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Finding a 老外-friendly Taiji / Tai Chi class in Beijing?


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After a very long break I'd like to start doing Tai Chi / Tai Ji again (preferably Yang style) in Beijing.


I've spent hours on the web trying to find details of classes but found absolutely nothing... I guess martial arts are one of those areas where the exponents aren't necessarily interested in websites etc. (unless you're in California, Australia...)  The fact that the 24-step short form is often called the "Beijing form" doesn't help with searches either.


When I was in Singapore I found a class I enjoyed through some kind of online list of Tai Chi association members I think.  I was the only foreigner but the teachers spoke in a mix of Mandarin and English and it was great.  Sadly I only found it shortly before I left Singapore.


Any suggestions on how/where to find a class, preferably close to Dongzhimen or thereabouts? 


Would it be a matter of looking at noticeboards in Wushu-equipment shops or certain cafés just like in the pre-Internet days?

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A very good teacher ( not yang ) is Chen huiying he is in Ditan park ( go to the middle of the park then walk north along the main walkway. he is on the right hand side before the big open space and toilets. he teaches Hunyuan taiji and was a direct student of Feng zhiqiang 冯志强 . Master Chen runs this group every morning ,I think starting about 8ish till 11ish. at the weekends there are extra teachers on hand as well.

Feng passed away several years ago but he still has a large group around the world. www.hunyuantaiji.com/cn I believe still works


If you still want yang there was a very old teacher of yang next to this group but I am not sure he is still with us.


There is a lot of taiji in the parks but a lot is now for the elderly and has lost some of its flavour . its funny you mention the 24 step " beijing form" looking at your name i would guess you are from the uk. The originator of that forms daughter now lives in telford where she teaches taiji.


Here is an interview with Feng, done by a polish guy who now lives in shanghai. Might give you an overview. 




Hope that is some help.

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58 minutes ago, the madman said:

www.hunyuantaiji.com/cn I believe still works


No it doesn't but http://hunyuantaiji.com.cn does (although very out of date)... is that what you meant?


Thanks for the pointers.   Are these sessions free to join?


By "Laowai-friendly" I guess I meant that I'm really looking for a class where the teacher is able to communicate at least partly in English, so I'm able to follow explanations on things like Qi and breathing rather than just copying a bunch of movements. I'm more than happy to learn lots of Taiji vocab but that will take a while I guess. 





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Yes that's what I meant .





Not sure on price as I never asked. I met teacher Feng many times and he was fantastic and very helpful, teacher Chen is very much like him, very quiet but very capable. I remember that some English speaking Chinese students come to class most times and he has taught lots of foreigners . He is more than able to show you how everything works and is a great advert for the system considering his age. Its worth going to visit just to see him practice。


This is a photo of him after a quick search so you know who you are looking for http://www.hypuxi.com/ccpx.html?code_id=02000005


and some pics of the area they train in.  http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1241678347


for you info chen huiying in hanzi 陈惠盈。


If it does not fit he may be able to help with directions to other teachers.


just so you know I am not a student there but as taiji teachers go I believe he is very good.


hope that is of some help.



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