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Chinese Productivity

Hong Yang (洪洋)

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Hong Yang (洪洋)

I have little experience of working in China, but I will be working there soon. I'd be interest to hear anyone's thoughts on the following...

Chinese friends tell me that Chinese companies will not see the same growth that took place in the Japanese and S. Korean manufacturing (+ other) sector(s) during the second half of the last century because the Chinese are (apparently) less of a team oriented culture when it comes to business. Is there any truth in this?

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Without knowing anything about Japanese or Korean work practices, I'd say chinese productivity could be high, but for most chinese workers, motivation lies with the boss cracking the whip. Leadership is hard to find among the rank and file as the cultural requirements go against the entire cultural and education system. You may have an Einstein in your company, but he won't do any supergenious calculations until you tell him her to do it.

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I would like to agree Chinese are (apparently) less of a team oriented culture , but Chinese companies will definitely see a higher growth that took place in the Japanese and S. Korean. You know what? Chinese are not rich and that is the reason Chinese people are money oriented, I mean in cities like Shanghai, Beijin, Shenzhen. The long histry breed a deep culture rooted in every Chinese people. Be honest and never offend the culture. One of the culture is operate with the rule (rule admited by everyone), and not the law. Maybe you will find it difficult to understand the rules, and the good thing is you can change the rule. Before that, be sure everyone understand the rule. And if one man not satisfied, argue with him. Which rule to take all depend on your loss or win. Never ever leave anyone.

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  • 2 months later...

what did you say is very good.i agree

i am a chinese,and many other asian except chinese would say the chinese is lack of team spirit.but,i don't agree this.my company team is consist of 3 persopn,my two friends and me.they are my colledge classmates,and now,we work well,and the team is well.

so,in my opinion,the chinese is not lack of team spirit,and the main point is on the team leader and the relation of the team.if the team have a good leader and a matey relationship

the team will be geat life force

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