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A dip in the hot springs 泡温泉


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Agree, @Jim -- I've never found anything even close back in Texas. These are one of several reasons I always look forward to coming back to China.



Even enjoyed some of the slightly shabby run-down ones I visited a many years back, expect they'll have been renovated by now.


Me too, they don't even have to be spiffy. Some seem to eventually get renovated, while others close down. I'm not sure overall whether these places are flourishing or going the way of the dinosaur.  

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It's been so long since I have been. This looks like quite a large facility and reminds me of the time I decided to get a foot soak and massage (I hate people touching my feet, so in hindsight I really shouldn't have wasted my money thinking it might be bearable for me).


Also, I am cracking up at "打呼專區".

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Excellent peep into ordinary life, about a subject as you say is probably not in any textbook.


Its now getting very cold here in the UK and the thought of a long soak in hot water done in your own time with all the extras sounds so inviting. I am sure it would ease my aching old bones:shock: well not so much,  but as the weather turns I do notice a few more aches and pains each year as the weather changes.


Thanks for all your efforts.

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it is nice to see the modern use of the oldest power source in the world.  I live in Nevis which is a volcano.  I mean the whole island is a volcano and it is located near Montserrat, which erupted in the 1990s.  here there is one of the oldest commercial hotel in the Caribbean with Spas.  It was opened over 200 years ago.  It is now a World Unesco Site in Nevis.  The 200 year old spa facility is now shabbily dilapidated and funds are needed to make it like what I see in those pictures.  I just wish some of those beautiful pictures were of the same kind of facilities in Nevis.   It is good to see China doing more for renewable energy.

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Interesting, I didn't know that about Nevis! Had pictured white sandy beaches.


8 hours ago, gwr71 said:

It is good to see China doing more for renewable energy.


Everyone I know here uses solar hot water. It's feasible since Kunming gets lots of sun. My old roof-top unit didn't work too well, but a couple years ago it broke and my landlord put in a new one. It now can heat water even on overcast days and keep it hot 10 or 12 hours.


The west part of Yunnan is more volcanic than Kunming, particularly the Baoshan 保山 and Tengchong 腾冲 areas. Visiting there was an eye opener as to how many ways one could harness natural steam and very hot water.

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On 11/27/2017 at 8:57 AM, Shelley said:

Its now getting very cold here in the UK and the thought of a long soak in hot water done in your own time with all the extras sounds so inviting.


It eases my old aching bones for sure and puts a spring in my step. Makes me feel like a Roman Senator.


What I like a lot is how it's part of the fabric of daily life here; not something that requires extraordinary effort, commitment or expense. Friend phones and says, "Think I'll go for a soak this evening, want to come along?" And it's then a done deal.


Since these places stay open all night, they often get businessmen who have been out on the town once their own party is over and they want to wind down. They rock up for a bath, have coffee or tea and a light midnight supper, then sleep over and go to work straight from the sauna in the morning after breakfast. One can either crash in one of the large resting halls, using a recliner, or rent a small, simple bedroom for very little money.

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I know that feeling. People come off cruise ships just to dip into the government hot springs at Bath Village, for only 15 minutes. Anymore and the person can die.  The old spa is still hot.  I tested it many years ago.  Here in Nevis, Geothermal  energy has been recommended by the US Congress.  I hope drilling will begin next year.  Maybe we can learn from the experiences of where you are.  please send more pics it is very lovely to see geothermal energy in action over there.

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