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Refused CGS Scholarship, what happens?

 Njord Frans

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Hello, everybody! I have been an active member here and fortunately, this year in summer, after applying and sending all the necessary documents, I have been awarded the EU Window Scholarship to study the Chinese language as a general scholar for 1 year. However, due to very unfortunate reasons, being the fact that I haven't finished my Bachelor studies yet, I had to refuse the scholarship.

This is quite late for me to ask about, I realized I should have done it before, but at that time, around August-September, I have only mailed the university for which I have applied, telling them that I cannot take the scholarship and arrive anymore, because my university cannot allow me to freeze my studies for 1 year, so that I could go and study the general scholar program. This is a situation I haven't been expecting, so I wouldn't know I had been forced to give up the scholarship because of that. I didn't send any other official documents to anyone, I simply didn't apply for the visa.

This year, however, as it is my final year, I have already decided to apply again for a master degree program, and my questions which have been worrying me for some time is: Will the fact that I have been awarded a scholarship in the past, but refused it(simply didn't go and didn't apply for visa) affect my chances of getting a scholarship again? Am I forbidden in any way to apply again for the scholarship?

I am aware of the fact that the CGS committee has its own system for choosing the candidates, but I really hope there may be someone with more experience or who has more information about it and can answer me regarding my situation. Thank you so much.



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I was awarded the EU Window scholarship in 2017 and refused because I had already accepted an offer to go to university in my home country. I contacted them and they replied with this:





In case anyone else reading this is unsure of the above text, it mentions two options. The first is that you give up on your scholarship and apply for next year. Option 2 is to contact the school and see if they can give you approve you for the follow year, and then report to CSC with approval, then you can use the scholarship for the second year. But... the person who wrote this e-mail to me was unsure of if option 2 is even possible (standard Chinese bureaucracy in my experience).


Good luck !

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That sounds even better than expected. I didn’t even think that there may be a possibility to “postpone” the scholarship, even though I am thinking it may be more than just difficult to do it. But the fact they told you that you can simply apply for next year, it means that there is no problem about refusing it. I will be trying to apply once again for the upcoming year, thank you so much for your answer :)!

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