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對岸的孩子看過來 Mainland Students in Taiwan


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I watched part of this programme on an English Channel this evening, and I thought it was quite interesting.

You should be able to watch the programme via RTHK's link, which most probably will not work on the Mainland. The other link might work on the Mainland but I am not sure. This version is in both Cantonese and Mandarin with subtitles in traditional script. There will be an English version a few days later, I suppose. 


http://www.acfun.tv/v/ac1024765_3 (PS - I guess this link should work in China, as the parts on the second hand bookstore and the Taiwan flag have been cut/ edited.)

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Fun video. I've met a few mainland students here at NTNU (weird seeing shots of my school in the video), and they've all been interesting to talk to. That one girl is right that sometimes the professors will single them out, but I've never heard it done in a malicious way. A few weeks ago I heard a teacher say "那,我們這位大陸學生,我說「台灣是個國家」你要忍耐一下,好不好?" I've been singled out plenty of times too. It's part of going to school in another country.


Which reminds me. I've found that generally when mainland students get offended because someone says Taiwan isn't part of China, they're not thinking the same thing a Taiwanese person is thinking. If you push further and ask what they mean by "中國," the mainlander doesn't usually mean that Taiwan is part of the PRC, but of China as a sort of cultural entity (大中華地區), while to the Taiwanese person, 中國 is the PRC. It's one of those words that carries different meanings on either side of the strait even though it may not appear to initially.


I can attest to the fact that a lot of people here have very weird ideas about the PRC though. That's called "not having been there." I hear bizarre things about the States spouted off as indisputable fact all the time.

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Yes, the idea of China vs PRC.


I feel quite impatient about the censorship of sensitive information on the mainland.  The removal of the bookstore and flag parts, and the way that the Mainland students hold back what they want to say/ do, etc. (But actually I feel relieved that the bookstore part has been removed.  I don't want that girl to have any troubles when she is home.) But I guess we must live with this, at least for the time being.  Not everyone in the big country is as well educated / rational / reasonable as the young people in the programme.

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Thanks for posting this skylee.


Interesting at 10:00 they translated 路人而已 as "For them, I am just a passerby". I assumed she meant 大陸人 (mainlander).

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