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[HELP!] A couple looking forward to study together in China

Matheus Salgado

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I am Matheus and I am a Brazilian medical student. I've been studying chinese for the last couple of years and my girlfriend recently started taking chinese classes at the local Confucius Institute (CI) as well. We're really looking forward to go study in China next year, with the one-year language study scholarship provided by Hanban. The thing is that we're planning to apply to Fudan University instead of Huazhong University Of Science And Technology (HUST), which is the partner of the CI where we both study. We have some questions regarding that, since we'd like to go to same university!

1. Is it possible to apply to more than one University when going through the application proccess? (We'd like to have that guarantee, since the chances of being accepted to HUST are far higher)


2. Can my application be somehow linked to hers, so that one of us wouldn't be accepted without the other? 


3. We are planning to take the HSK3 by then - the required for the scholarship. Would our chances of being accepted to Fudan increase significantly if we take the HSK4?


4. Is there anything beyond the HSK results and the Recommendation Letter taken into consideration in the proccess? Maybe Chinese Bridge awards, the nationality of the applicant or the graduation course? (We'd like to match all the possible criterias of acceptance)


Thanks in advance for your response!

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Hello, I will tell you out of my experience with my scholarship last year:

1. You have up to 3 options for universities. The first one will take top priority. However, my CI director told me universities DON'T like being second option (and even least third). So think carefully which one you choose first, and why not, second or third.

2. No, sorry. Just a tip: don't reject a scholarship once it's been awarded to you. In China they told me you might never get another one after that.

3. Yes, hsk 4 gives you a higher chance, and even better if with a high score. (as well as hskk intermediate). Also, every year the requirements vary. Maybe next year only hsk 4 students may apply for one-year, we never know.

4.chinese bridge winners are awarded with a scholarship for sure. About Graduation course...no one really knows, although I'm more leaning towards having a career related to china might increase the chances slightly. About nationality, it depends on the scholarship quota of your country. Some countries are given 2 scholarships, while others are given 30, to give an example.

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are you sure that you can pick 3 universities? Cause I'm pretty sure that when I was submitting my application, there were only two options available. But you have a good point with that universities probably don't like to be a second choice. 

Also, point 3, it's not so sure actually. You may be right, but on this forum, there were stories of people who were refused scholarship because their HSK level was too high. So it's much safer bet to take HSK3 and score as high as you can than to take HSK4 which is not even required. 

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