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QQSRX #7 Smurfs 锵锵三人行


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Episode #7


Date      2011 0822


Title      《蓝精灵》动画片在香港不流行  The Smurfs Movie is not popular in Hong Kong  


Topic: The Smurfs and other blockbusters



Link to transcript    http://phtv.ifeng.com/program/qqsrx/detail_2011_08/23/8610390_0.shtml

Link to video          http://v.ifeng.com/news/society/201108/db5c34d7-52af-46d9-a7b5-bc8378d18a68.shtml

Youtube link           Part 1   Part 2



Host:                    窦文涛

Guests:                马家辉     and     竹幼婷



Watch and find out (and post up answers if you like):

  • Why does Hong Kong hate Smurfs?
  • What’s the link between Smurfette and Guo Meimei?
  • Why are girls so badly represented in kids movies?
  • Why does Wentao like trashy films?
  • What do they think of films from 100 years ago?
  • Why does Wentao ask Youting “激励你翘臀吗”?
  • Which panellist accuses America of brainwashing audiences?


I wanted to do something a little lighter than the previous. Also, it's from 2011 (can't remember how I stumbled across it) so Realmayo, you have the chance to see 竹幼婷 back when she was still eligible for the Dou Wentao Prettiest Female Presenter prize.



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Translation of first section

Blue = query, bold = vocab



1. 窦文涛:《锵锵三人行》,家辉博士又见到你想见人了。

1. Wentao: QQSRX. Hey, Jiahui, you get to meet again the one you were hoping for [i.e. Youting]

2. 马家辉:每天想着,想着来一个你做节目,我在书展见过你,我们还故意拍了一张照片,放上了微博。

2. Ma Jiahui: Every day hoping, hoping for a programme you’d be in. [suddenly remembering] But we met at a book fair! We took a photo, posted it on Weibo.

3. 竹幼婷:我放上了微博,我们两个中间终于没有文涛了。

3. Youting: I posted it, and said that in between us, there was no Wentao.

4. 马家辉:对。

4. Ma Jiahui: That’s right

5. 窦文涛:现在最终还得有我。

5. Wentao: Now I’m here at last

6. 马家辉:没有你就没有我们。

6. Ma Jiahui: If you weren’t here, we wouldn’t be either.

7. 竹幼婷:对,没有你就没有我们。

7. Youting: Yeah.

8. 窦文涛:会说话

8. Wentao: Well said, well said.

9. 马家辉:加分,加分

9. Ma Jiahui: Bonus point!

10. 窦文涛:加分,《蓝精灵》,最近你知道电影也很火爆,有蓝精灵的新版,还有《变形金刚3》。

10. Wentao: Bonus point. OK, so… The Smurfs. As you know, recently there have been a few blockbuster films come out, the new version of The Smurfs Movie, Transformers 3…

11. 竹幼婷:《哈利·波特》的最终集。

11. Youting: The final part of Harry Potter

12. 窦文涛:《蓝精灵》台湾也放。

12. Wentao: Is The Smurfs out in Taiwan as well?

13. 竹幼婷:我们叫《蓝色小精灵》。

13. Youting: We call it differently.




14. 窦文涛:所以我们那个歌你们不知道。

14. Wentao: So you don’t know our version [i.e. the mainland version] of the song?

15. 竹幼婷:片头曲好像是不一样的,我只记得里面一群小精灵唱的拉拉拉,那个我听得懂,但是那个片头曲中文版本的好像跟台湾不一样。

15. Youting: The theme tune I think is different, I can only remember a group of Smurfs going la la la la, I remember that, but the Chinese theme tune is different from Taiwan’s.

16. 马家辉:这个电影在香港一直不太流行,这个是很多卡通电影里面最冷门最不流行的,可是蓝精灵三个字还蛮流行的,是一种毒品,毒品蓝精灵,所以我不给我女儿去看这个片。

16. Ma Jiahui: That film hasn’t been too popular in Hong Kong. Of all the animated films it’s been the least well-received, the least popular. Although The Smurfs themselves are still pretty popular, it’s like a drug, The Smurfs drug, so I haven’t taken my daughter to see the film.

17. 窦文涛:家辉博士这方面是很有体会的。

17. Wentao: Jiahui has thought about this a lot.

18. 马家辉:没有。

18. Ma Jiahui: No, no.

19. 窦文涛:确实在大陆很火,而且印象深刻,我有几个特别印象深刻的,在外边不见得是特别有名的某种程度上跟我们当年的压抑有关本身引进的就少,比如邓丽君给我们印象太深了,因为除了她没别人。我记得我们火的有一个叫《阿童木》,铁臂阿童木是我们记忆中的,再有一个就是日本电视连续剧叫《血疑》,你 知道吗?

19. Wentao: The truth is that it’s been a massive hit on the mainland, made a big impression. There are a few [foreign] films which have made a deep impression on me which outside of China were not necessarily very famous. To some extent it’s because of the repression here in the past, basically very few got in, for example Teresa Teng had a huge impact here because there wasn’t anyone else.

I remember one big hit was called “Astro Boy”, Astro Boy and his bionic arms has stuck in my memory, also there was a Japanese series called “Blood Suspect”, does that ring a bell?




20. 竹幼婷:不知道。

20. Youting: I don’t know it.

21. 窦文涛:山口百惠

21. Wentao: With Rie Yamauchi…

22. 马家辉:是。

22. Ma Jiahui: That’s right.

23. 窦文涛:得了白血病的一个女孩。再有一个是当年的日本有几个连续剧,叫做《排球女将》。

23. Wentao: About a girl who gets leukaemia. And there was another Japanese series that ran for a few seasons, called “Volleyball Girls”.

24. 马家辉:对,这个香港也红。

24. Ma Jiahui: That was big in Hong Kong too.

25. 窦文涛:这个香港也红,小鹿纯子,还有一个就是《姿三四郎》,柔道

25. Wentao: Oh OK…  The main character was called Xiaoluchunzi .   There was also “Judo Story”, that one about judo.

26. 马家辉:香港也红,饭岛爱在大陆红吗?

26. Ma Jiahui: That one was also big in Hong Kong. Was Ai Iijima popular on the mainland?

27. 窦文涛:饭岛爱是后来红的,后来才红的。 就说这个歌,原来不是他们外国的动画片的歌曲,是当年广东电视台播《蓝精灵》的时候。

27. Wentao: She was, later on, only later on. Anyway, to return to this song, it doesn’t come from the original foreign cartoon, it’s from when The Smurfs was broadcast on Guangdong TV.

28. 竹幼婷:为它写的一首歌吗?

28. Youting: They wrote a new song for it?

29. 窦文涛:中国人为它创作的一首歌,这个作家还感叹,这个作家叫什么瞿琮,我不认识这个字,词作家瞿琮,作曲家是郑秋枫,作曲的《蓝精灵之歌》,瞿作 家感叹,说我这辈子写了5百万字的著作,可是就20多行歌词被人记住,我觉得很有意思。但是他的歌词现在都被篡改了,因为现在到恶搞的时代,一演这个电 影,你看网上都开始编各种各样的变本,有小白领的,在那山的那边海的那边有一群小白领,他们苦逼又聪明,他们加班到天明,我觉得比较有意思的是什么, 郭美美版的,她们穿金戴银生活在那干爹的大房里,她们没事就爱上网宝贝

29. Wentao: Yes, the Chinese created a new song for it. The writer has complained… [stops] This writer, his name is Qu Cong? How do you read that character? This Qu Cong wrote the lyrics, the music was by one Zheng Qiufeng, he wrote the tune for “The Smurfs Song”. Anyway, Mr. Qu has complained that in his life he has written works of five million characters and only 20-odd lines from a song get remembered, which I found funny.

But his lyrics are being messed around with, this is the age of the spoof, a load of websites have put up all kinds of alternate versions of this film [theme tune]. There’s the Office Worker version: “Past the mountain and past the sea live a group of office workers/ They work hard and they are smart/ Do overtime until dawn.”

And even better, I think, is the Guo Meimei version: “She wears jewellery and lives in her sugar daddy’s big house/ Has no choice but to tell us all about it online”




30. 马家辉:这是网民自己改的然后放在网上。

30. Ma Jiahui: These are written by web users and then posted, right?

31. 竹幼婷:但用的是《蓝精灵》的曲调。

31. Youting: But using the melody from The Smurfs.

32. 窦文涛:你听说了最近郭美美的事有新发展?

32. Wentao: Have you heard the latest development in the Guo Meimei saga?

33. 竹幼婷:什么发展?

33. Youting:  What?

34. 窦文涛:就是传闻,传说干爹是不是干爹亲爹

34. Wentao: It’s just a rumour… rumour has it that her ‘godfather’ isn’t her ‘godfather’ but in fact… her actual father!

35. 竹幼婷:亲爹,太爆炸了

35. Youting:  [thunderstruck] Her actual father! What a bombshell!

36. 窦文涛:都是微博上看来的,这玩意儿我不负责任,可以当谣言但是传的很广,她说是干爹,大家都说是男朋友,实际上确实不是男朋友,但也不是干爹,而是跟她妈妈真的生了这么一个女儿,你明白吗,对外管亲爹叫干爹,就像家辉这种情况

36. Wentao: This is just off Weibo, I’m not responsible for it, it might just be a rumour but it’s pretty widespread. The guy she said was her godfather, who everybody said was her boyfriend, in fact isn’t her boyfriend, nor is he her godfather. He is the guy who her mother had her with, if you see what I mean. To the outside world she called her real father her godfather. Let’s see what Jiahui makes of it…

37. 马家辉:我觉得这个事件越不把事情真相讲清楚的话,种种的联想就越多,说下去原来干爹也不是亲爹,干爹是她妈的亲爹,越越没了,原来我才是她亲爹,谣言就是这样。

37. Ma Jiahui: I think that if they don’t come clean about the whole thing, the speculation will only get worse. The next thing will be that her godfather isn’t her father at all, but her mother’s father. It’s like Chinese whispers. Maybe it’ll turn out that I was her real father all along. That’s how rumours go.




38. 竹幼婷:可能就是故意要让大家猜,宁愿猜她也不想告诉你真相,可能真相对他们来说杀伤力更大,所以就让大家猜了。好了,我们回归《蓝精灵》,现在应该讨论的事,你刚刚讲的这种男女关系,他们说《蓝精灵》里面,你有没有发觉,只有一个女生,就是蓝妹妹。

38. Youting:  Probably they’re meaning to make everyone guess, they’d prefer that we all guess because they’re not planning on telling us the truth. Maybe the truth is even more damaging, so they’re just letting everyone guess. Right! Let’s get back to The Smurfs, that’s what we ought to be discussing. You were talking about male-female relationships, well I don’t know whether you noticed, but in The Smurfs there’s only one girl:  Smurfette.

39. 窦文涛:我记得有一个没头脑和不高兴。

39: Wentao: I remember a stupid, grouchy one.

40. 竹幼婷:整个村庄里只有一个女生是蓝妹妹,而且蓝妹妹还是当初的敌人,你们叫做格格把她制造出来,是要来诱惑蓝精灵村,本来想来诱惑,没想到蓝妹 妹被解救之后,就成为大家的一家人了。那请问一下蓝精灵怎么传宗接代,这个精灵村为什么可以一直到现在,还可以跑到纽约去,这是最近网友也在讨论的话题, 大家太邪恶了。

40. Youting: In the whole village there’s only one girl, Smurfette, and besides she was originally a baddie, the one you call Gargamel created her, she was there to bewitch the Smurf village, basically only there just to bewitch, it’s only after she gets rescued she becomes one of the gang. So, if I might enquire… how on earth do the Smurfs procreate? How do they survive from one generation to the next, visit New York… People online have been discussing this a lot, there have been a lot of disgusting ideas.

41. 窦文涛:他们不一定两性生殖,可能是单行生殖,自体生殖。

41.  Wentao: They don’t necessarily reproduce sexually, maybe they’re hermaphroditic, they reproduce individually.

42. 竹幼婷:大家认真了,我只是想到郭美美想到这个

42. Youting:  You’re taking it seriously… I was just making a connection with Guo Meimei.




43. 马家辉:看到卡通想到男女的事情不只在亚洲,在美国什么米老鼠,所有的卡通人物都有色情版,都有成人版,还有成人漫画,成人卡通这样的,全部会这样 联想。至于你说只有一个女生,我们看几乎所有的卡通片里面都有这个特点,我们看香港叫做《叮当》,最近翻译叫什么《多啦A》也是,除了妈妈不算,只有一 个女生,大家都要保护她抢夺她。其实所有的卡通都是从男人的角度非常传统的,都是要去保护抢夺那个女生,那个女生一下小聪明、小调皮,就可以要到她要的东西,其实里面蛮多可以从性别的角度来看的。

43. Ma Jiahui: Making a connection from cartoons to male-female relationships isn’t just an Asian thing, in the U.S. for example Mickey Mouse, or any cartoon character, they all have a porn version, or an adult version. And there’s adult manga and adult cartoons, it’s completely this same association of ideas.

As for what you said about there only being one girl, we can see that almost all animated films have this characteristic. It’s the same in what in Hong Kong we call “Ding Dang”, or, as it’s recently been translated, “Doraemon”. If we discount the mum there’s only one girl, and everyone wants to protect her or save her. In fact all cartoons are customarily from this male perspective, they’re all about protecting the girl or getting the girl, and that girl has only to play some petty tricks to get whatever she wants. So we can look at quite a lot of them from a gender perspective.

44. 窦文涛:女性教育。

44. Wentao: Female education.

45. 竹幼婷:对,这样的话,《哈利·波特》里面的女生就聪明很多,因为她是最聪明的,《变形金刚》我们本来要谈的,他就真的物化了,从头到尾只看到臀部、胸部跟嘴唇。

45. Youting: Yes, on that subject, the girl in Harry Potter is very smart, the most intelligent. In Transformers, which we’re supposed to be discussing, that really objectifies women, from start to finish it’s all asses, breasts and lips.




46. 窦文涛:是吗?

46. Wentao:  Oh really?

47. 竹幼婷:对,去看大型的3D版本,你就会只记得非常美好的身材。

47. Youting: Yes, if you see it widescreen, 3D, you’ll only remember their beautiful bodies. 

48. 窦文涛:他们手机上还有一个短信,说《变形金刚3》的影评,就是大美妞,大美妞,打、打、打,大美妞打,真有一个东西

Wentao:  On a mobile phone you could fit a review of Transformers 3 into a text message: babe, babe, fight, fight, fight, babe, fight.

49. 马家辉:《变形金刚》这个片还真红了,我是开那个车会敞篷的,有时候开出去,停在红绿灯前面,我估计按一个键。比如说停在路边,一按这个键那个,车的顶打开,好几次就有年轻人或者是小孩经过,就大声的叫变形金刚来了,变形金刚,就把我的车联想到变形金刚。

49. Ma Jiahui:  That Transformers film has certainly been successful, I drive a convertible, sometimes when I take it out and stop at a red light, and press a button… for instance I stop at the side of the road, press this button, the roof opens up… Many times when some kids or teenagers have come across this, they all start shouting “It’s a Transformer!”, they associate my car with a transformer [he loves the word 联想; Youting’s face during his car-boasting is great]

50. 竹幼婷:男人的虚荣感就出现了,这个车买的就很有价值,就那个钮。

50. Youting:  There’s that male vanity. It must be a really expensive car if it has a button like that. [?]

51. 马家辉:我没事连下雨我都开,神经病一样。

51. Ma Jiahui: I even drive it in the rain, it’s a compulsion.

52. 窦文涛:你看了吗,《变形金刚3》?

52. Wentao: Have you seen Transformers 3? [steers the conversation away from his expensive car]

53. 马家辉:还没有呢。

53. Ma Jiahui: I still haven’t.

54. 窦文涛:你还没看呢?

54. Wentao: Really?




55. 马家辉:一直想去看呢,因为我有一种怪僻,有一种变态的心理,越想去看越想去做的事情,越要把它忍住,我记得你以前讲过。

55. Ma Jiahui: I’ve been wanting to for ages. But I have an eccentricity, a type of perverted psychology. The more I think about something or the more I want to do something, the more I become determined to resist… I think we talked about this once…

56. 窦文涛:这房中术的秘诀

56. Wentao: A tip for when you're in the bedroom.

57. 马家辉:要忍住,不然那么快满足总有遗憾,这是他教我的,他曾经告诉我一个道理,家辉啊,高潮之后是整个人最忧郁的时候。

57: Ma Jiahui: I want to resist, because if you get satisfied too quickly you end up disappointed. That’s what he taught me, a principle he told me about once, “Jiahui, after the climax comes the disappointment.”

58. 窦文涛:没错。

58. Wentao: That’s right.

59. 马家辉:我就不想面对这种忧郁。

59. Ma Jiahui: So I didn’t want to face that kind of depression.

60. 窦文涛:永远要在上坡的路上,但是家辉告诉你我那个下坡了,我去看了,她也看了。

60. Wentao: “Forever be on the upslope”… But Jiahui, I have to tell you, I’m on the way back down… I’ve been to see it, and so has she.

61. 竹幼婷:我也看了。

61. Youting: So have I.

62. 马家辉:你们一块儿看的?

62: Ma Jiahui: You went together?

63. 窦文涛:一块儿看的,我给你讲《变形金刚3》我为什么爱看,我就发现平常跟我周围的一些朋友讲,尤其是一些女生,觉得你怎么这么俗气看《变形金刚》。他们好像觉得好莱坞大片,变形金刚23,甚至《蜘蛛侠》什么的我都爱看,所有的好莱坞大片《阿凡达》,但是我身体总有一些朋友觉得我很俗气。

63: Wentao: Of course [joking]. Let me tell you why I love Transformers 3. I regularly find that within my circle of friends, and especially among the women, there are people who think, how can you see something as trashy as Transformers? They seem to think that Hollywood blockbusters… Transformers 2 and 3, even Spiderman, all those I love watching, all the Hollywood blockbusters, Avatar… but I always have a few friends who think I have really trashy taste.

64. 竹幼婷:很俗气、很商业。

64. Youting:  Trashy, commercial




65. 窦文涛:没错。

65. Wentao: That’s right.

66. 竹幼婷:读那么多书的人,为什么去看这种打打杀杀小孩子的电影,那为什么?

66. Youting: A person who reads so many books, why does he want to see this type of hack and slash kids movies? Why is that?

67. 窦文涛:为什么。咱们广告之后接着说

67. Wentao: Why indeed? We’ll talk about that some more after the break.



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Queries (and plenty of them!)


1 又见到你想见人了

Grammar’s not my strong point, but shouldn’t this be ?


2   我们还故意拍了一张照片

What does 还故意 add to this sentence?



Who said? She did, or the commenters did? I’d like to think the latter, but grammar suggests the former.


8. Is there any particular reason that Wentao is impressed with Ma Jiahui’s comment (没有你就没有我们)? Is it an allusion to something? Or does he just like to be flattered?


9. 加分,加分    -- again, is this referencing something?


15. 我只记得里面一群小精灵唱的拉拉拉,那个我听得懂

I find it a bit unusual that Youting says 听得懂 here, rather than 记得 or 知道



What exactly is he referring to here? Drugs, smurfs, impact on kids? Perhaps there’s no way to be sure.


19a. 我有几个特别印象深刻的,在外边不见得是特别有名的

My translation: “There are a few [foreign] films which have made a deep impression on me which outside of China were not necessarily very famous”


19b. 跟我们当年的压抑有关

I guess ‘repression’ is probably not the right translation for 压抑 in this context, and a more neutral ‘constraints’ would be preferred. Or would Wentao conceptualise the conditions in the China of his childhood as repression?


19c. 本身引进的就少

My translation: “very few got in”. I assume referring to films from outside China allowed to be shown.


29a.  小白领

Perhaps someone can suggest a translation that sounds natural.


29b. 她们

Three possibilities:

  1. 她们 is used solely to follow the rhythm of the song
  2. 她们 refers to Guo Meimei and her mother as well
  3. 她们 refers to girls like and including Guo Meimei (my feeling)


35. 太爆炸了!

Again, feel free to suggest a natural-English translation. “What a bombshell!” sounds to me like Alan Partridge.


36. 可以当谣言

“It might just be a rumour” – as easy to translate as that? I’m always sceptical about translating as ‘be’, it seems too simple…


36. 就像家辉这种情况

What’s going on here? My guess is that he’s asking Jiahui to comment, and slightly making fun of the inane topic.


37a. 我觉得这个事件越不把事情真相讲清楚的话

The blue bit has me stumped.


37b. 原来我才是她亲爹

Again, 原来 has me a little confused. It seems like it can’t be referring to the past here. Does it in fact mean something more like ‘in reality’?


38. 他们说

Who are ‘they’? Is it like ‘People have been saying’?


39. 我记得有一个没头脑和不高兴

It seems strange for Wentao to say this. He’s insulting Smurfette?


40. 邪恶

Referring to ‘dirty jokes’, being ‘crude’, that sort of thing?


42. 大家认真了,我只是想到郭美美想到这个

My translation: “You’re taking it seriously… I was just making a connection with Guo Meimei”.


43. 那个女生一下小聪明、小调皮,就可以要到她要的东西

Not sure.


45. 《哈利·波特》里面的女生就聪明很多,因为她是最聪明的

Is 因为 doing anything here?


48a. 他们手机上还有一个短信

Who are they? Does he just mean that there’s a funny text doing the rounds?


48b. 真有一个东西

That’s all it is/ It’s all one-note. [?]


49. 估计按一个键



56. 这房中术的秘诀

I guess you’d have had to see the episode in question to know what he’s referring to.


Thanks in advance

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10   蓝精灵    lánjīnglíng        The Smurfs

10   火爆    huǒbào      --          hot, popular (here)

10   变形金刚    biànxíng jīngāng               --      Transformers

15   片头曲      piàntóuqū           --     theme tune

19   某种程度上     mǒuzhǒng chéngdù shàng        --    to some extent

19   压抑     yāyì              --    constrain, oppress

19   邓丽君      dènglìjūn       --    Teresa Teng

19   阿童木     ātóngmù      --       Astroboy

19   血疑          xuèyí            --    Blood Suspect (Japanese TV show)

21   山口百惠        shānkǒu bǎihuì      --  Rie Yamauchi   (one of the stars of Blood Suspect)

23  白血病      báixiěbìng      --     leukaemia    (Chinese vocabulary is easy sometimes!)

25  小鹿纯子  xiǎolù chúnzi      --    The main character of Volleyball Girls

25   姿三四郎  zīsān sìláng     --   Judo Story

25   柔道    róudào           --    judo

26   饭岛爱   Fàn Dǎoài    --    Ai Iijima 

29   篡改   cuàngǎi     --    to tamper with

29   恶搞   ègǎo          --   spoof

29   变本   biànběn     --   alternate version

29   苦逼     kǔbī        --    Supposedly can be translated as ‘kubility’, another Chinese to English coining like ungeilivable which I’ve never seen in the wild. Something about working too hard, being a bit of a sucker. Would appreciate input!

29       shài     --      (here) a soundalike of ‘share’, used to refer to sharing online.

34   干爹    gāndiē    --   godfather

34   亲爹   qīndiē     --    actual father, true father

36  谣言   yáo​yán     --    rumour

37  联想   lián​xiǎng    --   association of ideas, putting ideas together

37       chě      --   (here) to chat, to gossip

40       wū     --   witch

40   传宗接代    chuán​zōng​jiē​dài    --   to carry on one’s ancestral line, to leave heirs

40   邪恶     xié​'è      --    disgusting

43   米老鼠    mǐlǎoshǔ     --   Mickey Mouse

43   色情    sèqíng     --   pornographic

43   叮当, 多啦A      dīngdāng, duōla ‘A’ mèng    --   Doraemon

43   抢夺          qiǎngduó     --    snatch

43   (e.g. 聪明 )         shuǎ   --   display a characteristic, e.g. intelligence

45  物化     wùhuà      --    objectify (women)

48   大美妞    dàměiniū     --   attractive woman

49   敞篷    chǎngpéng    -- convertible (car)

50   虚荣感    xūrónggǎn    --   vanity

55    怪僻     guàipì      --      eccentric, eccentricity

60   上坡     shàngpō      --   uphill

63    俗气    súqì       --    trashy, vulgar  (here)

63    阿凡达     Āfándá      --      Avatar (film)


Later vocabulary


卓别林         zhuóbiélín    --   Charlie Chaplin

卢米艾尔兄弟    lúmǐài'ěr xiōngdì    --  The Lumière Brothers

更类似于          gèng lèisì yú       --    more like, more similar to

惊艳         jīngyàn           --         amazing

剪辑         jiǎnjí           --           edits, cuts (in a film)

大荧幕          dàyíngmù        --       big screen

现实主义     xiànshí zhǔyì       --       Realism

形势主义     xíngshìzhǔyì        --      Formalism (?)

哲学意义     zhéxué yìyì          --      philosophical significance

栩栩如生     xǔxǔrúshēng        --        vivid, lifelike

圆一个梦     yuán yīgè mèng        --      make a dream come true

周遭      zhōuzāo          --   surroundings

过瘾      guòyǐn      --    enjoyable, satisfying

纯粹只是(为了)     chúncuì zhǐshì (wèile…)    --  purely (in order to…)

金刚      jīngāng       --    King Kong    (strangely similar to Transformers)

猩猩      xīngxīng     --   gorilla


拼凑      pīncòu       --    put together, make

铸成      zhù chéng     --   cast into, forge into, i.e. make into

格子衬衫     gézi chènshān      --   checked shirt

正宗      zhèngzōng            --   authentic

搭配      dāpèi           --    match (colours)

宣扬      xuānyáng            --    (here) preach, extol

美国主义  měiguó zhǔyì       --     pro-Americanism

柯博文       kē bówén          --     Optimus Prime

骆家辉       Luò Jiāhuī        --      Gary Locke (U.S. Ambassador to China)

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Great stuff, enjoying this one, much more relaxing than doing the actual transcribing! Nine minutes too...!



I'm sure we can all agree with Ma Jiahui on this one.




Who said? She did, or the commenters did? I’d like to think the latter, but grammar suggests the former.

-- I reckon that yes everything indicates she said it. Why would you like to think it was the commenters?



8. Is there any particular reason that Wentao is impressed with Ma Jiahui’s comment (没有你就没有我们)? Is it an allusion to something? Or does he just like to be flattered?

I think it's just: if you weren't here -- the host -- then we (the guests) wouldn't be here either.

And Wentao's reply: 会说话

I think this isn't so much "well said" as "you really know how to talk", "you smoothy", that kind of jokey thing: Ma Jiahui is jokingly flattering and Wentao is pretending he's really impressed.


9. 加分,加分    -- again, is this referencing something?

again, I think it's just: "you get an extra point for your flattery" ... with "...if this were a quiz show haha" implied.



37b. 原来我才是她亲爹

Again, 原来 has me a little confused. It seems like it can’t be referring to the past here. Does it in fact mean something more like ‘in reality’?

-- Yes, I think the 'past' angle with 原来 is this: "all along, the situation was like this. And it still is like this. But it is only now that I realise what the situation is & was."

-- Doesn't have to be "I realise", could be you/he/she/the world.

So here: "So actually I was her father all along" with the "all along" = in the past (and now too).

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I reckon that yes everything indicates she said it. Why would you like to think it was the commenters?


Just because otherwise she's bursting out laughing at her own joke, and a very in-jokey joke too




I think this isn't so much "well said" as "you really know how to talk", "you smoothy", that kind of jokey thing: Ma Jiahui is jokingly flattering and Wentao is pretending he's really impressed.



I think you're right, it's surprising how often I misinterpret the tone of what they're saying




So here: "So actually I was her father all along" with the "all along" = in the past (and now too).


Lovely translation, that makes a lot of sense




Great stuff, enjoying this one, much more relaxing than doing the actual transcribing!


Well likewise there's no way I'd have got into this series if you hadn't posted up the four initial videos. Hopefully more people will slowly join in.




Nine minutes too...!


But don't miss out on the second part, in particular the part that begins with Wentao asking Youting "你看见那个大美妞是什么感觉"

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36. 可以当谣言 - can be regarded as a rumour.

37a. 我觉得这个事件越不把事情真相讲清楚的话,种种的联想就越多 - this is a 越 ...越 ... pattern.  The more unclear the matter is, the more speculation, etc

39. 我记得有一个没头脑和不高兴 - I remember one that is stupid and grouchy

43. 都是要去保护抢夺那个女生,那个女生耍一下小聪明、小调皮,就可以要到她要的东西 - not to kidnap the girl, but to win the girl. and the girl has only to play some petty tricks to get whatever she wants

56-57 they were talking about what happens in the bedroom. Did you choose to translate that to highpoint?

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56-57 they were talking about what happens in the bedroom. Did you choose to translate that to highpoint?


Hmmm, my bad. I knew that 高潮 could mean orgasm, but I assumed that he wouldn't say something like that (I'm such a prude, I guess).


But if I'd have twigged 56 meant bedroom rather than surgery (the confused me), it'd have been clear. I'll change that.


not to kidnap the girl, but to win the girl


You know, I had a feeling it might be that


39. 我记得有一个没头脑和不高兴 - I remember one that is stupid and grouchy


It confused me because it seems like such a bit random


Thank you!

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