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the abnormal Guangdong/Fujian


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guangdong and the surrounding area strikes me as just a different place all togehter in china, not really comparable to the rest of mainland china, having been exposed to western investment for so much longer. I have never been there but from what I have seen and read, it appears much different, and from what I can tell life in southern china is a bit more relaxed and lively. Having lived in Jinan, and been to Beijing, Shanghai, Zibo, Nanjing, and Qingdao, I haven't seen much of China, but it just seems different down there, I can't put my finger on it, which is why I am going to head down there during my fall break. Let me know what you guys think, am I crazy here or are there other people out there with the same opinion?

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I have never been there but from what I have seen and read, it appears much different, and from what I can tell life in southern china is a bit more relaxed and lively.

I would tell you service attitude is generally better in Guangzhou than in Beijing, the "customer first" & "customer is always right" concepts are more widespread -- more Westernized. The food is better in Guangzhou. Folk culture is a little different and the language is different. 衣食住行 are better in Guangzhou. All the micro-level things seem better to me at least, maybe just because I know Guangzhou better. But, Guangzhou has a lot more migrant workers, and feels more chaotic in recent years.

If you can read Chinese here are some other people's thorough opinions:

上海 vs 广州


北京 vs 广州


Maybe because I was born in Guangzhou, I think 广州 locals (vs. migrants) have more 人情味 (hospitality&warmth towards friends) and are generally politer。My friends from northern parts say the same thing. One thing I dont like much is the migrant workers..... 广州 is wayyy over populated with 8 million floating population. I prefer the quiet and elegant guangzhou before the development boom. I hope everything would sort out soon, it's a lot dirtier and more chaotic compared to my childhood days despite some advances in fashion sense and modern architectures/decorations. However, I did see a reversing and positive trend during my last trip back in January.

Last word: experiences vary, see it for yourself.

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  • 3 months later...


住 is hardly bad at all in HK, at least for the poor.

HK don't have a homeless problem because the government provides public housing to almost every eligible family in the low income class. And the aparments that are provided, though relatively small in size, basically includes every amenity like kitchen and bathroom. Many estates have attached shopping malls and garages.

And usually it just takes the applicant two years' waiting period.

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