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Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon


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Out of curiosity, can anyone tell me what the ending of the film Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon actually signifies.. that suicide leap?

I think I understand that the chengyu is a reference to the women in the film, and particularly the character played by Zhang Ziyi. I picked up on the issues with the control over sexuality, with the battles over the comb, etc., but I'll be damned if I understand what the ending means and I guess this is as good a time as any to ask.

Anyone fill me in?

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 “……一个任性纵情的女子,背叛家庭和姐姐在所不辞,大闹了聚星楼酒店,离家十万八千里远,沙漠里轰轰烈烈的恋爱,扬了名,闯荡了江湖,试过了所有想试而不能试的东西,包括八岁时就有了背叛碧眼狐狸的思想种子,在她还不知道自己这种性格在今天的人称之为边缘青年另类人生的那个年代,她为此该付出多大的代价。那种暗夜流过的眼泪,一定不比俞秀莲的少。因此在她心中想得最多的,在得到俞秀莲‘今后不管你干什么(爱谁?),一定要对得住自己的心 ’的教诲后,一定是忏悔,一定是对家庭的忏悔,是的,没错。你没看见小龙上得武当山来,凝望住心爱人的双眼,已经是淡淡的人,有什么比爱情更重要,你会想我一定很荒谬!不错,这就是李安的刻意表现,在他的一贯电影中,爱情在家庭里占很大比重,但反过来,家庭也可以大过爱情。

  《Forest Gump》(《阿甘正传》)里面,阿甘的女朋友詹妮一生四处去放荡,追随自己的生活,可是最后,还是回到了笨蛋阿甘的身边。看电影的人包括当时的我想,这是詹妮选择了爱情回来了。其实这是她对家庭,对她过去罪过的弥补。她曾经有过黑豹党的男朋友,他们的生活一定丰富多彩,充满激情,可是詹妮还是回来了,回到一个其实从思想和习惯上都不配的笨蛋阿甘身边。








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There are different views ->

Many people were questioning the suicide of Jen at the end of the film- why she had to die. I believe that Jen knew that to honor Shu Lien and the promise Jen made to her, she had to kill herself because she set in motion (with the first theft of the sword) the events which led to Li Mu Bai's untimely death. It was her duty to close the circle of death that surrounded the Green Destiny.


At Wudan Mountain, Jen reunites with Lo. Here she realizes that, though she is with Lo, she is not happy. She remembers the story that Lo told her about the boy who jumped from the mountain to save his parents. In an attempt to find her happiness, Jen wishes that she were back in the desert with Lo and jumps from the mountain. This is not a suicide. Jen sees it as a way to find happiness not as a way to end despair. In the end, she will end up in the same place that the boy who jumped from the mountain ended up and this place is not death.


LXH to YJL: We have a legend. Anyone who dares to jump from the mountain, God will grant his wish. Long ago, a young man's parents were ill, so he jumped. He didn't die. He wasn't even hurt. He floated away, far away, never to return. He knew his wish had come true. If you believe, it will happen. The elders say, "A faithful heart makes wishes come true."

I have two reasons for why Jen jumped off the bridge. One's poetic, and one's not. The poetic one is that she believed the story that Lo told her, and she wanted to make her wishes come true...the other is that she couldn't live with what she had done and decided to commit suicide, which wasn't uncommon.


What about Jen's suicide, then? She rues the damage that her excess of masculinity has caused, but she is still unable to reconcile herself to femininity, particularly under the impetus of Shu Lien's injunction "whatever you do in this life, be true to yourself." Returning to Lo and assuming the role of a wife would not constitute being true to herself; and therefore she returns her comb to Lo, renouncing her feminine side, and throws herself off the mountain. In a way, we can regard Shu Lien's last words as a death sentence; having proved unable, twice, to kill Jen with a sword, she now does so with words.


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