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Dalian: universities and programs (language ​​/ business), a feedback?


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Hello everyone, let me open this discussion because I plan to go study in Dalian. I saw on the website Cucas that there are several universities offering degree programs in Chinese language or Business Chinese. I have an intermediate level of Chinese. I lack knowledge about programs and their qualities. I'd like to know your experience in university in Dalian on the type of course, number of hours per week, the progress you have accomplished, life on campus (housing, food). Thank you.

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I can't really answer your question directly, but I have read some negative reviews about Cucas. (no personal experience there either)

So I can't say that they are not trustworthy, however, since there are some people claiming that it's a scam, I would do some research before actually submitting an application with them.

Then again, I've also read some very positive reviews about them. So don't let me scare you. They're probably fine

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From what I remember, most negative comments about CUCAS were questioning whether they are really an official agency supported by the government or rather just a company set up by an individual, completely separate from the government. Whether that's really a problem is questionable of course. As I said, I've read many good reviews too, so I wouldn't worry about it.

I have no experience with studying in Dalian though.

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