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Apkg file (incl. audio) import to pleco


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Hey guys,


i am sorry I could not find this in the forum search.


i have a file with Flashcards sentences that I would rather use in pleco than in the AnkiApp for iPhone. I managed to get the file into pleco, but I am not able to open it.

Is there a trick I am missing?


Thanks for your help!


kind regards,




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I don't think you can import an apkg file (which is an Anki deck?) into Pleco. You'd need to export from Anki into - looks like it'd have to be a .txt file-  and then... get that into a .csv for import? Not sure what's best, but I'm sure someone will advise. 


Edit - just seen the 'and audio' bit - not sure that's possible. @mikelove?

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APKG import is not possible at the moment (though it's coming soon). But yes, for now you'd want to export to a tab-delimited text file (or into a CSV, then open it in Excel or your favorite spreadsheet app, then export it as tab-delimited text) and then import that into Pleco.

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Thanks guys. I will give that solution a try. I guess for now it will be without the audio then as @roddy mentioned.


@mungouk: I totally agree with your statement. I think Pleco is a gift, I got the professional bundle and other stuff which is really helpful and with @mikelove support and feedback there is a solution for almost everything!
looking forward to the next big pleco update.

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2 hours ago, kanumo said:

I got the professional bundle


Just bought the professional bundle this week - I never even realised it had so much and had never got round to doing it. I don't think I've ever had a problem with pleco (other than when my input has been faulty). Has to be one of the best apps I've ever used including apps not related to Chinese. Huge credit to you Mike @mikelove.

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Heh, thanks!


Since it's relevant to this thread anyway, here are some screenshots of the Anki import dialog and the Anki profile type test settings in the big long-awaited "Pleco 4.0" update we're working on. In 4.0 the underlying flashcard scheduler is very arcane and programmer-y - made up of arbitrary filters + rules - but then to make this intelligible to users we also have a couple of premade templates that will automatically configure all of that for you; at the moment there's one which emulates our old flashcard system, a new simple default one that's kind of trying to be 'friendly SRS' (repetition spacing only for 'learning' cards, for everything else it just tries to fill up the amount of time you want to give it with old reviews), and then this one which emulates Anki settings.


We've dealt with the Anki note versus card business in Pleco by turning the Anki note into a regular Pleco flashcard but then turning each Anki card into a 'child card' which inherits its fields from the parent but retains its own scheduling info. (you can also have those generated automatically for new cards if you like that aspect of Anki and want to keep it, or you can use a batch command - which is now another arcane and rule-based thing like the flashcard scheduler and with instant previews like the importer - to merge those child cards back into the parent card if you'd like to have Pleco take care of choosing cards for you instead)


At the moment the Anki importer simply brings Anki cards into our database (including images / audio, that's what all of those ugly Markdown ![] links are - we do user text formatting in Markdown now), but there's enough abstraction between the flashcard system and the underlying database that in the future we might also add the option for Pleco to keep its database in Anki format (even to the point of doing tests in it), at least for iOS users who don't have the option of Anki API integration.


The field auto-detection stuff you're seeing here also applies to text format, incidentally - no more tediously lining things up in the right columns, now you can dump any old CSV or TSV or whatever into it and it'll make a generally-pretty-good guess about what's in each column, including sub-columns separated by brackets 面条【miántiáo】, quoted multi-line columns, simplified versus traditional, etc; can also give it an arbitrary regex and assign different fields to subexpressions in that.












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