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19 minutes ago, imron said:

You should be able to update the wordlists without any issue. Are you sure no other files were modified?


Which files exactly were you trying to change?


/Applications/Chinese Text Analyser.app/Contents/Resources/wordlists


I tried updating just one file and it still made my license invalid. (I dont change the name of the file, just input the new words in it and save it) I'm not sure if adding a file in this folder does the same too


I am using the most recent version of CTA as well

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8 hours ago, Rotasu said:

tried updating just one file

Do you remember specifically which file?

There are a couple of files that CTA checks haven’t changed (such as the main application binary), but there shouldn’t be anything in the wordlists directory. 

If you let me know the file I’ll try to reproduce on my local machine. 

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23 minutes ago, imron said:

Do you remember specifically which file?

There are a couple of files that CTA checks haven’t changed (such as the main application binary), but there shouldn’t be anything in the wordlists directory. 

If you let me know the file I’ll try to reproduce on my local machine. 

all the hsk files... hsk-1.txt etc. I also tried just adding a 'hsk-7.txt' file and that didnt work either

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Still working on it, but have been busy and haven't had the time to look in to this properly yet.


In the meantime, you can manually create wordlists from the Word Lists -> Manage menu, and choosing New -> Empty List, and then importing words from the levels you want in to that word list.


It's not ideal, and it won't show new HSK totals on the statistics view, but you'll be able to see known/unknown statistics to find out how many words are/aren't on the current wordlist.

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  • 5 months later...

Some recommendations for this hugely useful tool:

  1. Changing the font size should also apply to "The Word List View" and the dictionary pop-up. I think a lot of learners (myself included) like to see Chinese characters in somewhat larger size than non-Chinese fonts. 
  2. Scrolling one screen in "The Text View" should scroll one or two lines less than an entire page, both when using the PgDn key and when clicking into the vertical scroll bar. Currently, if the last line is only partially visible and you scroll one page then that partially visible line gets skipped over and the next line is on top, thereby you miss a line and have to manually scroll up. 
  3. The dark color scheme currently only reverses the background and the main text color. Unknown (red) and looked up words (blue) are unaffected. This might be fine for unknown words in red, but looked up words in blue become almost indiscernible in dark mode due to very low contrast ratio with the background, please change to a lighter (non-primary) blue tone for the dark mode.
  4. Minor one: while the function of "File>Export" is obvious even without checking the documentation, it is hard to guess what "File>Import" does without checking the docs. Renaming to "File>Import known words" would fix that. 
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  • 3 weeks later...

Another bug I just found: certain texts cannot be zoomed in correctly, i.e. when you increase the font size you cannot scroll to the end of the text any longer. 


For example I just pasted the Chinese text from below link, and depending on the window size I have to make the text miniscule in order to fit it into the Text View. Even if I make the window full screen, Microsoft Yahei size 17 is the largest font size I can use. Size 20 cuts off almost one third from the bottom of the text. At a smaller window size even font size 12 is too large.




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The bug I posted yesterday seems to affect the Text View in yet another way: when enlarging the text size (I am still using the Microsoft Yahei font), the Text View seems unaware when exactly a line ends and places the automatic line wrap beyond the visible area, so part of the text gets hidden under the Statistics&Word List views. 


Both bugs seem to be caused by whitespace characters: spaces and tabs.




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Another minor bug (screenshots attached):

if a phrase is separated due to a line break, then copying the word by right-clicking on the part after the line break only copies that latter part into the clipboard, though the whole phrase is highlighted in grey. Similarly, right-clicking on the latter part to "Show definition" fails, as the program tries to look up the truncated latter part of the phrase.



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  • 1 month later...

I occasionally came across another bug, but until now I had no idea how to actually reproduce it (i.e. what causes it).


With CTA running, if you press Win+D (on Windows) to show the desktop and minimize all apps, then reactivate CTA, a grey bar appears under the toolbar icons, see attached screenshot. The grey bar disappears the very moment you start resizing the window.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/4/2022 at 3:28 PM, yaokong said:

The dark color scheme currently only reverses the background and the main text color. Unknown (red) and looked up words (blue) are unaffected. This might be fine for unknown words in red, but looked up words in blue become almost indiscernible in dark mode due to very low contrast ratio with the background, please change to a lighter (non-primary) blue tone for the dark mode.

This I managed to fix by manually adjusting the color scheme in 



Far from perfect, just a quick fix, and a starting point for an eye-friendly dark theme.


I changed the dark values to:


    currentSearch.background = f4d47c
    currentSearch.foreground = 000000
    hover.background = d8d8d8
    hover.foreground = 2b3138
    hover.unknown.background = d8d8d8
    hover.unknown.foreground = ff0000
    known.background = 2b3138
    known.foreground = d8d8d8
    lookedUp.background = 2b3138
    lookedUp.foreground = 0f8bd4
    normal.background = 2b3138
    normal.foreground = d8d8d8
    searchTerm.background = c38fff
    searchTerm.foreground = 000000
    selection.background = 777777
    selection.foreground = ffffff
    unknown.background = 2b3138
    unknown.foreground = e74858



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Scrolling via PgUp and PgDn does not work for me on LMDE 5 "Elsie" (Linux Mint), does it work for others on other distros? I had no such problems on Windows 11 (which died an irreparable Green Screen of Death a couple days ago). Here on Linux I can only scroll using the mouse, and I am not really a mouse person...


Did a quick sanity check and PgUp&Dn work in other apps.

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On 3/27/2022 at 7:14 AM, yaokong said:

Here on Linux I can only scroll using the mouse, and I am not really a mouse person...

I'll look in to it.  In the meantime, at the very least, single line scrolling is available with up/down and j/k (vim)

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On 3/27/2022 at 7:54 PM, imron said:

I'll look in to it.

The code is definitely there for it and it should all be hooked up.  Not sure why it's not working.  I have a Mint VM I was using for testing compatibility with various distros and I'll try checking with that in a bit.

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