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Chinese Visa questions


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My situation :help :

I've been planning to work in China this August for a while, and making all kinds of preparations. I'm in touch with 2 schools in the area I want to be in (my soon-to-be-fiancee's hometown, Panyu district of Guangzhou China, who is going to China with me). Both have both said they would like to hire me, but will need to interview me in person first. I don't have TESOL, TEFL, or any other certification or teaching experience, which might be why they can't offer me a definite job. I didn't get it because of lack of time, the high expense of getting it, and the fact that I only plan to teach for about 8 months. I do have a bachelor's degree from a university in the US (in Computer Science). I'm only 22 years old (I just graduated) if that matters. Both of the schools I am in touch with are small private schools, just for teaching language.

Anyways, on to my questions - I have 3:

1: I would like to enter China on a visa that:

a) allows me to work legally (perhaps tutoring in people's homes, or working in a small school, or maybe even doing computer work)

B) allows me to leave and re-enter the country several times, as I will be in Panyu district of Guangzhou, and would like to make trips to Macau / Hong Kong sometimes (without worrying about how many entries I have left)

c) lasts for a long time, and will cost me the least amount of money

Does anyone know what visa I should go for? I don't have a definite job in China, so I feel I will have trouble getting a work or business visa, or should I just ask for the school to help me with it? Should I come in on a tourist visa, then try to get a different visa for the long term? I am going to talk to the school about it, but I wanted to be knowledgeable beforehand

2. Does anyone have any idea what my chances would be for getting this job? I'm assuming the interview is just to make sure I'm reasonably competent and not weird or crazy. The schools sounded like they really need teachers, but does anyone have experience with this? Will I find it extremely difficult to get a job without certification? :conf

3. My soon-to-be-fiancee left China for the first time about a year ago, visited Guangzhou this past Christmas, and felt that the crime rate has increased significantly since the time that she grew up there :shock:. She has talked about people being mugged in broad daylight, and she even had something stolen during that time. I'm hoping that it's just because there were lots of travelers on Christmas break that attracted thieves, or it's just because she's been in a more developed country (Canada), so going back gave her the impression it was unsafe, because compared to Canada, it is. Does anyone here live in Guangzhou (and has lived there a few years)? Do you feel that crime has gotten significantly worse in the last year?

Thanks in advance for anyone's reply! :mrgreen:

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1. You can get a multiple entry z-visa, assuming that a school offers you a teaching position (which is hightly likely). The visa will last 12 months or the length of the contact with the school.

2. Great. You don't need a TESOL/TEFL certificate to teach in China. Having a degree is supposed to be manidatory for getting residency permit, but this can easily be bypassed by the school. Follow up the school and get them to let you know as soon as they can. From experience, it is unlikely that the school will let you know until 2-3 weeks before they need you.

3. Don't live in Guangzhou so can't comment. Maybe the increase in crime is reported crime (in the media).

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if the school decides to hire you they will get you the visa (you should insist on a multiple visa - i know some people who got a one-entry visa from their school cause it was cheaper) and they will usualy pay for it.

if for some reason you do not get a job -it is possible to get a multiple entry 6 months visa in Hong Kong - there are plenty of agencies in Tsim Sha Tsui area which can arange an F (business) visa for you. Officialy you are not allowed to work on an F visa, but some people do. You can enter china with a regular tourist (L) visa and the school should be able to change it into a work (Z) visa.

from what i understand if they need a teacher they will probably hire you regardles or your qualifications .if you are blond -your chances increase.

all the best

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My situation :help :

Don' date='t worry too much about the visa. The schools will help you convert to a Z visa and work permits etc. A tourist visa is all you need. Try and get one with the longest possible days stay as it takes some time ti get your working permit.

I strongly suggest you don,t go to Guangzhou. The crime rate is certainly increasing, not only in Guangzhou but all over China, however the bigger cities are much worse. I had my digital camera stolen last March In Guangzhou.

I had trouble finding a job whilst I was still in Australia. Most of the schools wanted a face to face interview. Only one school was prepared to give me a job with a telephone interview. I sent them all the information they reguired via e-mail. I,m teaching at this school at the moment and I have to say I,m enjoying the experience. My teaching experience before was zero and I was thown in at the deep end, it has been a steep learning curve but very enjoyable.

The school is in Jiangmen, a city with a population of about 500,000, very clean and almost no pollution. If you are interesting in going to Macau and HK its not far on the ferry.

The schools web site is; [url']www.oneworldtpr.com[/url] and they are looking for teaches at the moment. Good luck.

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Thanks for everyone's replies. And thanks for the offer rhowie, but I want to stay in Panyu, because my fiancee's friends and family live there, and I want to spend time getting to know them (and get to know her hometown).

I guess I will just get a tourist visa to enter, and try to switch to a work visa after I'm hired. I'm not going to get the TESOL certification, and I'll just have to stay careful about the crime.

Thanks again for everyone's opinion :D

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