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Xue Cun's New Album - 'Reviewed' (ok, commented on)


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Xue 'Dongbei Ren' Cun's new album is due out on the 28th of June. It's called 'It's all high-tech' (都是高科技 -my translation, not his) and apparently some of the songs are already available on the internet if you know where to look. I don't though.


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Well, only two weeks after it came out I got round to buying the album (8.60Y out of Carrefour)

I have to say it's a bit disappointing. The Dongbei Ren album was (I thought) a great mix of modern and traditional styles, with songs that were in some way about Chinese society - the life of waidi ren, getting married, etc. That albums Xingqisan de Dier Tang Ke (Second Class on Wednesday) is probably my favourite Chinese song, and I'm going to post the lyrics on here when I get around to it.

The new album (Quan Shi Gao Keji - It's all high-tech) is similar in the subject of the songs - selling stuff on the street and an office affair. However, the backing music all sounds like its been done by a cocktail lounge band with effects on random, so while the lyrics are great I'm finding myself turning the CD off and just reading them.

There's also a ballad version of Dongbeiren to enjoy.

Has anyone else got this? Agree / Disagree?

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Have you never seen the September 11th version of Dongbeiren? Try eg http://www.0556.net/flash/mtv/dbr911.swf .

Xue Cun I find to be a middling musician but a very good publicist. He wouldn't really be anywhere without the Flash version of Dongbeiren having come out. The other songs on the Dongbeiren album just don't grab me.

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