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TV commercials in China?!?


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Hello Everybody,

I am studying Sinology in Bremen, Germany and have to do a presentation on "the development of marketing/advertising in China" soon.

To make my presentation as vivid and interesting as possible I would like to show recent examples of TV ads placed by either foreign or also Chinese companies in the Chinese market. So, my question now is:

Does anyone know where I can download any TV ads which can recently be watched on Chinese television?

Also, as I need to talk about the development of advertising activities, it would be great to be able to show TV ads from the past. I read that the first foreign TV commercial in China was shown in March 1979, the product praised was the Swiss Rado wristwatch? Maybe somebody even knows if it is possible to get this one???

Thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate it!



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Thank you very much for your help zhwj!

I checked out the site and have to admit that I had some problems finding my way through all of the 汉字,虽然我已学了汉语大概两个年了。

However, I could already download a pretty cool Nike commercial (unfortunately not the one called Chamber of fear (Cleveland basketball star fighting a dragon etc.) that has recently been forbidden in China... You happen to know if it is possible to get this one from the site you proposed?!?). And I hope together with a Chinese friend of mine I will be able to navigate through this site a little quicker and find some more interesting TV ads.

Thanks again!



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