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QQSRX #10 Peng Liyuan


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1.  窦文涛:明星三人行,周末彭丽媛。你们好,我是窦文涛,还有梁文道,与彭丽媛在香港能见面,真是有缘分。

1.  Dou Wentao:   MXSRX (!) , it’s the weekend, it’s Peng Liyuan. Hello, I am Dou Wentao, we’ve also got Liang Wentao, it’s really great to get the chance to meet Peng Liyuan in Hong Kong.

2.  彭丽媛:是。

2.  Peng Liyuan:  Yes.

3.  窦文涛:跟我们的观众打个招呼。

3.  Dou Wentao:  Say hello to our  viewers.

4.  彭丽媛:好,观众朋友们大家好,我是你们的老朋友彭丽媛。

4.  Peng Liyuan:  Right, hello dear viewers, I am your old friend Peng Liyuan.

5.  窦文涛:对了,可以说我们凤凰卫视最大多数的观众在大陆,所以大家对她比对你(梁文道)还熟悉。

5.  Dou Wentao:  Yep, it’s fair to say the majority of Phoenix TV’s viewers are in the mainland, so everyone knows her better than they know you (Liang Wendao).

6.  梁文道:当然。

6.  Liang Wendao:  Of course.

7.  彭丽媛:现在也很熟悉他。

7.  Peng Liyuan:  Now he’s very well known.

8.  窦文涛:彭丽媛最近两年都在忙些什么?

8.  Dou Wentao:  Peng Liyuan, what have you been up to the last couple of years?

9.  彭丽媛:这两年除了演出以外,有的时候趁年轻到最基层,像京九铁路、还有南昆铁路,我们就沿着这个铁路线为很多老的贫困山区做演出。平时就是国家的一些像“心连心”*** [fanrilishi?] 的演出,这样五一、六一、七一、八一、十一、元旦、春节。接下来这一年再走

9.  Peng Liyuan:  The last two years, apart from performing, while I’m still young I sometimes get down to the grass roots, like the Beijing to Kowloon railway, or the Nanning to Kunming line, we performed all along the line, in lots of of old impoverished mountain areas.  Normally it’s for national “heart-linked-to-heart” performances like for May Day, Children’s Day, Party Founding Day, Army Day, National Day, New Year’s Day, Spring Festival. Next year, do it all again.




10.  窦文涛:你知道她说的“心连心”是怎么回事吗?近几年来在内地兴起这么一种表演形式,组织国家一级的表演明星、艺术家,上什么地方,比如农村、工厂,就是挺简陋的环境,在一个大广场上搭起一个台子来,好多人露天看。这种表演形式好像不如现在剧场包装、制作那么精美,但我后来问有些演员,他说过瘾。

10.  Dou Wentao:  Do you know about this “heart-linked-to-heart” she talked about? There’s this kind of performance that’s started up on the mainland over the last few years,  organising shows from the country’s star performers and artists, who go out to wherever, the countryside, factories, very basic environments. They put up a stage in the square, lots of people watch in the open air. This kind of performance may not be as refined as a production in a modern theatre, but afterwards I asked some performers, they said they loved it.

11a.  彭丽媛:特别过瘾,每次看演出的时候,有的都将近10几万(观众),我们走到河南商丘的时候,他们地方的部门只有四万人看,这个时候警察和公安干警都来维持秩序,就找了一部分警察,后来老百姓自发的都过来了,很多人,我听说都是从农村听到这个消息以后,就一家人背着粮食带着水,走几十里路赶到这里来看我们的演出。

11a.  Peng Liyuan:  I really love it. Every time you see a show, some have close to tens of thousands (of people watching). When we went to Shanqiu in Henan, to begin with their local department (said that there’d only be)  40,000 people watching. At this point time the police and public security police, they just used a portion of them to come and keep order. Then ordinary people spontaneously all came along, lots of people, I heard they were all from the countryside and once they heard this news, whole families, put grain on their backs, took water with them, and walked dozens of kilometres hurrying to see our show.




11b.  彭丽媛:我们到了现场一看十几万观众,而且秩序还特别好。他们现在电视发展很快,好像我们随着电视就走进了千家万户,很多人从电视上看到我们好像不太满足,还是要真正的看看彭丽媛长什么样,董文华长什么样,宋祖英长什么样子,他总要看看真人是什么样子。

11b.  Peng Liyuan:  So when we got there we saw hundreds of thousands of people in the audience. And everything was still really orderly. Television is expanding there really fast, I guess thanks to TV we’ve gone into countless households. But lots of people who saw us on TV, I guess they weren’t quite satisfied, they still preferred to see for real what Peng Liyuan looks like, what Dong Wenhua, Song Zuying look like, they want to see what everyone looks like for real.

12.  梁文道:看了一定很感动,这个场面。

12.  Liang Wendao:  It must have been very moving.

13.  彭丽媛:我特别感动,而且我们演完的时候,观众就自发地跑到马路两旁站着,我们就坐着一个大轿车走嘛,他们所有的人都不会拦这个道路,都是非常善意地跟我们招手,我哭了,真的我的眼泪掉下来了。

13.  Peng Liyuan:  I was extremely moved. Also, once we’d finished performing, the audience spontaneously ran to both sides of the street, we got right into a big bus to go, no one blocked the way, everyone waved to you, with such good will, I cried, really, tears poured out.

14.  窦文涛:老百姓笑了。

14.  Dou Wentao:  And the people laughed.

15.  彭丽媛:老百姓笑了,好多老百姓也哭了,看到我后喊彭丽媛,都感动得哭了。

15.  Peng Liyuan:  The people laughed. Lots of them cried too, when they saw me they called out Peng Liyuan everyone was moved to tears.




16.  窦文涛:所以在这种情况下,[一般演唱必须借助变声]。但是在过去有些时候演出条件不是很好的时候,声音条件不是很好,甚至现场没有音响的时候,像彭丽媛这种演唱的路子,流行歌星的嗓门就比不上了

16.  Dou Wentao:  In this kind of situation [transcript mismatch] … But in the past when sometimes conditions for performances weren’t very good, sound conditions weren’t good, sometimes there wasn’t even any sound onstage, like how Peng Liyuan was singing. But pop stars’ voices can’t match that.

17.  梁文道:对,完全不一样了。

17.  Liang Wendao:  Yes, completely different

18.  彭丽媛:你这样说,流行歌星该生气了。

18.  Peng Liyuan:  Pop stars will get angry with you for saying that

19.  窦文涛:这方面声音大小他比不上嘛。

19.  Dou Wentao:  It’s the size of the voice they can’t match

20.  彭丽媛:我只是一种风格吧。

20.  Peng Liyuan:  That’s just my style.

21.  窦文涛:是不是,你说广场上要是没有话筒的话,你的声音一样到达最后一排。

21.  Dou Wentao:  Isn’t it true that at these public squares if there’s no microphone your voice can still reach right to the back row?

22.  彭丽媛:那倒不敢当,但是这种大广场里面还是有音响的,都有音响,但是观众他就是喜欢你,为什么呢?我唱的歌曲里面大多数都是跟老百姓非常贴切的歌曲,像《歌唱祖国》、《家乡》、还有歌唱我们的人民、群众,跟大家比较贴近的。就是我有一首歌叫《父老乡亲》,可能你听的少一点,窦文涛可能熟悉。

22.  Peng Liyuan:  That’s too much … but these kind of squares have all got sound, all got sound. But the audience, they all like you, you know why? Most of the songs I sing are extremely close to the lives of common people, for instance ‘Ode to the Motherland’, ‘Hometown’, or I sing about our citizens, the people, things that are close to people. And I’ve got one song called ‘My Village Elders, maybe you haven’t really heard it, Dou Wentao probably knows it.

23.  窦文涛:他不像“父老乡亲”。

23.  Dou Wentao:  He’s not like a ‘village elder”

24.  梁文道:我好像不入流对不对?

24.  Liang Wendao:  I guess I’m not up to date, right?

25.  彭丽媛:你也是“父老乡亲”。

25.  Peng Liyuan:  He is a ‘village elder’

26.  梁文道:那好,我现在也成了“父老乡亲”了。




26.  Liang Wendao:  That’s good, now I’ve become an ‘village elder’.

27.  彭丽媛:所以我唱的《父老乡亲》就跟大家比较贴切,这个歌词写的非常深,而且我觉得跟我的成长道路是很贴切的,我就是在一个小县城成长的这么一个歌手。

27.  Peng Liyuan:  So I sing ‘My Village Elders, it’s quite close to everyone’s life, the lyrics are really profound, and I think of the path I followed growing up, it’s very close to that, I am just a singer who grew up in a small town.

28.  窦文涛:山东,老乡嘛。

28.  Dou Wentao:  In Shangdong, your hometown.

29.  彭丽媛:郓城县。

29.  Peng Liyuan:  Yuncheng county

30.  窦文涛:你是郓城县,我是章丘。

30.  Dou Wentao:  You are from Yuncheng, I am from Zhangqiu

31.  彭丽媛:章丘大葱。

31.  Peng Liyuan:  Zhangqiu onions.

32.  窦文涛:我是大葱,你是大酱嘛。

32.  Dou Wentao:  I am onions, you are sauce.

33.  彭丽媛:你吃过北京烤鸭吗?

33.  Peng Liyuan:  Have you eaten Peking duck?

34.  梁文道:吃过。

34.  Liang Wendao:  I have.

35.  彭丽媛:北京烤鸭那个葱都是章丘大葱。

35.  Peng Liyuan:  The spring onions for Peking duck are Zhangqiu onions.

36.  梁文道:我喜欢大葱,我吃面的时候也吃葱。

36.  Liang Wendao:  I like onions, I eat them with noodles.

37.  彭丽媛:以后一定要吃章丘大葱。

37.  Peng Liyuan:  Next time you should eat Zhangqiu onions.

38.  窦文涛:你看他见你穿这老棉袄,你是不是觉得亲切?

38.  Dou Wentao:  You see he’s watching you earing this old cotton jacket, do you feel close to him?

39.  彭丽媛:是,我们乡村的老棉袄。

39.  Peng Liyuan:  Yes, our hometown cotton jacket.

40.  窦文涛:把自己叫成乡亲父老。

40.  Dou Wentao:  Saying he’s become a hometown elder.

41.  彭丽媛:父老乡亲。

41.  Peng Liyuan:  Village elder

42.  梁文道:对。

42.  Liang Wendao:  Right

43.  彭丽媛:所以这《父老乡亲》就比较贴近大家,而且里面有一句歌词,我认为写的最好,就是“树高千尺也忘不了根”,一个人无论有什么样的成就,你成为世界上多么重量级的人物,或者你是一个领袖,你是一个政治家,或你是一个明星等等的,就是说你位置再高,你总会去寻根,总会忘不了你小时候所生活过的地方,甚至你小时候吃糠咽菜的地方,(喝)一杯茶的地方。我觉得这个歌词跟老百姓比较贴切,所以他们对我就比较的厚爱一些。

43.  Peng Liyuan:  So this ‘My Village Elders” is quite close to everyone’s lives, and it’s got this lyric I think is so good, ‘Thousand foot trees don’t forget their roots’. Whatever success someone has, if you become someone super-important in the world, or if you’re a leader, you’re a politician, or you’re a star or whatever, however high your position you’ve got to look for your roots, you can’t forget the place you lived as a child, even if you lived in poverty as a child, (drinks) a cup of tea place. I think this is really cloes to the lives of the common people, so they’re quite fond of me. 




44.  窦文涛:她这个嗓门是那样,“咱父老老乡亲”(窦文涛学唱《父老乡亲》)。是不是?

44.  Dou Wentao:  Her voice is like this, “Our old villagers,”. Right?

45.  梁文道:你还是别学[?]了吧。

45.  Liang Wendao:  You should stop ???ing.

46.  窦文涛:忘买VCD了。

46.  Dou Wentao:  Forgot to buy the VCD [audio unclear?]

47.  梁文道:VCD这可真是。

47.  Liang Wendao:  [audio unclear

48.  窦文涛:不过我觉得梁文道在香港也很长时间,像彭丽媛,在我们内地来说,那就是特有名的名女人之列了。香港也有很多名女人。

48.  Dou Wentao:  But Liang Wendao has been in Hong Kong for a long time. Peng Liyuan, for the mainland, she is the most famous female star -- Hong Kong also has female stars.

49.  梁文道:对,没错。

49.  Liang Wendao:  Yes, right.

50.  窦文涛:你这么一接触,你感觉内地的名女人跟香港的名女人有什么不一样吗?

50.  Dou Wentao:  When you talk *** to them, do you feel mainland female stars are different from Hong Kong ones?

51.  梁文道:就以这样的接触来看的话,我觉得其实像彭丽媛这样特别的亲切、和蔼可亲

51.  Liang Wendao:.  Well if you’re talking about this kind of contact, in fact I think Peng Liyuan is especially warm and friendly.   

52.  彭丽媛:真的?

52.  Peng Liyuan:  Really?

53.  梁文道:嗯,因为我在香港碰过一些名女人,就是她额头上就写了四个字“我很有名”,写着“你得小心”,有点拒人于千里之外的感觉,有时候。所以我觉得看到你特别亲切。

53.  Liang Wendao:  When I’ve come across some famous women in Hong Kong, they’ve got this written on their foreheads: “I am very famous”,  “You should be careful”, makes you feel they’re keeping everyone at a distance, sometimes. So I feel closer [to Peng Liyuan than to them].

54.  彭丽媛:是吗?谢谢。

54.  Peng Liyuan:  Really? Thank you?

55.  窦文涛:是吗?那你的感觉呢?

55.  Dou Wentao:  Really? What do you think?




56.  彭丽媛:你说我对什么的感觉?

56.  Peng Liyuan:  About what?

57.  窦文涛:他说的这个事。

57.  Dou Wentao:  About what he said.

58.  彭丽媛:我觉得我好像跟他说的挺相近的,好像别人见了我都觉得挺亲切的,挺随意的,用我们一句普通的话就是“挺朴实的”,是不是这样?

58.  Peng Liyuan:  I think I’m quite like what he said, when people see me they do feel I’m friendly, very casual, to use a very commonplace phrase, “very unpretentious”, isn’t that right?

59.  窦文涛:咱这山东的父老乡亲嘛。你要见别的女名人你可能未必敢穿老棉袄。

59.  Dou Wentao:  Us Shandong village elders…  If you’re meeting other women celebs presumably you wouldn’t dare wear this old cotton jacket.

60.  梁文道:不,我也穿这个,假装跟她们很亲切,其实看着就不觉得我很亲切

60.  Liang Wendao:  No, I’d still wear this, pretend to be very close to them, actually ________?

61.  彭丽媛:其实这个棉袄是一种时尚,现在很多设计师做的这个世界名牌的服装都是东方化的东西,其实我觉得很时尚。

61.  Peng Liyuan:  You know, this jacket is a kind of fad, lots of designers are making global brand clothes all in this eastern style, actually I think it’s very trendy.

62.  梁文道:最近很流行。

62.  Liang Wendao:  It’s become popular.

63.  彭丽媛:很流行的。

63.  Peng Liyuan:  Very popular.

64.  窦文涛:是这样的,其实有的时候我有一些感觉,我听某些名人跟你讲的时候,比如他会说,“实际上我也不是名人,实际上你看我见了大家都是挺亲切的,我挺平易近人的”,说实在话我就烦他用“平易近人”这四个字。

64.  Dou Wentao:  It’s like this, sometimes I think that when I hear certain celebrities, talking to you, they might say something like, “Actually I’m not a celebrity, actually when I meet everyone it’s very friendly, I’m very approachable”, but in fact I get really annoyed when they use “approachable”.




65.  彭丽媛:为什么呢?

65.  Peng Liyuan:  Why?

66.  窦文涛:我甚至觉得你当你是什么,你本来就是普通人嘛,他这种表述方式本身就隐含着一种“我不该对你很亲切,但是你看我还对你很亲切”。

66.  Dou Wentao:  I think you __________, at first you were a normal person, this way of presenting yourself actually implies a kind of ‘I don’t need to be friendly with you, but you see I am beign friendly with you’.

67.  梁文道:我给人增了一些什么似的

67.  Liang Wendao:  __________________________

68.  彭丽媛:对。

68.  Peng Liyuan:  Yes

69.  窦文涛:我发现装出来的平民化和骨子里透出来的平民化是不一样的。

69.  Dou Wentao:  I’ve found that someone pretending to be a normal person, [and someone who you can tell is normal inside], are not the same.

70.  彭丽媛:是不一样的。

70.  Peng Liyuan:  Not the same.

71.  梁文道:很不一样的。

71.  Liang Wendao:  Really not the same.

72.  窦文涛:对。

72.  Dou Wentao:  Yes

73.  彭丽媛:其实就是内心的一种感应,透过你的眼睛,我可以看到这个人内心世界是什么样子,就好像人们常说的一句话,就是当你这个人,你不认识的人你接触的时候,就是说你认为他是一种什么样的人,什么性格,这个人可交不可交,是善良还是很恶意的,其实就在七秒钟之内。It’s  a kind of internal response, it comes through the eyes, I can see what’s going on inside this person, , it’s like how people often say a sentence, this person [?], when you come into contact with someone you don’t know, what I mean is you know what kind of person he is, his character, if he’s worth knowing or not, good or bad, that happens within seven seconds.

73.  Peng Liyuan: 

74.  窦文涛:七秒钟?

74.  Dou Wentao:  seven seconds.




75.  彭丽媛:其实就是眼神,眼睛就是心灵的窗户嘛,其实就是心灵的一瞬间的沟通。

75.  Peng Liyuan:  It’s the look of eyes, eyes are the windows of the soul right?  The soul can communicate instantly.

76.  窦文涛:对。

76.  Dou Wentao:  Yes

77.  彭丽媛:我觉得在我接触这个人的时候,我尽量的下意识的去感应这种东西,是不是就这样。我觉得在我交往的很多朋友里面是这样,当你跟他一见面、一握手的时候,“你好”,几秒钟之内真的能感觉到这个人是什么样性格的人,能把握住。

77.  Peng Liyuan:  I think when I meet this person, subsconsciously I’m thinking really hard about all this [?]. I think when I’ve met lots of my friends it’s like this, the first time you meet someone, you shake his hand and say hello, in a few seconds you can really get a feel for what kind of personality this person has, you can get hold of it.

78.  窦文涛:那以后要见彭丽媛有点紧张了,要赶快表现。

78.  Dou Wentao:  In the future if I see Peng Liyuan I’ll be really nervous, straight away have to put on some expression…

79.  彭丽媛:但这里边有一个误区,我觉得我这方面的误区还好一些,但是没有这种误区的,可能在七个小时也不知道对方是怎么想的,那么多人上当受骗

79.  Peng Liyuan:  __________________________________________?

80.  窦文涛:刚才说名人不名人,关键还是看他的这种第一面的感觉,我看彭丽媛的这个感觉,我不知道为什么,我马上就想起你会做菜。

80.  Dou Wentao:  Just now were were talking about being famous or not,  the vital thing is the first impression [?] The impression I have of Peng Liyuan, I don’t know why , I just suddenly got the impression that you can cook.




81.  彭丽媛:你怎么知道的?

81.  Peng Liyuan:  How did you know?

82.  窦文涛:我是觉得你这个样子,说话的感觉像是一个会去买菜,会去做饭的那样一个人。

82.  Dou Wentao:  I just thought so, it feels from how you talk that you are someone who can buy food, can cook.

83.  梁文道:你悟性也挺高,他悟性很好。

83.  Liang Wendao:  You’re very perceptive,  he’s really perceptive.

84.  彭丽媛:对,我这人最爱买菜、最爱打扫卫生、洗衣服、做饭,而且我做菜做的还不错,除了咱们山东的面条、蒸馒头、包大包子、包水饺以外,我还会烙饼,我还会炒各种菜,但是炒的不是那么好,但是自己觉得还可以。

84.  Peng Liyuan:  Yes, me, I buying food, I love cleaning, washing clothes, cooking, and I cook pretty well. As well as Shandong food -- noodles, steamed mantou, baozi, dumplings, I can also make pancakes, all kinds of stir-frying, I’m not very good at it but personally I think it’s okay.

85.  窦文涛:所以说我觉得嫁给你的男人他是最幸福的。

85.  Dou Wentao:  So that’s why I think the guy who married you [嫁给should be used for women, not men] is the luckiest guy in the world.

86.  彭丽媛:嫁给我?

86.  Peng Liyuan: ‘ Married’ me?

87.  窦文涛:你娶了的男人,应该怎么说?

87.  Dou Wentao:  The guy you married []

 88.  彭丽媛:不是,被我嫁给的男人。

88.  Peng Liyuan:  No, the guy I got married [嫁给] to

89.  梁文道:娶了她的男人。

89.  Liang Wendao:  The guy she married [].

90.  窦文涛:她嫁给的男人,他是既有压力又幸福。压力,好多人说中国男人这种心态。我刚才这个用词,就是说有的时候人的一些不太正确的心态,一个很有名的女人,我就不由自主的会说“嫁给你的男人”,所以意思就说大家一说彭丽媛的爱人。

90.  Dou Wentao:  The guy she married, he’s got both pressure and happiness. Pressure, lots of people say Chinese men think this way: What I mean is, sometimes there’s a way of thinking that isn’t quite right, a famous woman, I can’t help [using the ‘wrong’ verb for marry], so it means that everyone says, this is Peng Liyuan’s husband.




91.  梁文道:嫁娶观里面是嫁给人的那个是弱势一点的,娶人的那个是强一点。

91.  Liang Wendao:  The sense with those two words is that is a weak, is strong.

92.  彭丽媛:这没有,在中国女人的传统观念来说,特别是咱们山东孔孟之道这种观念上来说,永远不能说男人嫁给女人,虽然你再是一个女强人,也应该是嫁给丈夫,我好像觉得我永远在一个从属的位置上。

92.  Peng Liyuan:  No, according to the traditional way of thinking for Chinese women, especially for Shandong women like me who follow Confucius and Mencius, you can never say a man 嫁给a woman, even if you’re a career woman, you should still 嫁给husband, I believe I’m always in the dependant position.

93.  梁文道:真的。

93.  Liang Wendao:  Really?

94.  彭丽媛:自己感觉可能是从小受的教育不一样。

94.  Peng Liyuan:  Perhaps what I think is different from what I was taught as a child.

95.  窦文涛:但作为丈夫,整天被人介绍说,“你知道吗?他老婆就是彭丽媛”。

95.  Dou Wentao:  But as a husband, always being known as “Did you know,his wife is Peng Liyuan?”

96.  彭丽媛:那不会,那你就看嫁给一个什么样的人了,假如说嫁给一个事业有成的人,雄心壮志的人,很有水平人,能驾驭你的人,那就不会这么想。

96.  Peng Liyuan:  It’s not like that, look, marrying anyone, for instance marrying someone who has a successful career, someone with big ambitions, at a really high level, someone who can handle you, if that’s the case, it wouldn’t be like that.

97.  窦文涛:我的天,能驾驭你的人?

97.  Dou Wentao:  Gosh, someone who can handle you.

98.  梁文道:得有条件嘛,这不是。

98.  Liang Wendao:  That’s some condition

99.  窦文涛:要求很高嘛,能驾驭你。

99.  Dou Wentao:  That’s a tough requirement, to handle you.

100.  彭丽媛:那当然了,在我嫁人之前,我肯定要找一个能驾驭我感情的人,能驾驭我思想的人,所以我才会嫁他,嫁了就是下嫁嘛,不可能你高于他嫁给他。

100.  Peng Liyuan:  Of course, before I got married, I definitely wanted someone who could handle my emotions, could handle my thoughts, so he was the only one for me, [to marry below him, you couldn’t be higher than him and marry him].




 101.  窦文涛:所以我跟你说像你的事业这么成功,你的名气这么大,那你说再找一个能够驾驭你的到底多高才行。

101.  Dou Wentao:  That’s why I’m saying someone like you with such a successful career, so well-known, you say you have to find someone who can handle you, who’s basically higher than you?

102.  彭丽媛:成功是多方面的,我认为,就是说我的成功其实说我是一个演艺界的人,或者我是一个所谓的演艺界的名人也好,其实我觉得对于我们来说,这种事业,就要成名,比如说你窦文涛你为什么要做《锵锵三人行》,为什么要跑到凤凰卫视来做主持人呢,你就是想成名,那么你成名的标志,你事业的成功就是要让人人都认识你,大家一看,哦,窦文涛;一认,彭丽媛;一认,是梁文道。

102.  Peng Liyuan:  There are lots of different way to succeed, I think. In terms of my own success, I am a performer, or a so-called famous performer, actually I think for us, this kind of work, it’s just a question of being famous, for example Dou Wentao, why do you want to do QQSRX, why run to be a host on Phoenix TV, it’s because you want to be famous, and the sign of your fame, what counts as success in your career, is to make everyone know who you are, everyone looks, oh, it’s Dou Wentao, recognised straight away, Peng Liyuan, straight away, it’s Liang Wendao.

103.  梁文道:还没成名,还差一点。

103.  Liang Wendao:  I’m still not famous, not quite.

104.  彭丽媛:你马上就成名,一认,是梁文道,那么这就是说咱们的事业成功了,你的主持成功了,那么我的歌唱成功了,其实我们成功的标志是在于你一定要成为一个名人,人人皆知的人物,其实我觉得很一般,很普通,这是一种事业,所以说在嫁人的时候就不用考虑这么多,你就把你作为一个普通人,每人的成功不一样,也许你嫁的这个人他在你这方面没有成功,或者说他没有出名,或者没有你这么有名,出去都找你签字,都找你拍照,但是他在其他方面是很有作为的,是一个非常成功的人物。

104.  Peng Liyuan:  You’ll be famous soon, people will know, that’s Liang Wendao. So what I’m saying is being successful in our work, you’re successful as a host, I’m successful as a singer, the sign of our success is that you’ve become someone who’s famous, known to all, actually I feel completely normal,  this is one kind of career, so when I got married there was no point thinking about it that much, you just treat yourself as a normal person, everyone’s success is different, maybe the person you marry isn’t successful in the way you are, or isn’t as well-known or famous as you are, whenever you go out people are after your signature, want your photo, but he’s very able in other ways, is an extremely successful person.




105.  窦文涛:那你觉得你这个找的

105.  Dou Wentao:  And you feel you’ve found this guy?

106.  梁文道:是不是能驾驭你的?

106.  Liang Wendao:  Is he able to control you?

107.  窦文涛:按照你的标准来说是很成功的人物?

107.  Dou Wentao:  According to your criteria is he a very successful person?

108.  彭丽媛:我想这个问题你就不要问我了,我嫁给他十几年了,那你想想吧肯定是很成功的,所以我才会充满了幸福。

108.  Peng Liyuan:  I think you shouldn’t ask me this question, I’ve been married to him for more than 10 years, think about it, of course he’s very successful, so that’s why I’m so happy.

109.  窦文涛:他成功了十几年了,还充满幸福

109.  Dou Wentao:  He’s been successful for more than 10 years, [is he / are you, ??] still happy?

110.  彭丽媛:应该是这样的。

110.  Peng Liyuan:  Should be.

111.  梁文道:那他太成功了。

111.  Liang Wendao:  Then he’s extremely successful.

112.  窦文涛:我觉得两个事业上都挺成功的人,在家里你会是一个什么角色,是咱们山东那种挺传统的家庭主妇的角色吗?

112.  Dou Wentao:  I reckon if there are two people who are both very successful, at home you’ll have one kind of role, is yours the role of a traditional Shandong housewife?

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I struggled with how to translate 贴切, and also .

I reckon “handle” works for 驾驭, when Peng Liyuan is talking about needing a husband who can 驾驭 her, but I’m not sure – does the Chinese imply something stronger, like ‘master’ or ‘control’?



Some sentences  I couldn’t work out or wasn’t sure about:


有的时候趁年轻到最基层  = while I’m still young I sometimes get down to the grass roots. Or get back to basics?


平时就是国家的一些像“心连心”— I hear ‘fanrilishi’ or similar rather than 心连心.


接下来这一年再走。= Next year, do it all again. ?


43  一杯茶的地方 = a cup of tea place: is this another way of saying somewhere poor?


50  你这么一接触 - = when you’re talking with them? Or come into contact with them?


60  梁文道:不,我也穿这个,假装跟她们很亲切,其实看着就不觉得我很亲切。

60  Liang Wendao:  No, I’d still wear this, pretend to be very close to them, ________?


66  窦文涛:我甚至觉得你当你是什么,

66  Dou Wentao:  I think you __________,


67  梁文道:我给人增了一些什么似的。

67   Liang Wendao:  __________________________


79  彭丽媛:但这里边有一个误区,我觉得我这方面的误区还好一些,但是没有这种误区的,可能在七个小时也不知道对方是怎么想的,那么多人上当受骗。

Is she saying she might have got it wrong, that it’s seven hours not seconds. Or that while she might know the person’s character after seven seconds, after seven hours she’s no longer sure?


109  窦文涛:他成功了十几年了,还充满幸福?- wasn’t sure about this in the context.

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9     京九铁路    Jīng Jiǔ Tiě lù  Beijing-Kowloon railway

10    露天          lù tiān             outdoors/al fresco/in the open

38    棉袄          mián ǎo          cotton-padded jacket

43    重量级       zhòng liàng jí  heavyweight

51    和蔼可亲    hé ǎi kě qīn    affable/genial

53    千里之外    qiān lǐ zhī wài  thousand miles distant

64    平易近人    píng yì jìn rén  amiable and approachable (idiom); easy-going/modest and unassuming

66    表述          biǎo shù         to formulate/enunciation/to explain sth precisely

66    隐含          yǐn hán           to contain in a concealed form/to keep covered up/implicit

73    感应          gǎn yìng         response/reaction/interaction

73    恶意          è yì                malice/evil intention

83    悟性          wù xìng          perception/wits/power of understanding/comprehension

84    烙饼          lào bǐng         pancake/flat bread/griddle cake

92    孔孟之道    Kǒng Mèng zhī dào       the teaching of Confucius and Mencius

92    女强人       nǚ qiáng rén   successful career woman/able woman

92    从属          cóng shǔ        subordinate

96    事业有成    shì yè yǒu chéng           to be successful in business/professional success

96    雄心          xióng xīn        great ambition/lofty aspiration

96    壮志          zhuàng zhì      great goal/magnificent aspiration

96    驾驭          jià yù              to urge on (of horse)/to drive/to steer/to handle/to manage/to master/to dominate

101  名气          míng qì          reputation/fame

112  家庭主妇    jiā tíng zhǔ fù  housewife



独当一面    dú dāng yī miàn       to assume personal

风风火火    fēng fēng huǒ huǒ   bustling/energetic

飞来飞去    fēi lái fēi qù             to fly about/to fly hither and thither/to flit

拖地          tuō dì                      to mop the floor/(of a gown etc) to trail on the ground/full-length

菲佣          Fēi yōng                  Filipino maid

动人民       láo dòng rén mín      working people/the workers of Socialist theory or of the glorious Chinese past

缝补          féng bǔ                   to darn (clothing)/to sew and mend

             shuàn                      to rinse/to trick/to fool sb/to cook by dipping finely sliced ingredients briefly in boiling water or soup

自食其力    zì shí qí lì                 lit. to eat off one's own strength (idiom)/fig. to stand on one's own feet

着衣        zhuó yī  to get dressed

煞风景       shā fēng jǐng            to damage beautiful scenery/fig. to spoil the fun

经纪人       jīng jì rén                  broker/middleman/agent/manager

地基          dì jī                          foundations (of a building)/base

             xīn                           dawn

聚焦          jù jiāo                      to focus

公众人物    gōng zhòng rén wù   public figure/famous person

一言一行    yī yán yī xíng           words and deeds (idiom)

评头论足    píng tóu lùn zú         lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet (idiom); minute criticism of a woman's appearance/fig. to find fault in minor details

             biāo                        variant of |[biao1]

包厢          bāo xiāng                box (in a theater or concert hall)

功名          gōng míng               scholarly honor (in imperial exams)/rank/achievement/fame/glory

指标          zhǐ biāo                   norm/index/target

受宠若惊    shòu chǒng ruò jīng overwhelmed by favor from superior (humble expr.)

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According to Baidu, the 明星srx was a Saturday night spin-off. You can also find Andy Lau and a very poor quality


9 Grassroots, out into the villages. 反日历史?

43. No, just the places you ate and drank

50. I think just 'when you meet them'

60 not sure

66 - 你当你是什么 - who do you think you are? - ie, he meets stars who claim to be friendly and approachable, as if that's something special they're doing. 

67. Can't pick out the words, but think the intent is 'as if they're doing you a favour'

79. Not sure about this. 

109. I think it's just 'so he's successful and you're very happy'?


These are tough!

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