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Beijing Sports University


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hello im new to this forum

im planning on going to Beijing Sports University to study wushu and I was wondering if anyone new of any fun places to go around the area, also some nice restaurants

heres the address-



many thanks

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hello im new to this forum

im planning on going to Beijing Sports University to study wushu and I was wondering if anyone new of any fun places to go around the area, also some nice restaurants

heres the address-

wow, i also want to go study there....

I am into cma too....


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Go north about 1Km to the ShangDi Huandao “上地环岛”. There have many nice restaurants such as YangDuDu (羊嘟嘟), LaPoPo (辣婆婆), and Bird with nine head (九头鸟). Also when you come out of the south gate and go south ward you will find the good restaurant named “Boiled up to 180 centigrade” (FeiTeng 180 沸腾180) at the eastern side of the road.

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  • 9 months later...

My brother is interested in Beijing Sports University. Please contact me if you have any opinions about it, or if you attended the school. He is particularly interested in the WuShu short term program for foreigners, and is interested in hearing about the foreigner dorms, the faculty, and the over all quality of the experience (he wants to really learn something, not go on some cute and neat study abroad head trip).

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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I'm not sure if this will be posted by the moderator because I am going to be painfully honest. To begin the Beijing Sports University holds a warm place in my heart; when I first began attending classes there in 1983 it was still called the Beijing Sports Institute. But let me cut to the chase.

When I first attended BSU also know as Beijing Univ. of Physical Education there was one other foreigner there, a Canadian woman studying martial arts. To say it has changed a great deal since then is an understatement; the head of the Foreigner Students Department has changed 4 times.

BSU is located in Haidian just beyond Qinghua University and the YuanMingYuan ruins and is still a relatively quiet and pollution free area of the city. As the size of the student body has increase so has the teaching staff. And that is the first complaint many foreigners have with the school. Although foreign students pay much more than local Chinese students, the best teachers, and some of them the best in China, teach the Chinese team while graduate students with little or no teaching experience teach the foreigners. That is not to say you can't hire one of the profs for private lessons, though it is supposedly forbidden.

All in all, the accomodations aren't bad by Chinese standards, until recently $200 for a private dorm room, which you can furnish with frig., carpets, etc., though you aren't supposed to cook in the rooms. The food isn't half bad in the foreign dining room, though some of the students that want to save money and prefer veg to meat eat in the Chinese cafeteria.

But there have been some thefts in recent years, any Chinese that come to visit you must check in and out, and for some reason the school is prone to fits of violence. By this I mean in its early days an African student had his eye put out in a riot with locals, and in 1994 3 Chinese students were killed in a fight in one of the restaurants and on the path back to the South gate of the campus. Also some Japanese students tend to suffer from severe depression; one hung himself in his room, and another jumped from a downtown building. I'll admit that the second commmited suicide because his parents forbid him from marrying a local Chinese girl. The final episode I know of, though probably not the last that has occurred, was a friend of mine being stabbed in the back by another martial arts students; the kid went off his rocker. The problem I have with this is the administration tried to gloss over the affair, didn't want to take it to the police until we demanded it, and let the culprit leave the country without prosecution. And what's even crazier is I heard he has recently come back.

I could go on forever, and again I will say even after all of this the place will always be dear to me; I studied martial arts, sports medicine, and TCM. But it's China and things are different in China and anyone going for an extended period will understand this. Need more advice, explanations, advice, encouragement, email me

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