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Classics of Chinese Humanities


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Excellent! Will definitely give it a try. I've had a look at similar courses in the past but never managed to finish them as it is easy to avoid... 


I really love these type of platforms that are able to offer this type of education, for free - it is hopefully changing the world! 

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Agree. This teaching/learning platform works quite well. I took another of their (Coursera) courses last year.




And am still enrolled in the mother of all online courses, this 15-month China History survey from Harvard (through EdX.)



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I signed up just now, it says that it is recommended to read up on some of the text that are going to be used, did I miss which ones they and where to get them?


Looking forward to Sept.


Paid attention and reread the article and think i know which thing to look for,

Edited by Shelley
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I checked out your link to the edx site and found this https://www.edx.org/course/pekingx/pekingx-20000001x-zhong-ji-yi-yu-yu-fa-3001#.U-59BaOouho


I recently started a topic about my need to improve my Chinese grammar and now I have found this edx course it starts Sept 15th, I think I will have to back out of the humanities one here and i have signed up for the grammar one as I really need to work on my grammar.


I want to concentrate on my grammar so I will not be joining you for the Classics of Chinese Humanities.


That edx site is excellent there are several courses I might look at later.


I wish you all a great time and I hope you all do well.

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I though it was intermediate level, didn't think it would be that difficult. But we will see if its too much I can always try something easier or do it again but I couldn't find a beginners course so I thought I would try it.

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@Touchstone -- #13 -- I was just planning to wait until the course starts.


Am hoping all the readings can be found on-line because I don't have access to a library here (Kunming.)

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In my library, it will take about a week to order books so yeah, I too hope the texts can be found online.


This is fun! Will we all be in a virtual class together? I have never done anything like this before.


@Shelley I had a look at edx too, they have some really interesting courses. That grammar course was too tough for me! So in the future, we can all ask you :P

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Ha, I hope i get that good but i sure don't want to be expected to know all.


All this about it looking difficult is making me nervous :-? , have I picked something too difficult? :shock: , I may struggle with the amount of characters they expect but I can always look things up but I really want to improve my grammar and hopefully my sentence building.

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I would totally do it too! I think better a bit difficult, than treading water. But what worries me (to the point that I think it's too much for me) is 4-6 hours/week and looking up words :shock:


Teehee, I was only trying to tease you when I said in the future we can all ask you! :mrgreen:

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OK, Angelina, I'll be the first one to ask the dumb question.


That looks like a very comprehensive list of digital libraries and literature collections, some of which emphasize materials related to China. Should be valuable to scholars and to students of covered topics. Pretty impressive!


Are you suggesting that some of these will probably have the readings recommended for this course? If so, thanks a lot!


Being fundamentally lazy, I still can't help but hope the professor points us to a ready source instead of making us dig the readings out on our own.

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