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About studying 漢字 in Hong Kong


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As far as I know Chinese is taught thru pinyin in the mainland , the Japanese learn their kanji after having mastered their hiragana and the few Chinese characters taught in Korea are supported by matery of hangul. My question is Chinese literacy learning in Hong Kong based on some romanization method ? If not how is it taught? :conf

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Chinese is taught thru pinyin in the mainland

Not sure what this means ...

When I was a student (in Hong Kong), Chinese was taught in Cantonese (this has not changed). The pronunciation part was learnt by listening to the teachers, reading and reciting, and memorising, and the writing part was learnt by practising and memorising.

As far as I know romanisation is not used to teach Chinese in Hong Kong (as it is taught in Cantonese and there is no standardised romanisation for Cantonese). But students (like my niece) do learn Hanyu Pinyin in Putonghua lessons.

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What I meant was that at the initial stage school texts are supported with pinyin .so , for example if the student cannot remember the meaning or pronunciation of a character he can use the pinyin as a clue. I guess I was thinking from a foreigner's point of view- for me it would be very difficult (or will it?)to learn Chinese or Japanese Kanji without a romanisation system , but I guess for Chinese native speakers it wouldn't make such a difference. Anyway thank you for your answer , this is what I wanted to know. :D

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I always wondered how Children’s Books are written for kids to read...?

At least in Japan the kids can read the hiragana and katakana...

But I guess kids just cannot read in China...


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I always wondered how Children’s Books are written for kids to read...?

At least in Japan the kids can read the hiragana and katakana...

But I guess kids just cannot read in China..

The early-grade mainland Chinese textbooks have pinyin accompanying the new characters. The following site provides actual textbooks for online viewing. Here's the first chapter of a first grade text introducing the most basic characters: http://www.pep.com.cn/200406/ca501747.htm

The pinyins are right above the characters. Earlier pages in the text introduced the pinyin system.

You can find also other school textbooks on the same site, in a variety of subjects.

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In Hong Kong, teachers use Cantonese to explain the subject.

But the written one is Standard Chinese.

Students in Hong Kong are not taught about the romanization of Cantonese.

Children only learn the prounication of the word by repeated practice, listen to teachers or learn from parents, peers.

But for Putonghua/mandarin, pinyin will be taught.

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