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Following recent discussions in these very pages, I've decided I'd like to tackle a bit of Wang Shuo. Can anyone more familiar with his work recommend somewhere to start - what's most accessible? And equally important, what's short and available in electronic format?

Thanks in advance.


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I think pretty much everything he's written is available online. See http://www.shuku.net:8080/novels/wangshuo/wangshuo.html

I've read just two of his stories. "一半是火焰,一半是海水" is a funny, slacker-crime/love story. The first half is especially good. "空中小姐" is kind of a formulaic slacker love story, with a surprising amount of party dogma.

I would recommend "一半是火焰,一半是海水". It's not that long, about 50 pages if you print it out. http://www.shuku.net:8080/novels/wangshuo/huoyanhaishui.html

It's been adapted into a movie called "Love the Hardway", starring Adrian Brody (star of "The Pianist").

His "动物凶猛" might also be interesting if you've seen Jiang Wen's movie adaption "In the Heat of Sun." I haven't read it, yet.

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《顽主》 is great fun, about a "' 三T'公司 - 替人解难替人解闷替人受过' (made into a straightforward movie adaptation, and then later used by Feng Xiaogang for 《甲方乙方》 with Ge You). It's pretty short.

《千万别把我当人》 is great satire in an Ah-Q vein. It's longer though, and available in translation, but always worth reading in the original, if only for stuff like this:

and it goes on for the better part of a page. Lots of tricks like that.

《动物凶猛》 is short, too, but the movie's pretty faithful to the book, so if you've seen it, this might not be the best one to start with.

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I only know 过把瘾







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I read this before. I thought his comparing Wang Shuo to Woody Allen was a little odd. Wang Shuo is more like Charles Bukowski, or maybe Jack Kerouac, in his urban grittiness and his choice of subject matter.

Wang Xiaobo himself is closer to Woody Allen in his more intellectual sense of humor. They both have a tendency to make allusions to philosophers.

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《千万别把我当人》(Please Don't Call me Human) has the funniest language I've ever read or heard in my life. I remember myself laughing so hard for so long that my stomach hurt for hours. However, I would not suggest any language learner start Chinese literature with it. Non-native speakers (except for people like Dashan) probably would not be able to fully appreciate Wangshuo's genius in playing with words. The novel also requires a lot of culture references ( e.g. slogans and language used in Cultural Revolution) as every line of the novel is mocking something.

一半是火焰,一半是海水 is an alright one. Wangshuo does not like it himself.

空中小姐 is kind of crap. He has on many occasions said the novel is crap.

Hell, I don't know what I would recommend. Maybe 我是你爸爸 is easier to read as it is more about human nature, which can be universial, than mocking every aspect of Chinese society and culture.

Also, Roddy, you might not want to read the online ones as they are full of typos, lots of which even Chinese would not be able to decipher.

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Ok, based on the above, I'm going to start with 一半是火焰,一半是海水. If I cope ok with that, I might come back and tackle 千万别把我当人, and just pretend I get all the cultural references.

Loading up my PDA now. I was going to read Wang Xiaobo's 2015 today, but everyone I've mentioned it to doesn't seem to rate it very highly, so I'll have a shot at a bit of Wang Shuo instead.

It's entirely possible I won't get very far - might just not like the story, language might be too tricky for me to enjoy it, I might get distracted by something bright and shiny. Will report back.

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Well, got through the first chapter :mrgreen:

It's easy enough to read, and I'm kind of curious as to what's going to happen, so I'll keep going. If anyone is interested, I made notes as I went through the first chapter and I'll put this into a word document you can download. As is usual for me, I got a lot lazier towards the end. I'm not going to continue making the notes, as it slows things down massively.


PS from the second chapter

"吼”派的诗 - A pun on Confucius?

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"吼”派的诗 - A pun on Confucius?

I did a little research. 吼 is pronounced hou3 and means to howl. I think it refers to poems that emote excessively, which makes sense in this context. The very sentence is 一个潇洒的男大学生讲到青年人应该如何培育浇灌“爱情之花”.

Here're someone's comments on Wang Shuo's stories, including the one you're reading. It seems interesting.



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I did a little research

You mean you looked it up in the dictionary, something I couldn't be bothered to do :roll:

Boxun is blocked from within China (or at least it's blocked from my apartment, I won't speak for the nation). Will muck around with proxies later, on my way out now. Thanks.


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I'm a true fan of Wang Shuo. I read his every novel that I could find.

His early works were mostly in 2 categoris: farce and romance. 顽主 was my favorite and 一点正经没有 was equally funny. He also randomly wrote some strange short novels that were very interesting but made me wonder why he came up with those ideas. He did pratice various writing techniques.

I don't clearly remember since when he changed his style. He stopped writing the genres that made him famous and rich. He became a very serious writer. In my opinion: 玩的就是心跳 is truly a masterpiece. I can't count how many times I've read it. I read it every a few years.

I'd better to mention 动物凶猛 here. Based on the novel, Jiang Wen made a movie 阳光灿烂的日子, which I loved a lot.

我是你爸爸 is well recognized by many professional writers and critics. Of course I can see this is quite a literature work. But I don't quite get it. Maybe it's just because that's not my life.

This guy is very smart. Beside that, he's shameless and sensitive. So he does have some good qualities to be a great writer. I've said he's made him famous and rich. But he still needs a novel to make his name in history. I can see he's working on it very hard recent years. But, no, 看上去很美 is just not enough.

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If I hadn't been somewhat cavalier and assumed that 孔 and 吼 were the same pronunciation I might have got somewhere. Thanks for the help, and the essay.

Outofin, thanks for your comments - will help me choose what to read next.


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http://www.shikang.org/article.php/76 王朔 -- 石康





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Finished 一半是火焰,一半是海水 today.

I enjoyed it. Language is quite managable - some descriptive passages where I either had to rely on the dictionary or guess, but the narrative stuff is all fairly straightforward.

I found the second part much more enjoyable than the first (which I think it the opposite to someone else who posted here, can't recall who). First part was entertaining enough, but I didn't really warm to the characters - the bad guy is just plain bad, and the good girl is just plain good (until she becomes just plain bad and everything goes predictably wrong). I didn't feel there was much depth there.

However, the second part really grabbed me, and I found Hu Yi much more interesting than the first part's Wu Di. The story's anti-hero also manages to become a bit more of a hero, and I found the descriptions of the island (Putuoshan, I'm guessing) really vivid - almost otherworldly in comparison to the Beijing of the first part, with temples and Buddhas hanging around all over the place, perhaps weighing up the characters karma.

Obviously, I haven't read any of his other stuff, so I shouldn't really comment, but I reckon this is a good place to start with Wang Shuo - manageable enough both in terms of length and language, and interesting enough to keep you going and hopefully bring you onto some of his other work, which is by all accounts better.

Many thanks to all those who gave suggestions / comments - and please, what should I read next? I'm very tempted by 千万别把我当人.


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I have read a book of 石康 called 支离破碎 (I translated it as 'Torn to pieces'), a story about a young writer in Beijing. Like a stream of one conciousness, long descriptive sentences, lots of sarcasm and words play, and also many details about Beijing city. He mention about 王朔 in the story too. I will post it after I found where it is.

I found it ...











I’m not sure what did he mean for 够贫的 , is it "poor enough"?

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