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HSK Check, a tool that helps you estimate your HSK level


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Hello everybody, I'm new on this forum which I discovered a few hours ago.

I've been learning Chinese by myself for years and have no intention of taking the HSK exam. Yet, knowing which HSK level I am approximately was a mystery.

Therefore I've been developing a tool to give me this information, but as keeping a tool like this to myself is pointless, I'd like to share it with you and get your feedback in order to improve it.


The tool url is : http://www.wumaocorp.com/hskcheck/

It's totally free.


You just have to click the words or characters you know, all sorted by HSK level, and you'll have a nice contrasted view of the work left to do to achieve your goal.

There's also a quick test to evaluate your level based on random words and characters. Registering an account (free) is recommended if you wish to save your progress, otherwise it will disappear as soon as your session expire.


This tool is not intended to be used as a learning tool, but as a progress tracking tool. Also it's only based on reading single words skills and not (yet?) sentences or oral comprehension.

Maybe a similar tool exists but if so I never found it.

Anki or Skritter can achieve a similar result but you need to go through the whole learning process to get the words marked as learnt.


Anyway, any feedback would be much appreciated!

Suggestions are welcome.






Note: please find a screenshot below


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Looks interesting.  A note on the text analyser, if cookies are disabled you get a message saying:

The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form.


As the majority of your users are unlikely to know what a cross site request forgery is (or even know that is what the acronym stands for), you might like to provide a more meaningful message.


This tool is not intended to be used as a learning tool, but as a progress tracking tool....Maybe a similar tool exists but if so I never found it.

Although not entirely similar, my own Chinese Text Analyser is also a progress tracking tool, built on a similar premise (marking words and keeping track of which ones you know) although it has an emphasis on reading texts, rather than going through word lists.

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Thanks for the feedback!

Indeed the error message is not really meaningful. I'll change that!


I will try your tool, I began to make a desktop software few years ago but never took the time to finish it.

Good to know an offline alternative exists.


About HSK Check, I just added a sentences quiz which generates random quiz with sentences and words belonging to the chosen HSK level.

I'll try to stick as much as possible to the HSK vocab and make every addition to revolve around it.

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Well that was fun :) 


It's a good little tool, really like knowing approx. what HSK level I am at. Very encouraging.


Also enjoyed the missing words quiz, Nice to know they are at a level I should know.


I like the nice clear layout and the large characters are excellent for someone like me who has "old eyes"


I checked it out on my tablet and it works fine in my browser, so this means I can use the tool away from my desk too.


I registered so I can keep track.


Thank you for putting in the effort.

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I did a very quick scout around the net and found this http://www.tanos.co.uk/hsk/levelcheck/


There is lots more on this site and the characters are a bit on the small side for me, but there is this sort of thing out there.


This is not to put you off but you said "Maybe a similar tool exists but if so I never found it."

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Thanks Shelley!

I indeed haven't found this one.


I've added a new quiz to HSK Check: given a Chinese sentence with shuffled words, you'll have to rebuilt it according to the English translation.

As long as it doesn't turn green and load a new sentence, it means that the order is wrong. Skip if too hard by clicking the Skip button.




As always feedbacks much appreciated!

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