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Help with some words in 中国农民调查


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I sometimes go for pages with no problems, and then have many problems on some pages. Can someone help me with these queries on pages 1-3 of the introduction of A Survey of China's Peasants?

1. Page 1: 我们发现,原先存留在我们印象中的那一幅幅乡间风俗画,不过都是遥远而虚幻的田园牧歌,或者说,是过惯了都市浮躁生活的城里人对乡间的一种向往。According to the ABC dictionary, 浮躁 means “impetuous”. Is this a mistaken character? Should it be 浮燥 meaning “superficial and impetuous”? I think superficial would be a better word here, and I think the Chinese word may have been written wrong.

2. Page 2: 种子、化肥、灌溉机械种收以及这税那费: I couldn’t find 种收 as a word. Does it just mean “planting and harvesting fees” here?

3. 一旦患病,小病强忍,大病等死: I couldn’t find 强忍 as a word in a dictionary. I suppose it means “put up with it”?

4. 这个乡的乡长又是个敲骨吸髓的贫官: I couldn’t find 贫官 and don’t think it means “poor official”. Does it mean “petty official”?

5. 我们在惊讶于贫赃枉法者已是无处不在的同时,更令人窒息般地感到话题地沉重: does anyone know what 贫赃 means? Also, I couldn’t understand what “更令人窒息般地” meant.

6. 我们竟发现,属于《天堂》杭州市地淳安县…其实也富裕不到哪里去: 富裕不到哪里去 – I couldn’t understand this.

7. Page 3: 问题凸现出来: I couldn’t find 凸现 in a dictionary. Does it mean “crop up”?

8. 今日中国之巨大变化,盖得益于二十多年前那场举世瞩目的大变革: 盖得益于 is hard to understand.

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Lets have a shot . . .

1) 浮躁 is also given as restless. I think that makes sense - the hurried city life, in opposition to the calm of the countryside.

2) +3) I agree with what you've got

4) Not sure about this one. 贫 can also mean inadequate, deficent, but 'poor' seems the most likely interpretation, although I find it hard to fit that in with the context.

5) 贫赃 I'm not sure about. The second part would translate something like 'The seriousness of the problem left us unable to breath'. The 窒息般地 is along the lines 'like stop breathing' - 窒息-般-地 (sorry, not a very clear explanation. Just note that this is an adverb attached to 感到)

6) A little bit of sarcasm here I think. XX County is part of the 'Heavenly' Hangzhou - but the riches don't make it that far.

7) stand out, become prominent. (as an aside, I remember reading a short story where a woman described her body as '该凹的都凹,该凸的都凸 8) ' )

8 ) I agree, it is hard to understand. I can't think of a specific sense of 盖 that fits here

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4 and 5 -> I believe it is a typo. Not , but . It is 貪官 and 貪贓.

5 -> 令人窒息般地 - in a suffocating manner; the second 地 should be 的, another typo.

7-> Take a look -> http://www.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/cgi-bin/agrep-lindict?query=%bb%5c&category=wholerecord

for, oft. used as initial particle, introducing a generalization:

蓋聞 for I've heard it said that;

蓋天下萬物之萌生,靡不有死 for nothing lives which doesn't die;

stating an admission: 蓋有之矣 it is possible that such cases exist;

蓋難言也 it is difficult to say (I admit, I allow);

蓋因 it is because.

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I checked my print edition, it is a typo. 贪官, 贪赃.

A man of great erudition and wisdom (and I only say that as he reads the forums) once told me that a very useful skill in reading Chinese was the ability to spot a typo, rather than spend an hour looking it up in various dictionaries. Guess I need to develop that skill.


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另外,关于"贫官"的印刷错误,作为一个中国人,我最初根本没有发觉,也就是说我直觉中已经把"贫官"认为是"贪官"了。 这的确是个有用的直觉。




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1.i agree with user of "roddy"

2.yeah.the word of"种收"can translate into "planting and harvesting "

3.your attitute is correct.it means “put up with it"

4that's a print false.the correct character is"贪官"。equal to "malfeasant"

5."窒息"means "out of breath"

6."富裕不到哪里去"means "not very rich."

7.凸现means "something appear clearly"

8"盖"is a modal word,no meaning.“得益于”equal to "profit from"


Hi.friends.I'm a chinese.Some foreign friends said chinese is hard.But I don't think so.If you need a assistant,I'm glad to help you.You could contact me by following :e-mail:mhmem@163.com.also you could chat with me by MSN.MSN:mhmem@hotmail.com

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所以"强忍"就是"强迫(自己)忍受"的意思,如果翻译成"put up with",当然意思也对,但是程度不够。




还有第三种意思,就是相当于“大约”、“大概”, 这需根据上下文的意思来推断用哪个比较合适。

"得益于",将之分开看你就明白了。"得"="获得","益"="利益" , "于"=表示动作、行为的所从,意义相当于“从”或“自”





因为,由于 [because]然侍卫之臣不懈于内,忠志之士忘身于外者,盖追先帝之殊遇,欲报之于陛下也。——诸葛亮《出师表》



发语词 [oh]






表示推测,相当于“大约”、“大概” [about;probably]盖余所至,比好游者尚不能十一。——宋·王安石《游褒禅山记》


却,则 [but]



何 [why]


何不 [why not]


另见 gě

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ggonline, 我是英国一所大学中文系的毕业生,也在中国 (天津师大)曾经留过学一年 (1992-1993)。但是,我应该告诉你,我的汉语水平并没有像你说的那么高。很可惜,自从1995年毕业以来,我一直在英国, 没有很多的机会联系汉语,所以我的汉语渐渐地还给老师了。看中文报纸的时候,大概的意思我能明白,但是会看的汉字不多会写。这是我打算明年回到中国去留学,上班什么的的原因。你说我应该试一试猜出生词的意思, 是有道理,可是我宁愿查词典,以便确认生词的正式翻译。那个《强忍》,我应该知道是什么意思,但是因为《强》是一个多音字,我原来以为是qiang2而不是qiang3!"金山词霸" 我没听说,但是用法可能跟 ABCD词典/文林软件差不多。

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