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Looking for prominent article/book/work on history of Chinese piracy


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I am currently looking for materials for my dissertation on Chinese pirates. I found a few materials in English, but I need to base on a good Chinese source. I plan to devote my time to translate it properly and use it in my work, but as I am not a fast reader and I'm currently lost in baidu world, I cannot afford checking every possible thing that grabs my attention. Maybe there are some kind people, who know about some good piece of literature on history of Chinese pirates? A book or an academic dissertation, a lengthy article would be great too. Basically anything on which I could base my writing.


I don't have a specific topic yet, I'm sorry. But I would be thankful for any good piece of writing on either Zhengs family activism (Zheng Zhilong, Zheng Chenggong "Coxinga", Zheng Jing, Dongning County etc) or the late Qing, Zheng Yi and Zheng Yi Sao stuff.


Thank you in advance

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If you can manage to get hold of any academic material in English, the bibliography should list at least a few Chinese primary sources which you could try finding.


Here are some titles in English which might be relevant:


Clements, Jonathan (2004). Coxinga and the Fall of the Ming Dynasty. Stroud: Sutton Publishing


Andrade, Tonio (Dec 2004). "The Company's Chinese Pirates: How the Dutch East India Company Tried to Lead a Coalition of Pirates to War Against China, 1621-1662"


Clements, Jonathan (2004). Coxinga and the Fall of the Ming Dynasty. Stroud, Gloucestershire: Sutton.


Keene, Donald (1950). The Battles of Coxinga: Chikamatsu’s Puppet Play, Its Background and Importance. London: Taylor’s Foreign Press.

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Thank you very much for useful suggestions. Problem is that on most of the articles I found so far, there was no bibliography included (some pdf files). That's weird but that how it is. And whenever there was any bibliography that was mostly English sources with occasional Chinese, but not really comprehensive enough. Thank you for these, I shall check them out.

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