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How good must your grades be in order to study among the top three international universities in China?(Beijing, esp. Fudan, Peking)


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I am a german student in and after I graduated, I would like to go to University in China.

I am still in the process of learning the language, but I have some time left, so thats ok. 

But I couldnt find information about how good your grades have to be, to study at one of the top universitys in China. 

So I am asking here and I hope to get an answer. 

Thank you ^-^.

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It depends. Actually not very difficult, but you'll get send to the foreign department of the university. Which means that most classes will be in English, not Chinese. While the foreign department of the Chinese top universities are technically part of said university... you shouldn't expect Ivy League treatment.

If you want to enroll into the Chinese classes you'll need to pass the HSK(6 IIRC). And then it all depends on your references. Enrolling into a masters is easier than a Bachelor, still you'd have to go by the type of major to figure out what Chinese fluency they require of you.

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22 hours ago, Charluet said:


I am a german student in and after I graduated, I would like to go to University in China.

I am still in the process of learning the language, but I have some time left, so thats ok. 

But I couldnt find information about how good your grades have to be, to study at one of the top universitys in China. 

So I am asking here and I hope to get an answer. 

Thank you ^-^.

In general I would not recommend someone from the Western countries with good education system to kick-off their academic life in China. Even though you consider these "top universities of China", their global reputation is still under development, and there is a good chance that a scarce number of people would recognize them in case you decide to come back to Europe and work and live here. At least do your bachelor here in Europe, then as a university student apply for scholarships in China, spend a year there as a language student, see for yourself whether you like what you see, and you can apply for master's degree program later (with quite good scholarship options).

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@ZhangKaiRong I agree. I've interviewed a lot of people in my time working in the big multinationals and realistically a degree from  a Chinese university wouldn't even make the short list. There are just too many CV s to look at and you need some way of filtering them down. Mainly for the reason that no one would have heard of these universities and realistically not many are going to go about researching the quality of them. It may not be fair but that's life unfortunately 


Can't speak for all disciplines but certainly things like engineering (not familiar with European building and manufacturing codes) ,business , finance etc it's just the way it is . 


When we took candidates outside Europe then it would be USA, India etc. China is just too far down the pecking order . 


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I would echo what ZhangKaiRong said above.


I have undergraduate degrees from both Fudan University and one of the top universities in the UK.


There are a few things to consider. One is the quality of education. In China, the syllabuses are essentially the same across universities, which are dictated by the few standard text books available. Most lectures will essentially just consist of a lecturer going through exactly what's in the textbook. Exams essentially rely on you memorizing the material by rote - there is little scope for creative or your own analytical input. I'd say this contrasts with the UK, at least, where the emphasis is on your understanding and application of the material, rather than just your ability to regurgitate it. Also, I can't speak for all institutions, but cheating in exams in my UK university was almost unheard of. Yet in Fudan, cheating (mainly through talking to each other and reading each other's answers) happened to a greater or lesser extent in every exam, and the invigilators did little to curtail this. This puts you in a difficult position - either you stay honest and suffer against everyone else's inflated marks, or you join in with the cheating.


The other thing is, no matter how good your Chinese is, covering the vast quantities of material will be difficult, especially when you are competing against some of the most diligent students in China at those top universities. Also worth considering is that learning resources are very limited - apart from the standard textbooks, there is little other material available, either in Chinese or English. Resources on the web in Chinese pale in comparison to those available in English (Wikipaedia for example), and most of the outside web is blocked from China. You can use VPNs to circumvent this, but they are slow and unreliable, and who knows whether these will be working at all by the time you get to that stage.


Doing a degree in China is an experience. I would not want to dissuade anyone from doing this if it is the experience they are after. But from a purely academic point of view and in terms of future job competence and prospects, I would really recommend you do a degree in your own or another Western European or similar country.

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