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Studying pharmacy in Nanjing?


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Hello :) 


I'm an 18 year old student from Malaysia thinking about studying in China. I'm interested in drug research and I've recently gotten a full scholarship to study pharmacy in China Pharmaceutical University (CPU) in Nanjing. I think it's a good opportunity but it's unlikely I'll be able to practice pharmacy back in my own country with a bachelor's degree from CPU since the uni isn't on the list of recognized universities. 


So here is my question: Has anyone here studied in CPU? What is it like there? Is it a good university? (It's hovering somewhere around the 80th in China's university rankings, is that bad?) Are there better universities that offer courses in English? (I'm Malaysian Chinese but my Mandarin is pretty rusty)


What are the job opportunities like after graduation? What's the pharmaceutical industry in China like?


I'm pretty desperate for advice since I can barely find anything on CPU. So thanks in advance for any information at all. :) 

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