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Anyone watched the television series 漢武大帝?

I have yet to watch this series, and have heard some redeeming comments on Han Wudi. The land mass of the Han Empire during his reign equalled (or even surpassed) that of the Roman Empire.

On the positive side, Wudi was responsible for helping form the Silk Road, ending the appeasement policies towards the Xiongnu that were started under his predecessors, and establishing Confucianism as the official state doctrine that formed the basis of the civil service exams. His expansionist policies pushed the Xiongnu far back into the Mongolian steppes (with the aid of the young generals 霍去病 and 衛青), and impacted early Korean civilization with the cultural influences brought via the four Han commanderies in Korea.

However this was the emperor who castrated Sima Qian, was ruthless towards dissent and sometimes executed people who disagreed with him, as well as exterminating 李陵's mother, wife, and son after the general defected to the Xiongnu.

Towards the end of his 54-year reign, Wudi's expansionist policies drained the imperial coffer close to bankruptcy and the people began to suffer. Wudi realized this and made the unprecedented move of repenting for his past misdeeds and ruthless behavior. Based on the television series, the aging emperor publicly made the 輪台罪己詔 to repent for the things he has done.

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I have heard good things about this drama. I was going to buy the DVD yesterday (since am now in Shanghai), but didn't do it as it is kind of expensive (about RMB 290 for two parts, a long series obviously). Will make up my mind today.

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I watched two episodes and stopped. I thought the characters were too 豪迈 for Han Dynasty. I felt like they were 元清 characters dressed in 汉装。 Personally, I prefer more refinement and less 气魄 for 汉 and 唐 dramas.

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I have finished watching the first five episodes of 漢武大帝. It looks like the producers of the series try to make it as historically accurate as possible. As of the end of episode 5, the series is focused on Han Jingdi (Wudi's father), and his attempts to consolidate the Han government's central authority over local kingdoms. Wudi is still a little kid at this point.

In one episode, a concubine teaches a court maid how to present herself in a regal manner because the maid is being sent as a Han princess to the Xiongnu. At that time Han princesses were sent to the Xiongnu as appeasement gifts in return for stopping raids on Han China. While the maid was being taught etiquette, the 6-year old Wudi asks "Why do we have to send princesses to the Xiongnu as gifts"? This question provides a glimpse of his future mindset as emperor, since he later ends these appeasement policies that basically kiss Xiongnu arse.

So far the series have been quite boring because it's all Han Jingdi, and Wudi hasn't reached maturity yet.

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  • 3 months later...

I finished all 64 episodes, finally! I think it's a 经典, a sophisticated drama, touching and inspiring. The first few episodes might seem boring, but don't let the myriad of characters stop you, the characters and their stories will soon get very complicated and intriguing. The sophistication involved in the characters' power struggles makes 大长今 and 金枝玉孽 seem like child's play. I regret saying what I've said in May, pick up this series today!

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How is it compared to 走向共和?

They are similar in some ways, 汉武帝 is really a more talented (and luckier) version of 光绪帝, I can't believe 2000 years later it was the same kind of 后宫干政 and 权利斗争 that killed imperial China. I liked 走向共和 very much but I don't think it's fair for me to compare those two now, since my memory of 汉武大帝 is more fresh, I would say 汉有过之而无不及。There are many many more smart people in 《汉》than in 《走》 and that made 《汉》's power struggles and wars much more interesting.

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  • 6 months later...

As my pc at home has broken down, I now spend my spare time watching this series. I think I have finished like 27 episodes. IMO it is quite boring, and definitely not as engaging as 雍正王朝 or 走向共和. And I find the words used in the script too modern. So far I don't think I like it very much. Well maybe it is better in the later episodes.

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