prep for the marathon I'm doing in October. By the end of August (when I leave) I think I need to be around 12 miles. I did a half-marathon this past weekend and was fine - but I need to do at least one run like that a week so that I stay in shape for the marathon.

Also, if the air pollution isn't so bad in the mornings, I'll probably be running really early during the week if you care to join - starting maybe around 6am->7am.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I collect running memories from different places around the world. This is my first time to Shanghai and Beijing and I'm looking for good routes. I'll be in Shanghai on Thursday and can only do a short run about 1-1.5 hours. However, I'll be in Beijing from Friday through Sunday night and looking for a route on the Great Wall. I pinged the Marathon guys to see if I can squeeze in for the half but I suspect that they'll say no. So I'm looking for advice for a nice 2-3 hour run.

I'm a trail runner these days. Gave up marathons last year for mountain running better on the joints. More endurance than speed. Any suggestions from you pros on these forum would be greatly appreciated. I once ran early in the morning through Victoria Park in Hong Kong, dead silent and didn't expect anyone else. As I crested a hill there were about 30 people doing Tai Chi exercises in silence it was so cool. I usually do ring road throughout Europe but the smog in Beijing concerns me. I heard the Bund in Shanghai would be nice.



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The park near where I live is one of the best places to run in Shanghai. It's called Daning Lingshi Park (大宁灵石公园). It is at least 1.5km wide and about 1km long. It has a nice lake, amazing flowers, blossoming trees, a few man-made hills and some rock gardens...etc. The best thing is it has a wide, soft pavement loops that are easy on the knees (I did a 10 miler today).

However, the park would be a bit out of the way if you are staying near the Bund or someplace like that. In any case, take line 1 of the metro north to Shanghai Circus(maxi) stop, (上马戏站). Then walk west on Guangzhong road for about 5-10 minutes. The park is on the left.

If they won't let you into the marathon or the half, you can always do your own. The last time I was in Beijing i did a 40 minute run on the Wall.

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It was very kind of you to reply. Daning Lingshi Park sounds nice, however, it's a bit small. Are there any trails or scenic routes that about about 7-10 miles around? I'm staying at Hua Ting Hotel(华亭酒店) in Shanghai.

As for the Great Wall run, is there one entry point that is better than another? I'm staying at the Renaissance Hotel(国航万丽酒店) in Beijing. Also, is one direction better than another? Forgive me for sounding demanding. I'm grateful for advice from locals.



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Oh, it's so great to see some more replies!! I'll be in Beijing for the Autumn-Winter 12 week course at BLCU (15 Sept - 7 Dec) & a few days either side.

I'm looking for 10-15km runs near BLCU mid-week and then a long run on the weekend. I currently run in the early mornings (Canberra winter gets as low as -5 when I run, but is mostly between 0-5 deg Celcius)

Every Saturday I run 18-20kms off-road (again another mountain runner, definitely better on the joints than road running). And completed the Canberra Half Marathon on Sunday (15/5) in 2:03 (a PB).

So, please PM me if you want to run with me when I get to Beijing.

:-) Cheers!!

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Definitely interested in doing some long weekend runs! I will be in training for a fall marathon and need to be up to 12~14 miles when I return. Also, I have a triathlon two weeks after returning. This morning I did a race and qualified for triathlon nationals but because I'll be in Beijing I can't do them!!!!!!!!!! How crappy is that.

Is there anything at all in Beijing for someone like me who needs somewhat structured training or training facilities and is very serious about this stuff??? I'm freaking out because no one responded to my other post about this and I'm quite serious about my training regimen.

I'm beginning to think I shouldn't go to China at all :(

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  • 5 months later...

Hi all,

I'm an avid runner who got short notice on a trip to Beijing. It will be my first trip there (staying in the Hotel Nikko New Century Beijing), but I'll be in the city only for about a week. I'm hoping to hear from someone with ideas on where to run. I typically run 5 to 10km per day at a training pace of approximately 20 min per 5k, but am willing to go at any pace. I don't like the thought of running on a hotel treadmill unless absolutely necessary.

Also wondering if there are any running events (e.g. 5km / 10km races) in/near Beijing on Saturday, November 19? I'm obviously about a month too late for the marathon.

Thanks for any and all information.

WV Runner, U.S.A.

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  • 1 year later...


I am also looking for a running club but not in Beijing. I will be going to Guangzhou for a month and then Dongguan. I currently run 30miles a week and want to continue with that. I know there are some gyms but running outdoors is so much better.

If anyone knows of any good gym and running clubs in those areas, I will be sooooo grateful

Thanks x

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