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Need help indentifying this vase


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That's a fake Qianlong reign mark.


The design work and that garish pink palette suggest this was made in the last 25 years, presumably in China. The vase has no collectible value; it's only for decoration.


Note that with Pier One shutting down, vases like this may be harder to find in the future.



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Mulling over that vase further, I think it may well be Vietnamese, based on the colour pattern and the sloppy lines. Vietnam produces quite a lot of mock Chinese ware, which is never up to Chinese standard.


If you post more ceramic pieces, post full photos of the bottoms not just the marks. The bottoms reveal a lot.

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Right, so he can post one, and when it's resolved to his satisfication, post the next one.


Otherwise the Tattoos and Quick Translations sub-forum just becomes post after post of these (it's already 5 of the most recent threads there), especially if it's going to be an ongoing thing.

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Except there are often afterthoughts or further comments by others on a piece later. It does quickly become a mess.


And frankly, it's not as if this board is drowning in new posts.


Maybe a better compromise would be the OP not posting more than a couple of items or so a week.


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On 3/8/2020 at 5:02 AM, 889 said:

Maybe a better compromise would be the OP not posting more than a couple of items or so a week.

That's one compromise, but I'd also want to see some variation in the titles for each of the posts - currently there are 4-5 topics on the "most recent posts" that have essentially the same title.


If he wants a separate post per piece, I'd also want to see some background about each piece - is the piece in OPs possession (or is he thinking about purchasing it), where did it come from, what is his interest in it, what does he hope to do with it etc etc.  Just something more than a bunch of threads that say "help identify this object" that stop once the object has been identified as a knock-off.

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Seems pretty clear to me he's in the business of buying stuff by the lotload from estates and such, then sorting through it and selling it on ebay and elsewhere. Not that it's my business or yours what his business is.


The important point should be keeping the forum alive and active and welcoming new blood.


If we had a hundred posts a week from people seeking help with their "antiques" that would be another matter. But we don't.


All considered, this is just a storm in a teapot.


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49 minutes ago, imron said:

If we had a hundred posts a week from people seeking help with their "antiques" that would be another matter. But we don't.

At the same time, it doesn't help if we have 20 posts all titled "Need help identifying vase", each with 4-5 posts that follows the format:


First post -> Anyone know anything about this vase?

Second post -> It's a fake

Third post -> Thanks.


Then repeated over and over in new threads.

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Hi guys


I did not know I had created such mess on this site. First I don't want anyone to get offended of what I am going to say. After seeing your comment I have been pondering if I should say anything or not.


Everyone has been a great help. I understand maybe the titles should say something different to be able to distinguish them apart. that is something for you admins to establish.

I did not hide anything, I said I purchased them in an estate sale and after a long three to four weeks of research, trying to identify them myself, I found this site and asked for help. In my short time on this site, 889 has been great help and I think he is a great asset to this site as well as everyone else, I am sure of it.


I bit about myself.

I am in my late 50's of my life

I have been on my own since 17 and never had the need to ask my parents for anything while growing up.

I retired from the workforce in 2010, and doing great at my own pet supply company my wife and I opened. You see I have a lot of time I can spend on my hobby.

I discovered I loved to collect china and glass.

I purchase items at estate sales or anywhere I come across them. When I find something, I think its a good deal and that interest me, I will purchase it. Wouldn't Any of you do the same?

I said to 889 that I had more items I needed help with. I did so because I had been unable to find additional info on them in order to establish if i wanted to keep them or not.

I don't purchase giant lots at a time. If I do make a purchase it would be considering if I would like to ad them to my collection first. "Is it something I would leave to my kids?). After purchasing, I research them to see if they make the final cut.

I try my hardest to research the items before asking you guys for help (The Experts), and from what I have seen on this site "WOW lost of knowledge and experience" After all how can I learn the hobby if I don't do research for myself.

The items that don't make the final cut, I will try to sell,  because in reality why keep stuff that didn't make the cut. Would any of you?

Bellow is one of my three cabinets of china that I have in my collection and the log cabinet is stuff my wife keeps. The drawers are full of plates that are to big for the top.

The other two cabinets are at my mothers house, because she has more room to store them. She also loves the collection. "she thinks they are hers and she is always showing them of to her friends". She wants me to purchase another cabinet for her.


You guys started this site, I believe, so you could help others in the hobby. It is always a good thing to spread your knowledge when ever possible.

Is it not?

So if imron, 889, ChTTay or anyone else  thinks I am out of line please let me know and I will leave without any problem at all.

If you would like me to stop posting, I totally understand.


Thank you all for everything you have done and special thanks to 889.



Luis Rodriguez





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Very interesting collection!


In addition to Teachat for teaware, look on the Antiquers board, especially for all that glassware.


But for translations in particular, I think you'll find the broadest backgrounds here. Looking forward to seeing more of your items.


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No one is offended, and no one wants you to stop posting.  All I was asking for is a little more organization so that we don't see a wave of identically titled posts with very similar content.


That's why I suggesting having a single thread that you just keep adding new things to, or in having variation/uniqueness in thread names so that at a minimum I (and other mods) don't have to come in to check if it's a double post that needs removing, or a new unique post.


Likewise, no one is saying you are hiding anything, it's just that providing more information about pieces and their background makes the posts more interesting for people.  You don't have to give your life's story, just a little bit of background about a piece and why you like it/are interested in it.  That helps reduce the repetitive nature of just asking "what kind of vase is this?".

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19 hours ago, imron said:

let me know how you admins would like me to post, you know for organization

As mentioned twice already, my preference would be for a single thread that you keep adding new posts to when you have a new piece you'd like to identify.


889 mentioned that might get clumsy, so an alternative (also mentioned twice) would be to make separate threads, but have variation in the thread names such that people won't confuse two separate threads if they are only looking at the title, and try not to have 3-4 all going at the same time.


For example here are the titles of all your threads so far:


1. Need help indentifying this vase

2. Need help indentifying vase

3. Need help indentifying this vase

4. Need help indentifying plate & markings

5. Need help with tea pot.


It's not immediately obvious from the title whether 1-3 are separate posts or if you have mistakenly posted the same thing 3 times (this thing happens a lot, and even regular posters do it occasionally).   Being able to differentiate by title is important because many people will only be browsing unread content by thread title name, so having multiple recent threads by the same person all with the same or very similar name is confusing.

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Thanks.  The more varied your posts are, and the more background information they contain, they more people are likely to help.


And by background info, I don't mean you need to post your life story and business plans, rather just enough about each piece to make it interesting.


This is important when people are browsing with a text snippet of the first post in a thread.  Take for example the following screenshot I just took of the current front page


截圖 2020-03-09 13.41.22.png


With the exception of the plate post, then even looking at the text snippet it's not clear that the posts are all on different items or what is different/special about each post.


Compare that with other posts on the front page, where the text snippet (taken from the text of the first post) gives the reader a lot more meaningful information about what they can expect.


Differentiating the posts is going to get more people reading them.

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