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Is there a similar thing like HSK for Cantonese?

少 霆

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I have a few friends who have learned Cantonese and recently we've been talking and I've told them all about the HSK test and we all don't know the answer to if there such a test or ability to be graded for Cantonese??

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If you mean administered by an educational institution endorsed by the government, then no, because putonghua is the official dialect of China.


If you want a Cantonese examination, there should be GCSE cantonese and A level Cantonese. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you're talking about the Edexcel Chinese GCSE and A-level, they do not use colloquial Cantonese, but Modern Standard Chinese with Cantonese pronunciation. In practice though, I'm not sure how the Cantonese examiners are marking it, especially as the option for specifying spoken Mandarin vs spoken Cantonese will come into effect in 2019.

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There are two that I've found: The Chinese University of Hong Kong's Certificate in Chinese Language (Cantonese)  (including a separate Computerised Oral Proficiency Assessment available here) and a certificate from ACTFL.


To my knowledge, the latter is held in reasonably high esteem and provide assessment and certificate for a whole host of languages. I'm unsure if the CUHK will allow just an assessment test for Cantonese to non-students - I would hope they do, but can't confirm.

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