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Help with Chinese Payment Options needed

Mozilla =)

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Good morning everyone,


I came across this board to ask for a little help, so sorry for being off-topic.


What do I want: I need to buy Research & Development Papers at www.cnki.net. I successfully registered using "Quick Translator 1.0" as Firefox Plugin. Now I have to charge my account with money, according to the translator payment options are:


bank card recharge
shengzhouxing card recharge
bank wire
mobile SMS recharge
Chinese know
Alipay recharge card online recharge
Unicom SMS recharge recharge


In Chinese:


I tried bank card charge and alipay, it says Unknown Mail (ofcourse) and Unknown telephone number (ofcourse).



This is one of the payment pages (Alipay I think) my translator cant read.


I´m quite lost, do you think there is any possibility of transferring money to my account?


I do have a International valid Mastercard and a Paypal Account, as well as a german mobile phone.


Thank you very much!



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if you choose to pay via Alipay, you will have to have an Alipay account with enough balance in the first place. Do you have one?


If you don't, it's very important to know that an Alipay account can only be topped up by receiving money from another Alipay account or a Chinese bank account.


Edit: Do you have a Chinese bank account? If you do, that would be the best way to complete the transaction.

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Yes, as far as I know, what Kenny同志 wrote is right, I confirm it. Not long time ago I tried to register an Alipay account but unfortunately the website required having a Chinese bank account. If anybody knows, is it possible to have a Chinese bank account for a foreigner or is it difficult to obtain one? Are there any requirements, like having a job or having Chinese citizenship? I'm just asking since I don't know it, but I would like to open a bank account in China in the future if I stay there for long time.

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Thanks for the replies.


No, I don´t have a Chinese Bank account, and I´m stuck with Alipay registration as I only can find registration for businesses.

According to guides, one still needs a Chinese Bank Account / Mobile Phone for registering at Alipay (is this still correct?). In 2010 it was appearantly possible to pay an Alipay transaction via Paypal, but one needs the Receiver´s email, which I dont have.



Any ideas?

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According to guides, one still needs a Chinese Bank Account / Mobile Phone for registering at Alipay (is this still correct?).



I am afraid so.


If you need to be able to download the stuff immediately, you might as well ask your Chinese friends, if you have any, to pay for you. You can then return the money at a later time.

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If anybody knows, is it possible to have a Chinese bank account for a foreigner or is it difficult to obtain one?


Yes, you can have a Chinese bank account but normally you have to open it at the bank of your choice in person.

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As far as I know a Chinese credit card is technically possible but very difficult to get. What's more, when I was over there I rarely saw the option for any sort of plastic payment. And in the odd case where I could, it was union pay.


If you get a bank account, then you'll usually get a debit card that you can use.

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I rarely saw the option for any sort of plastic payment. And in the odd case where I could, it was union pay.

China is still very much a cash based society, although plastic payment is becoming more common in larger cities.  Amusingly, I have probably swiped my Chinese bank's union pay card to pay in a store more often in Australia than I have in China.  Sometimes I like to use it here just for the fun/novelty value.

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Sorry I have not followed this thread closely. But I think I have an Alipay account. I don't have a "Chinese" bank account or credit card, though. Why is that? Let me check. (I wanted to check but am too drunk. Maybe later.)

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